Fall - 2013
W: 10:00-11:40 AM
SPN 1120
Elementary Spanish I – 16903 Hybrid / E-Mail:
Phone: 407-582-2271
Office: East Campus 3- 129
Office Hours: T,TH, 9:00-10:00 AM
MW 9:00 -10:00AM
Friday- Saturday: Virtual Hours: 8:00-10:30 AM

¡Bienvenido(a)! Bem-vindo(a)! Welcome! Bienvenu(e)!


A different language is a different vision of life. ~Federico Fellini

Dr. Lester Sandres

Humanities and Foreign Languages

Class location: 4- 149 (East Campus)

Course Description

This course is an introduction to the Spanish language and culture. It is the first class of two semesters. The purpose is to introduce you to the experience of learning a foreign language, and give you the basic tools to continue your other Spanish courses. Method of Instruction:

The course will be taught through a combination of lecture, hands-on classroom exercises, homework assignment, and online work. Students should not assume that there would be class time to complete homework assignments.

SPN 1120 - Class Competencies

This course will develop your mastery in the following areas:
·  Reading skills (literal/critical comprehension)
·  Listening skills (literal/critical comprehension)
·  Speaking skills (composing and transmitting the message, using oralskills suitable to topic, purpose and audience).
·  Writing skills (literal/critical comprehension)

Course Objective

It is for students to achieve a novice level of proficiency in the target language (in writing, speaking, reading, and listening) as well as some awareness of the Hispanic culture, which will allow students to continue to the next course. In addition to the competencies acquire at the end of this course, at the end of the semester you will be expected to be able to use the target language at an intermediate - novice level.

Evaluation - Your grade will be calculated as follow for SPN 1120.

Attendance/participation/homework (not Online) / 20%
1 Oral presentation/ 1 Cultural Project/ 5 Compositions
1 Oral Interview / 20%
Online activities / 20%
5 Chapter Test/ Quizzes / 20%
Final Exam(per level) / 20%


·  Aventuras 4th edition, by Blanco & Donley. ISBN-13: 978-1-61857-055-0
·  Online Code: Vista Higher Learning Center. The online workbook and lab manual with audio allows you to receive immediate feedback on your work. This learning center also gives you access to an audio- and video-enhanced eBook, integrated textbook activities, partnered, voice-recorded activities, and companion videos with pre- and post-viewing activities.
·  Make sure your book is not an Instructor Edition. This will not be accepted in class! In addition, you need your book in class every time we meet.
·  Microphone (to complete audio recordings to be submitted online) Check with your professor first. (optional)
·  Course code______
Class Etiquette
·  All Cellular Phones Must Be Turned off During Class Period. No Texting During Class!!!
·  Students can bring their computers; I-pads are for taking only Spanish class notes.
Classroom Door
Students are responsible for closing and open the door very diligent while class is on session.
Students can bring their computers, I-pads, tape recorders to only take Spanish class notes.

Teaching Philosophy

Developing communicative abilities in Spanish and understanding the rich culture of the Spanish-speaking world are the two primary objectives of the course. Consequently, the program combines content-based language instruction with an interactive task-based approach. This means that the material will be presented to you thematically and that the activities used to reinforce your language development will focus on real-life language situations. You will be expected to actively participate in a variety of interactive small and large-group activities. This course is not based on lectures, but rather on active learner participation in different tasks that require students to use Spanish in various situations that reflect normal use of different varieties of Spanish. The class will be conducted in Spanish in order to provide you with maximum exposure to the language.

Students with Disabilities:

Students who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first week of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities (East: Bldg. 5 - 212) determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. The goal at the OSD is to open doors, remove barriers and assist you in any way they can. The key to success is matching your needs to the services provided.

"Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a Notification to Instructor (NTI) form from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. Please contact (campus phone number) for more information."

Location: Building 5, Room 212 Phone Number: (407) 582-2229 TDD Number: (407) 277-0238 Fax Number: (407) 582-8909

Valencia ID cards are required for LRC, Testing Center, and IMC usage. No other form of ID at those locations will be accepted. Possession and utilization of a Valencia ID is mandatory in order to obtain these services.

Course Policies:

§  Students may not use cell phones or any other electronic device while in class. Not only is it rude, but it is also disrespectful to disengage during class time by reading, using, or communicating with an electronic devise while you are in class. Turn them off and put them away. They should not be visible at any time during the class, or you will be asked to leave.

§  Students are required to take full responsibility for their success in the course. This includes knowledge of all of Valencia College’s policies; knowledge of all of this course’s policies; and be equipped and able to use the Internet, submit work through Blackboard, and view learning materials through Blackboard.

§  Students are required to ensure that they are equipped and ready to use materials and tools on Blackboard and to submit work electronically. All papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word. If students do not have the program, they can use any of the several computers available free on campus. Papers not submitted in the proper format will not be graded.

§  Students are expected to attend class. Students who are not present in class will not earn points for completed assignments. Certainly problems such as misbehaving cars, illnesses, and family emergencies come up. There is no need for students to document excused absences. Students are to take responsibility for attending all possible classes and to accept the policy that late work will not be accepted. To compensate for any missed assignments, students have the option of completing extra credit submissions.

§  The Professor is not responsible for any technical issues. These issues should be resolved with the help of the Blackboard Help Desk or the Academic Success Center.

§  Students are expected to keep up with assignments. You are responsible for meeting all deadlines for Discussions, Assignments, Quizzes, and Exams.

