Best Practices to strengthen relationships with county commissioners

* Do your job and do it well ; do more than expected

* Provide lunch for commissioners to thank them

* Involve them as 4-H judges

* Invite them to programs

* Be at their special interest activities

* Be seen in the community

* Top winners of Tropicana present at commission meeting

* Program at a commissioner’s ranch

* Newspaper, TV, radio media

* County employee website/newsletter

* Look over their bios to determine interests

* Maybe ask their opinion – 2-edged sword

* Get them involved in your operation

* Email commissioners pictures

* Be seen and involved in your community

* Know everything about the commissioners, volunteer and their families

* It’s all about relationships

* Personal relationships with commissioners, find ways to interact in social situations (church, rotary, etc.)

* Staff and faculty live in commission districts – can create “adopt a commissioner” program

* Host department head retreat and programs that cut across disciplines

* Identify volunteers, partners, customers, etc. who are willing to go to commission meetings and make public statements during “public input” time, e.g., 3-minutestatement that starts with “thank you for supporting the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service her in ______ County. Let me tell you about how the _______ program has impacted my (family, business, farm, etc.)

* Link county Extension website to Main County homepage and/or every County department

* Tie program titles and marketing to hot topics for county, e.g., sustainable community development, quality of life, etc.

* Don’t avoid controversial issues or programs. If you can find a role to play as a neutral facilitator or moderator, host these events at your facility.

* Host public input/ community forums on same topics

* Send newsletters to all elected officials

* Invite to farm tours

* Water institute program for decision-makers


* Be at BOCC meetings (strategically)

* Thank you and annual report with IFAS Extension calendar

* Gator pins

* Send program announcements

* Invitations to award events, ground-breaking, retirements, etc.

* Serve as 4-H judges

* Recognize master gardener awards, livestock judging teams, etc. at BOCC meetings

* Volunteers

* Annual and monthly reports

* High impact programming

o Create visibility

o Related to priorities

o Issue-based

* Media usage

* Report impacts in terms of $ generated, saved, grants received, etc.

* Find folks who can approach BOCC on a personal level

* Civic roundtable type groups (e.g., HOA)

* Serving on county committees

* Bring agenda items before the board, “face time” at commission meetings

* Identify special interests of each CC

* CC attendance at Extension activities/events

* Make fact sheets more related to county

* Overall committee members assigned to commissioners to meet one on one to discuss Extension issues

* Newsletter lists that include commissioners and legislators

* Department head meetings/retreats

* Annual “feel good” presentations to BOCC

* Need to be careful when incorporating volunteers

* PIO relationship

* Face to face

* Mass media including electronic

* Through stakeholders advising at mutual functions – networking

* Thank you

o After budget from Larry and DED

o 4-H/ volunteers

* Invitation to special events

o Judging/ speaking

* Serving on boards/ county committees

* Walk the halls

o What can Extension do for you

* Invite to Extension facility

* Recognition programs

* Facilitate/ host county meetings

* Agriculture impact statements

* Cost comparisons

* Calendar of events/ pictures/ etc.

* Proclamations for everything

* Key advisors lobby on our behalf

* Annual legislative togetherness meeting

* Announce awards/ publicize them

* County newsletter – program success stories

* Involve in programs – always introduce

* Free peanuts

* Serve as judges – speech contest

* Encourage involvement in FAC training

* News coverage

* Government access television

* Email

* Clients communicate

* Doing projects they want you to do

* One page report – highlights

* Annual awards and appreciation dinner; 30 minutes in program for each agent to present

* Use volunteers/ users of programs to contact decision-makers

* Newspaper columns

* Commission agenda’s – proclamations

* All newsletters are sent

* Never surprise them

* New board member orientation

* Take them hunting and fishing

* Boiled peanuts

* Ask them what they need

* Stay under the radar – if controversial