1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To provide an update on progress with a scheme designed to address structural deterioration of the 2 listed structures of Canford Main Bridge and Canford Flood arches in conjunction with improving the transport link across the River Stour at this location.
2. Recommendations
It is recommended that :
2.1 The description of progress, as detailed in the Report, be noted.
2.2 Approval be given to the Head of Transportation Services, in association with the Head of Property Services, to acquiring the necessary land for temporary and permanent works by agreement but, failing that, then a Compulsory Purchase Order be sought to acquire the land under the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 and the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.A
3. Background and progress to date
3.1 Canford Main Bridge and Canford Flood Arches are both Grade II listed and carry the B3073 (Oakley Hill) over the River Stour and associated flood plain. The bridges are located to the south of Wimborne Minster at the boundary of Poole with Dorset County Council.
3.2 Inspections confirmed structural deterioration in both bridges, particularly in the pedestrian footway attached to the upstream sides of the structures. It was therefore decided to seek special funding from the Department for Transport to address these problems.
3.3 Following submission of an “Exceptional Scheme Bid” to GOSW in July 2005 on behalf of both Poole and Dorset CC, an award was made, as Government Supported Borrowing, in a total of £3,167,000 to cover the cost of the necessary works. This sum included an amount of £716,000 for the Dorset CC contribution to the scheme.
3.4 Atkins consultants were originally appointed to undertake a feasibility study and to identify the investigative works which may be necessary. Objectives of the scheme were identified as,
· Structural mortar repairs and stone replacement works to permit a continuation of 44 tonne highway assessment loading.
· Removal of the cantilevered footway from western elevation of the structures and to halt structural deterioration caused by its attachment.
· To maintain the Canford Bridge crossing as a strategic highway link to avoid weight restrictions being imposed upon the structures.
· Conserve the heritage importance of the listed structures, and where possible, enhance their status.
· Address safety of vulnerable road users (cyclists) by providing a safe crossing route off the carriageway.
· Allow a linking up of the National Cycle Network route between Poole and Wimborne.
· Promote a linking of the Poole and Wimborne communities by implementation of a new bridge and investing in the structures that form a 'gateway' link over the river.
3.5 An in-house project design team was formulated comprising representatives from Transportation, Property, Legal & Democratic Services and Planning. Regular meetings are held to discuss such issues as Planning Approval, Listed Building consent and Land Acquisition.
3.6 Following completion of preliminary work by Atkins, Dorset Engineering Consultancy (DEC) were appointed to develop design options for the footbridge and to carry out investigatory works on the main bridge. As a result of the work by DEC, an outline design solution was prepared by Buro Happold Engineers for the new footbridge structure. This general arrangement drawing (CB001) will be displayed at the meeting and will form the basis of the Planning Application.
3.7 Buro Happold have further developed the proposed outline design by undertaking 3D design visualisations which will also be displayed at the meeting. It was considered that this would form an important element of the Planning Application.
3.8 Sub-contractors have been appointed to undertake investigatory works,
3.8.1 Dorset Ecological Consultancy have carried out a wildlife Habitats survey. A Phase 1 habitat survey has revealed no protected species that are likely to be directly affected by the works and a surrounding area that is, generally, not of noteworthy ecological importance, although still requiring mitigation against damage from construction. They have also carried out an evening bat emergence survey that revealed no current roosting bats in cracks of the bridge abutments. Instructions will shortly be given to seal any voids in the stonework to prevent future roosting.
3.8.2 ASI Heritage Consultants have produced a Conservation Management Plan. Despite being listed they concluded that the bridge is not particularly important from a conservation point of view, although care will be needed in repairs to the stonework.
3.8.3 Soil Mechanics Limited have undertaken a ground investigation.
3.9 An in-house team have also completed an underwater survey of the bridge structure. This did not reveal any significant problems.
3.10 Contact has been necessary with several outside bodies,
3.10.1 The Design and Conservation section of East Dorset District Council, who will also need to approve the Planning Application and Listed Building Consent.
3.10.2 Christchurch Angling Club and Deans Court Estate, who own land adjacent to the bridge and which will be required for the permanent and temporary works.
3.10.3 English Heritage, who are concerned with the Listed Building aspects.
3.10.4 English Nature and the Environment Agency, regarding works affecting the river. In this regard the Environment Agency have stipulated that work can only take place in the river between 1 May and 31 October each year as the winter and spring period is an important time for fish spawning. there can be no work undertaken in the river between 1 May and 31 October each year as this an important time for fish spawning. This will be an important proviso for the construction contract.
