2007 Lesson Study Training Grant Activities

Welcome to the College Lesson Study Project! During the year your team will undertake a lesson study—to design, teach, observe, evaluate and revise a single class lesson. We provide three types of training and support for lesson study teams: 1) Orientation and Training, 2) Mid-Year Progress Report, and 3)Final Report Training Module.

I. Orientation andTraining. Participants do Option A OR Option B.

A. Lesson Study Training Workshop. Mark your calendars.See the enclosed workshop schedule.Workshops will be held in January at five campuses, UW La Crosse, UW Stout, UW Whitewater, UW Milwaukee, and UW Madison. I strongly urge you to attend a training workshop with fellow team members. It provides an important first experience with lesson study and serves as your team’s first meeting. These have been very productive sessions for teams in previous years.

B.Orientation and Training Modules. If you cannot attend one of the training workshops, you can complete a training module that orients you to lesson study practices. Modules will be available online by January 2007.

II. Mid-Year Progress Report. The Progress Report is an opportunity to examine your work after you have designed, taught and studied the lesson for the first time. You can also request external feedback on your lesson study. Teams complete the Progress Report in late spring or summer.

III. Final Report Training Module.The Lesson Study Final Report is not a traditional grant report. Instead it is a scholarly work in which you documentboth the lesson you developed and your study of the lesson.There is a specific format for the reportand you will post it online, adding to a growing library of college lesson studies. See examples at TheFinal Report Training Module is a step by step guide to writing the report. The module will be available online in January 2007. Teams complete the Final Report Module in summer or fall.

Lesson study is a year long process. The timeline below indicates the sequence of activities. (Teams that work on a course offered once a year will have an extended time period for their lesson study but the sequence of activities will be the same.)

January 2007 Spring Term Summer Fall Term------Fall Term March 3, 2008

Orientation & Team does first Mid-Year Final Report Team does Submit

Training iteration of Progress Report Training Module second iteration Final Report

lesson study of lesson study

IRB Approval

(Consult your

campus IRB)

Overview of Lesson Study

This overview highlights the phases of the lesson study process, the training activities and tangible products you will create.

Before you begin your lesson study. Contact your campus Institutional Review Board (IRB). You will need IRB approval if you plan to present or publish your lesson study work.

January 2007. Orientation & Training. Teams participate in a TrainingWorkshop or Modules.

Spring Term. First Iteration of Lesson Study

Establish the Topic & Goals of the Lesson. Your team identifies a course, a topic and learning goals for the research lesson. You decide what you want students to get out of the lesson, and establishlearning goals that define what students shouldknow, be able to do, and what qualities they will develop as a result of the lesson.

Product: A description of the lesson topic and the lesson’s learning goals. Your team information will be posted on the Lesson Study Project Gallery,

Plan & Design the Lesson. Your team designs and plans a research lesson intended to “bring to life” the learning goals. The lesson can be a revision of an existing lesson or entirely new. During this phase instructors discuss their past experiences teaching the topic, speculate about what instructional and learning activities will best foster the learning goals, and predict how students will respond to the lesson.

Product: A detailed lesson plan that describes the lesson sequence, the time allotted to each part of the lesson, instructor’s notes, handouts, slides and other materials used to teach the lesson.

Design a Procedure to Study the Lesson. Your team designs a procedure to study how students learn and think during the lesson. This work coincides with the design of your lesson; as you design the lesson you also decide how to collect evidence of student learning and thinking.

Product: An Observation Protocol that includes the lesson plan and describeswho, what and how to observe the lesson and collect evidence of student learning. Observers will use the protocol when the lesson is taught.

Teach & Observe the Lesson. A member of the team teaches the lesson at the appropriate time in the term. The other team members attend the lesson to observe and collect evidence of student learning. You can invite other observers at your discretion.You videotape the lesson.

Products: Data (evidence)from the lesson, including completed Observation Protocols from each observer, student written work, and a videotape of the lesson.

Analyze and Revisethe Lesson. After the lesson is taught the team holds a “Debriefing Session” to “hear all the evidence” and discuss the lesson. Typically a team will meet one or more times after the debriefing session to further analyze the results and revise the research lesson. In addition, teams revise their procedure for data collection.You videotape the debriefing session.

Products: 1) Revised lesson, 2) Revised Observation Protocol, and 3) Videotape of the Debriefing Session.

