1.0 Introduction:
Briarcare Ltd recognises the importance of dealing with complaints and grievances promptly and effectively.
Briarcare recognises that there are two main types of complaint:
A. Care Provision Related: the corrective actions for which are prescribed within the Care Standards Act 2000 (domiciliary care)
Typically these will relate to:
q Missed, late or short duration calls
q Access problems resulting in a missed or late call
q Competency of the carer during the call
Ο Physical needs not being adequately met
Ο Social needs not adequately being provided for.
Ο Disapproval of treatment received, verbal or physical services provided, accommodation, diet, environmental etc
q Inappropriate behaviour towards a service user by any member of Briarcare Ltd’s staff or vice versa
q Other care provision problems:
Ο Any other care provision complaints, which do not fit within the categories mentioned above
A complaint is any communication from a Customer/ Service-User/ Staff/ Families/ Visitors, in verbal or written form, expressing dissatisfaction with any of the following relating to care provision:
B. All Others Not Directly Related To Care Provision: these are referred to as non-conformances and refer to deficiencies relating to all the Company’s activities, including supplier performance, other than those related directly to care provision.
2.0 Objective:
To ensure that a formal procedure shall be used in order to provide a satisfactory response and to provide records of the nature, timing and originator of the complaint and the corrective and preventive actions taken as a result.
3.0 Procedure:
A. Care Provision Related
q The people receiving the complaint will log the complaint onto the Initial Complaints Log F/12 and if practicable investigate the circumstances and wherever possible will discuss the solution with the complainant.
q Where possible, all complaints will be dealt with to the satisfaction of all the parties concerned at the time of the complaint.
q Where this is not possible, the complaint will be directed within 1 working day to the Branch Manager.
q This may be done verbally or in writing
q If the Branch Manager is not available another competent responsible person will handle the complaint with temporary responsibility for the customer such as the Supervisor.
q The Branch Manager shall ensure that:
Ο The complaint is acknowledged in writing within the first 7 days of receipt
Ο A formal response is forwarded to the originator within 28 days
q The Branch Manager shall record all such complaints on the Complaints Investigation Form F/08
q The Branch Manager shall:
Ο Ensure that the relevant employee responds to the complaint and any other associated persons are advised of action taken during all phases of the complaints procedure.
Ο Investigate the nature of the complaint and establish the facts.
Ο Ascertain if any policies and regulations have been broken.
Ο Attach all other relevant paperwork such as letters, reports and so forth to the Complaints Investigation Form F/08.
Ο Ensure that any necessary corrective action is taken.
Ο In the event that a complaint takes longer than 28 days to investigate, the Branch Manager will inform the Group Director, who will organise that an interim letter is sent to the complainant explaining the situation.
Ο After a full investigation, relay a response to the complainant in writing detailing the corrective action to be taken e.g. Staff Training.
Ο Monitor the effectiveness of such action.
Ο File the Complaints Investigation Form F/08 for future reference
Ο Maintain a record of all complaints received on the Initial Complaints Log F/12
Ο Forward the Initial Complaints Log F/12 and Complaints Investigation Form F/08 to the Group Director regularly or as requested by the Group Director.
Ο The Group Director shall monitor and analyse all complaints in a manner, which highlights problems and report on the findings at Management Review Meetings.
Procedure 4.4.1 Management Review
Procedure 4.10.1 Corrective & Preventive Actions
q If the complaint cannot be dealt with by the Branch Manager it may be referred to the Directors or to:
Essex Suffolk Cambridge
Inspection Officer Inspection Officer Inspection Officer
Fairfax House St Vincent House Mortlock House
Area Office Area Office 53-54 Station Rd
Cession Road Cutler Street Histon
Colchester Ipswich Cambridgeshire
01473 269050 01223 266120
Complaints - Process Flow Chart - Care Provision Related
q If the response to the Complaint does not fully satisfy the any Carer related issues they are entitled to complain to:
General Social Services Council
Golding House
2 Hay’s Lane
London. SE1 2HB
0207 397 5100
0207 397 5800
0207 397 5101
B. All Others (Non–Conformances)
q The person identifying the non-conformance will decide whether the matter can be resolved immediately or needs further action by themselves or another person
q If the problem needs ongoing actions then that person will forward the details to the Quality Manager
q The Quality Manager will decide “who, what, when” and will liaise with the relevant Manager or Director and raise a Non-Conformance Report F/09
q The Quality Manager will then log the Non-Conformance Report F/09 on to the Non-Conformance Log F/52.
q The Quality Manager will then forward the Non-Conformance Report F/09 to the relevant Manager/ Director
q The Manager/Director concerned will then decide the necessary corrective actions and record these on the same Non-Conformance Report F/09.
Procedure OP 4.10.1 Corrective & Preventive Actions
q When satisfactorily completed, the Non-Conformance Report F/09 must be signed off by the Manager/Director concerned and returned to the Quality Manager
q The Quality Manager will then update the Non-Conformance Log F/52 to show the non-conformance has been closed out
Procedure OP 4.10.1 Corrective & Preventive Actions
q The Quality Manager will present the Non-Conformance Log F/52 and any unclosed or significant Non-Conformance Reports F/09 at the next Management Review Meeting for review by top management
Procedure OP 4.4.1 Management Review
Complaints Process Flow Chart – Non-Conformances
4.0 Persons Responsible:
Group Director
Quality Manager
Branch Managers
All employees
q The Group Director is responsible for authorising this procedure
q The Group Director has overall responsibility for the satisfactory resolution of all complaints
q The Quality Manager is responsible for:
Ο Ensuring the effective operation of this procedure.
Ο Ensuring that all complaints are recorded, investigated and reported.
q Any person employed by, or contracted to work for Briarcare Ltd may receive a complaint.
q All employees are responsible for dealing with or passing on any complaint or non-conformance for action.
5.0 Associated Documentation and References:
QM 4.5.1 Complaints
OP 4.4.1 Management Review
OP 4.10.1 Corrective & Preventive Actions
F/08 Complaints Investigation Form
F/09 Non-Conformance Report
F/12 Initial Complaints Log
F/52 Non-Conformance Log
6.0 Document History:
This section shows the approval and revisions of this document since its first issue. A vertical line in the left margin opposite the change will usually indicate changes from the previous version.
Version / Comments / Approved by / Date approved / Date of next review01 / First issue of document / Q M / 08.07.05 / 08.07.06
Text, graphics and pictures published in this document are the intellectual property of Briarcare Ltd. They may not be passed to other parties, either wholly or in part, except with the express permission of Briarcare Ltd
Br-SM/OP 4.5.1 Issue 01 Authorised By K Stokeld Printed on 20/03/2006 Page 8 of 8