3.10.5 CLAG members have seen outline drawings of the new bridge. They had several concerns, including the width of the new bridge and tie in of cycle facilities. However, overall there was CLAG member agreement that the current option was the most suitable, taking into account requirements of English Heritage and those of the Planning Authorities.
Land Acquisition
3.11 During the preliminary design process, representatives of Property/ Legal & Democratic Services have been liaising with Agents representing adjacent land owners. Additional land is required on a permanent basis to construct the works and to allow future maintenance. But, in addition, land is required temporarily to permit the construction to be carried out. The aim of the negotiation process will be to agree mutually acceptable rates for the land required. In the same manner that Property Services have previously sought delegated approval to permit the Head of Property Services to agree compensation for land acquisition, it is proposed that the Head of Transportation be granted delegated approval to certify the necessary land acquisition procedure. As part of any compensation package there may be the need to agree accommodation works with the respective land owners.
3.12 Efforts will be made to acquire the necessary land by agreement and to avoid the need for a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO). However, if an acceptable negotiated outcome cannot be agreed, Members are asked to approve the seeking of a CPO to acquire the land, under the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 and the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
4. Future programme
4.1 As there are still many issues to resolve before works can start, it is difficult to be precise with timings. However, an outline of the possible timetable to completion is as follows:
Negotiations continue to acquire land by Agreement / November 2006 - April 2007Design / January 2007 - April 2007
Planning and Listed Building Consent Approval / March 2007
Tender period / April – May 2007
Contractor appointed and mobilisation / July 2007
Overall time period which works will be undertaken - (potential time available to Contractor to allow for flooding, non-working time in river, and road closure during least disruptive time) / July 2007 to December 2008
5. Contract issues
5.1 Until such time as a Contractor is appointed it is not possible to be precise as to how the works will be carried out. There will be constraints within which the contractor must work, including:
· Not being able to undertake any work within the river during the fish spawning period (1 Nov – 31 April).
· The area adjacent to the river is liable to flooding during the winter period.
5.2 Reconstruction of the carriageway over the existing bridge structure may require a full or partial road closure for a period, due to the limited carriageway width available. Traffic will then need to divert via the A31, which is not a very convenient alternative particularly during the peak periods. Discussions will be carried out with Bus Operators. The main service affected is the Wilts & Dorset 3, which operates every 15 minutes from Poole via Merley to Wimborne and then on to Leigh Park.
5.3 The tender analysis will include not only the financial submission but also include an assessment of the proposed method of construction, phasing, and the resultant disruption to traffic. Higher marks will obviously be given to the least disruptive, whether the bridge can remain open to traffic etc.
5.4 Extensive public information will be provided to the travelling public well in advance of the works as soon as the details are known.
6. Financial Programme
6.1 The expected expenditure profile is as follows,
2005/ 06 / 2006/ 07 / 2007/ 08 / 2009/ 10 / 2010/11 / TOTAL£9,707 / £150,000 / £1,267,000 / £1,680,000 / £70,000 / £3,176,707
6.2 A breakdown of how this budget is likely to be split is shown as Appendix A.
Acting Head of Transportation Services
Appendix A - Breakdown of estimated costs
Name and telephone number of Officer contact:
Graham Spicer (01202) 262072
Pre-contract Works
Survey and Investigation works (eg. geotechnical / ecological) £20k
Outline Design fees / option appraisal / loading assessment £16k
Development of Design (Buro Happold) £9k
Planning Application / Listed Building Consent £10k
Hydraulic modelling / Environment Agency consent £12k
Schedule of Works on bridge £5k
Land Acquisition (purchase cost / negotiation / fees) £30k
Design of new footbridge £20k
Preparation of construction / repair contract £20k
Procurement / contractor selection process £12k
Road Closure planning and liaison (BoP fees) £10k
Statutory Undertakers’ equipment
Consultation under New Roads & Street Works Act £4k
Diversion of electrical 11kV cable £9k
Diversion of gas main £100k
Construction Contract
BoP site supervision £150k
Footbridge supply and installation £1M
Repairs and refurbishment to existing bridges £820k
Footway / cycleway tie-ins and road crossing £60k
Lighting upgrade £15k
Removal of cantilever footway and rebuild of parapet £630k
Post Construction
Health & Safety File preparation and safety audit work £15k
Risk / contingency allowance £170k
Misc. BoP / Dorset County Council fees allowance £33k
Grand Total £3.17M