Press Release Template
Date: Insert Today’s Date
Bringing a Smile to (insert name of town/city)
National Smile Month is coming to (insert name of town/city), as (insert name of your organisation) will be holding a special event to back the national campaign.
Now Insert a paragraph containing all the information needed – remember the 5 W’s – who, what, where, when, why! Here’s an example:
“To show their support, the team from Smile Clinic in Oxdown will be holding a smile on a stick session in its waiting room on 30 May 2013 from noon that aims to to put the smile into National Smile Month. In opening their doors to the public, the team hope to raise awareness of how important oral health is.”
It’d be great if you could insert a quote from the chief organiser/head of your organisation. Here’s one we made earlier:
Dr Face from Smile Clinic said: “National Smile Month is an excellent opportunity to bring an element of fun to a serious issue.
“Good oral health is vital for a healthy smile as well as a healthy body, and we’ll be spreading that message at our open day.”
Here’s a quote you can pop in from us!
The Foundation’s Chief Executive Dr Nigel Carter OBE said: “I’m delighted that (insert name of your organisation) has joined the many schools, colleges, health professionals and other dental practices in engaging with National Smile Month. It is a great reflection of local community spirit and an excellent way to promote good oral health.
“Taking place from 20 May to 20 June, the campaign is an ideal opportunity to learn about oral health in a fun and positive way.
“By making an event as fun and imaginative as possible, we hope it will inspire more people to join in the fun than ever before while delivering the Foundation’s three key messages for good oral health of brush for two minutes twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, cut down on how often you have sugary foods and drinks and visit the dentist regularly – as often as they recommend.”
Insert your contact details here if you wish!
For more information please visit