Blurred foreground, with background in focus.
Blurred Background with fore ground in focus.
Freeze entire field of vision, blurring what is moving.
‘Chrono Photography’ – Using continuous shooting feature on the camera, capturing a series of shots, then editing the pictures in the processing stage.
Other examples of Motion Photography
Important aspects to remember when creating motion Photography:
· Timing
· Shutter speed
· Aperture
· Distance
You might end up taking 100 shots before you get the picture you want! Catching the correct image takes patience, skill and a certain amount of luck.
Shutter speed
Faster shutter speeds will give you crisper photographs
Lower shutter speeds will create more of a blur/
Blurring the front – slow shutter speed/ steady camera
Blurring the background - slow shutter speed/ pan the camera in the same direction as the moving object
Control the amount of light in the shot
Higher = more light
Lower = less light
Depth of what is in focus/field
Small = small area or subject/ making back ground out of focus
Large = bigger area in focus
Use the lens to calculate the distance between yourself and the subject.