Late Spring or Summer. Mid-Year Progress Report. Team completes the Progress Report late spring or summer. Progress Report guidelines will be available online by January 2007.

Summer or Fall Term. Team Reviews Final Report Module. Team members should review the Final Report Modulein summer or early fall term. The module explains the contents of the Final Report and how to prepare the report for online submission.

Fall Term. Second Iteration of Lesson Study

Second iteration of lesson study. The team teaches and observes the revised lesson, holds a debriefing session to analyze the evidence, and makes additional (and final) changes to the lesson and the Observation Protocol

Products: Summary of evidence and final revisions to the research lesson and Observation Protocol.

Fall Term. Write the Final Report (Deadline for the Final Report is March 3, 2008)

Document Your Lesson Study. The team writes a final report that includes a detailed lesson plan and analysis of the final research lesson. The analysis explains how students responded to the lesson and how the lesson might be revised if used by others. You post the report online.

Product: A Lesson Study Report. See

Information about the College Lesson Study Project (CLSP)

for Lesson Study Training Grant Recipients

The CLSPhelps college instructors learn to do lesson study in order to:1) improve their teaching and student learning and 2) advance the practice of teaching in their respective fields. We provide training and access to resources to help instructors adopt lesson study practices effectively.

In 2007 there will be 34 new lesson study grant teams involving about 134 instructorsthroughout the UW System. This brings the total number of teams to about 75 and number of participants to nearly 300 instructors since the project started in fall 2003.

Team Contact Persons. To help communicate efficiently about grant activities, each team has designated an individual to serve as a grant contact person. I appreciate that someone from each team is willing to forward grant information to team members and periodically provide us with information about your work. I will try not to abuse your time!

Online Resources. I urge you to explore the online resources available on theLesson Study Project website ( and the College Lesson Study Blog ( These sites contain articles, tools, an online lesson study guide, examples of completed lesson studies, and more.

  • If you are unfamiliar with lesson study you might take 20 minutes to review the Online Guide (
  • You may be interested in a recent podcast interview we recorded with Catherine Lewis, noted expert on Japanese lesson study, available on the College Lesson Study Blog,
  • Look ahead to the final product of a lesson study, review online samples at

Contact Us. Direct your comments and questions to me—Bill Cerbin. My colleague, Bryan Kopp,is associate director of the project and will be involved in various aspects of the Lesson Study Training Grants.

Bill Cerbin, Director CLSP
145 Graff Main Hall
UW-La Crosse
La Crosse, WI, 54601
/ Bryan Kopp, Associate Director
English Department
433 Wimberly Hall
UW-La Crosse
La Crosse, WI54601

Funding for the CLSP comes from the UWS Office of Professional & Instructional Development (OPID). In 2007 the following campuses provided additional funds to support their lesson study teams

UW Stout, UW Milwaukee, UW Whitewater, UW Green Bay and UW-La Crosse.

Lesson Study Training Workshop Schedule

2007 Lesson Study Training Grant recipients are expected to participate in initial training prior to your lesson study. You can attend a training workshop or complete self-guided training modules.

You are invited to attend any one of the campus workshops listed below. It is best if you can attend with members of your lesson study team. For those who cannot attend a workshop, the Training Modules will be available in January 2007.

Campus / Date / Time / Location / To Register & for Additional Information / Registration Deadline
UW Madison / January 12, 2007 / 12:00-3:45 p.m. / 1360 Genetics / Non-Madison instructors contact
Bill Cerbin

UW Whitewater / January 17, 2007 / 12:00-4:00 p.m. / 108 Esker Hall / Sally Lange,
UW-W LEARN Center, 262-472-5242 or / Registration Deadline:
January 8
Space limited
UW Stout / January 18, 2007 / 1:00-4:00 p.m. / Northwoods Room, Memorial Student Union / Bill Cerbin,
608-785-6881 / Space is limited register early
La Crosse / January 19, 2007 / 12:30-4:00 p.m. / 337
CartwrightCenter / Bill Cerbin,
608-785-6881 / Registration Deadline;
January 12
UW Milwaukee / January 26, 2007 / 9:30-2:00 p.m. / 327 & 348
Merrill / Susan Gifford. CIPD Program Assistant, , 414-229-6638


Distributed to 2007 Lesson Study Training Grant Recipients, November 22, 2006