§  Academic honesty is absolutely maintained in this course. You will receive a Zero for any assignment that is plagiarized, and may receive a failing grade for the course. Academic honesty means that all answers on quizzes, assignments, Discussion Responses, exams, essays, etc. must be original—your own. It also means you may not share answers with another classmate or copy materials from outside sources. Whenever you use someone else's ideas or interpretations, cite the source.

§  It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from the course if he or she chooses. Professor Sandres reserves the right to withdraw students for failure to show up to the first two weeks of class, but any other withdrawals must be made by the student. Requests to be withdrawn by the professor after the withdrawal deadline will not be accepted.

§  Valencia faculty and staff communicate with students through Atlas and Blackboard. It is your responsibility to check your Atlas and Blackboard e-mail on a regular time frame. Failure to check your Atlas e-mail account does not excuse you from any notices that may be sent to you.

§  All materials provided online are copyrighted and made available for educational purposes only. Students may not reproduce copyrighted material without permission from the appropriate publisher or author.

§  Please refrain from making any disparaging or disrespectful comments to any participant in the course and limit your comments to those which directly relate to the topic of discussion.

§  The Professor reserves the right to fail any student violating the college’s Academic Honesty Policy.

Class Requirements

Test & Quizzes: All tests and quizzes will be announced ahead of time, or you may check the syllabus (for the benefit of the student) NO MAKE-UP TEST WILL BE GIVEN! No makeup tests or quizzes are available without explicit consent of instructor. Example: jury duty, military service, or documented excuse.

Final Exam: Students will take one final comprehensive final exam per semester. Do not make other plans for that day and time. The final exam is worth 20% of your grade. If students do not take the final exam, students will receive a 0/100. The final exam must be taken on the date published for final exams.

Assignments: All assignments are due on specified date. For each chapter, you will receive one homework grade (workbook). Make-up work will not be accepted. Written assignments (journals) will be assigned in class; they must be legible (distinctly written). All students are responsible for securing notes and assignments from a classmate if absences should occur. Being absent for class is not an excuse to turn in your homework late. A word of advice: exchange your telephone number and email address with two other students in your class and e-mail me if absences occur. If you have difficulty with the language, please seek extra help in the tutoring center. Students will be required to have a folder with three prongs to keep journals, creations, tests, and quizzes.

Online: Vista Higher Learning the course management system that you will use this semester in this course, located at www.vhlcentral.com. Online Student Activities are exercises to be completed, and any other activities assigned are listed on Supersite calendar. The activities represent extensive grammar-driven practice that will assist the student in internalizing. Homework will be completed on the dates that appear in the calendar. In order to receive full credit, you must receive an average score of 80. Other assignments might be graded differently; depending on the activity.

SPN1120 – 12991 Hybird – 4-149

iLrn Heinle Learning Center: Online

Chapter 1 – Online Dec 6 - 2013

Chapter 2 – Online Dec 6 - 2013

Chapter 3 – Online Dec 6 - 2013

Chapter 4 - Online Dec 6 - 2013

Chapter 5 – Online Dec 6 – 2013

Oral Presentations: The student is required to do two Spanish oral presentations during the semester. Each oral presentation is at least two minutes each person (in Spanish) on any topic discussed in class. Topic should be approved by professor. DON’T BE ABSENT; they will be no make up for the presentations.

Participation: Participation grade is separate from attendance. Students have to be willing to participate and ready with your work every day. This is not the place to sleep or to do other classes homework. Participation in class involves a number of variables, including but not limited to: Use of Spanish in the classroom.

a.  Willingness to participate actively in all class activities.

b.  Cooperation during group and pair work.

c.  Respect and attitude toward the class and your peers.

d.  Daily preparation for each class.

e.  Instructor may assign written homework that will be collected and graded; these assignments form part of your participation grade.

Deadline Policy:

Late work will be expected but will be subjected to a grade deduction of 20% for each day that is late.

Make plans at least 24 hours before the due date to complete online work.

Extra Credit:

Extra credit offered in the course will be for attending specific events that will be announced by the professor or for writing an extra essay. All extra credit must be turned in by the due date listed on the syllabus. No extra credit will be assigned or accepted after that date.

Options for earning extra credit are explained in more detail on Blackboard under the Menu Item “Extra Credit.”

Credit for Extra Essays will be assigned based on the quality of the work.

10 points will be given for A work

8 points will be given for B work

7 points will be given for C work

Food for Thought:

§  Be tolerant to not understanding all of what you are hearing. Be comfortable listening selectively.

§  Use trial and error…for practice. Language is more skill than knowledge.

§  Spanish is not English. Be prepared to look at everything differently – not only words and phrases, but also complete ideas.

§  Listen and speak at every opportunity.

§  Lose your fear of making mistakes.

§  Memorize rules. Five minutes engraving a rule in the brain is worth avoiding five hours of groping and a lifetime of frustration and mistakes.

§  Language is not grammar. Grammar simply helps learners understand how things go together.


1.Attendance: Regularity in classroom attendance is vital to academic success. Students who do not maintain regular attendance and who fall behind in their work are subject to withdrawal by the instructor. In this course, every class session is considered a week of classes. After that you will receive a notification of excessive absence and five points will be deducted for each hour you missed from your attendance and participation grade.

2.Lateness: Lateness of fifteen minutes or early departure will count as a miss hour. A professor can withdraw you from a course for excessive absences without your permission. Do not leave early without informing me. This is disruptive and rude.

Withdrawal Policy

A faculty member is permitted to withdraw a student from the faculty member's class up to the beginning of the final exam period, for violation of the faculty member's attendance policy, as published in the faculty member's syllabus. Procedure: 6Hx28: 4-07 Section III Withdraw from a Course