Bread Mold Lab

Expectations for Write Up (25 points) ***Typed***

· Introduction-What is Mold? How does it form?

· Hypothesis- Testable statement based on prior knowledge and information

· Predictions: 4 if/then statements (one for each solution)

· Materials- be specific

· Procedures- be specific (at least 5-6 steps)

· Data- 2 data tables (group results, class results) make sure to have a title for each table

· Conclusion- Was your hypothesis correct? Was there any experimental error?

· Conclusion Questions from hand out.

· Graph of Group results compared to Class Average results.

(Make sure you have a title, labeled x and y axis, and use the majority of the graph paper)

Daily Observations 4 days’ worth (10 points)

Bread Mold Lab

Expectations for Write Up (25 points) ***Typed***

· Introduction-What is Mold? How does it form?

· Hypothesis- Testable statement based on prior knowledge and information

· Predictions: 4 if/then statements (one for each solution)

· Materials- be specific

· Procedures- be specific (at least 5-6 steps)

· Data- 2 data tables (group results, class results) make sure to have a title for each table

· Conclusion- Was your hypothesis correct? Was there any experimental error?

· Conclusion Questions from hand out.

· Graph of Group results compared to Class Average results.

(Make sure you have a title, labeled x and y axis, and use the majority of the graph paper)

Daily Observations 4 days’ worth (10 points)