Biology Policies and Procedures 2013-2014

Dear Parents or Guardians,

My name is Sue Senning and I have the privilege of working with your student in Biology this year. In order to guarantee that your child and all the students in my classroom have the educational climate they deserve, I need your support!

Both you and your student should read and sign the three handouts entitled “Classroom Policies and Procedures”, “Biology Grading Policy” and the “Student Safety Contract.” Please have your child return these signed papers by _____________ (date).

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call or email me.

Thank you for your support!

Sue Senning

Contact and Important Information

Sue Senning

Westwood High School, Room D2310

Phone #: 512-464-4002


Sharp School website:

Go to the Westwood High School Home Page. You will find my website listed under the “Our staff” tab.

Conference Periods: Orange days – 3rd block – 12:30 – 1:45 p.m.

White days - 7th block – 12:30 – 1:45 p.m.

Tutorial Times: 8:15-9:00 most mornings

After school on Thursday or by appointment.

See the Biology tutoring schedule for tutoring before and after school on Mondays through Wednesdays.

NOTE: This sheet should be kept at home for your reference.


Biology is a two-semester course consisting of lecture and laboratory experiences designed to cover concepts concerning living systems. It will involve learning new vocabulary and developing critical thinking, laboratory and communication skills.

Throughout the year, infused in the curriculum, we will be studying the nature of science, scientific inquiry, lab safety rules, and lab equipment. Other topics will include interactions of living systems, ecology, biochemistry, cellular structure and function, DNA, Mendelian genetics, human genetics, evolution, taxonomy and human body systems.


A. Supplies

Biology Policies and Procedures 2013-2014

1. Three ring binder (2 – 3 inch)

2. Pens: blue or black (for work) and red (grading)

3. Textbook (leave at home)

4. Pencils

5. Dividers (3)

6. Box of 12 map pencils

7. Tissues (to be collected and shared)

8. Roll of paper towels (to be collected and shared)

9. Other supplies to be collected and shared ___________________________

Biology Policies and Procedures 2013-2014

B. Notebook (Three-ring binder)

As a class, we will set up the notebook on Wednesday, September 5th (Orange Day) or Thursday, September 6th (White Day). Make sure you have all of your supplies on this day or you will have to set up your notebook at home or during tutorials.

C. Assignments

Each day class activities, assignments, and homework will be written on the board. The homework must be recorded on your “Homework/ Class Assignment Sheet” in your notebook. This information will also be posted to TeacherWeb.

Expect to have homework assigned to you every day. Unless it is stated otherwise, all assignments are due the next class period.


The Westwood High School Biology Department will use the following common grading policy. Six weeks grades will be divided into two categories, minor grades and major grades.

Minor Grades = 50% of total six-weeks average

· In-class assignments, labs, homework, stamp sheet, quizzes, etc.

Major Grades = 50% of the total six-weeks average

· We typically have two tests per six weeks. The notebook will be graded at the end of the six weeks and count as a major grade.

The designation of a grade as major or minor will be evident on Gradespeed and the Home Access Center. A detailed explanation of the grading policy will be posted to my Teacher Web and a written copy will be given to your student to take home after final district review and approval. The grading policy will also address late work, make up work and re-dos.

III. MAKE-UP WORK (when you are absent)

For all absences (school related absences, excused, and unexcused absences), you are responsible for finding out what work was missed, completing it, and turning it in when you return to class. You will have one day for each day you are absent to make up work. If there are extenuating circumstances, please speak to me so that other arrangements can be made. If you are absent for a test, you must make it up within one week of your return.

Always check TeacherWeb in order to know what you will need to makeup.


You will be given 4 passes per six weeks. Students cannot leave the first and last 10 minutes of the class or during instruction. All passes must be signed by the teacher before leaving the classroom. There is adequate time between classes and during lunch for most students to take care of personal needs. These passes should be used for emergencies to the restrooms or to the lockers.


I want all students to be successful in Biology. If you are having trouble in this class, please seek my help as soon as possible! My tutorial times will be posted on my door and on TeacherWeb. If you have questions concerning assignments, especially if you have been absent, you must attend tutoring for extra help as there is not time in class for this type of one–to-one instruction.


I will expect you to maintain an honest character as you continue to develop your independent learning skills. I have no tolerance for students who plagiarize work. A loss of credit for the assignment will be the result. In the case where another student is allowing you to copy his/her work, he/she will receive the same consequence. To encourage academic honesty on tests, students will be expected to remain in the classroom during testing and all personal materials will be placed at the front of the room.

(See Student Handbook and Code of Conduct for further information.)

ACTION REQUIRED: This form along with the science safety contract must be signed by the student and a parent or guardian and returned to your Biology class by _______________ (date).

Parent Contact Information:

Printed Name(s)__________________________ _______________________________

Home #________________________________ _______________________________

Cell/Work #_____________________________ _______________________________

Email__________________________________ _______________________________

Student Information:

Email: _________________________________________________________________

WHS Activities/Clubs: ______________________________________________________


Other Interests/Activities: ___________________________________________________

What grade would you like to make in Biology this year? _____________________

If you need help to achieve the grade that you would like to make this year, would you be willing to come in for tutoring or to seek help in building your organization and/or study skills?____________

I, ______________________________________(print student name), have read and understand the expectations for Biology.

As a parent or guardian of this student, I have read the classroom policies for this course.

Student Signature______________________________ Date ____________

Parent Signature_______________________________ Date _____________

**Parents/Guardians: Please feel free to use this space to convey any information about your child that would make the transition into my classroom smoother.