“Recovery: the Art of Change”
Present the
21st Annual Conference
June 12, 13, and 14, 2013
(June 12th – 6 hour Ethics workshop)
Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel
21st Annual Conference
June 12, 13, and 14, 2013
Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel
Board of Directors
Heather Clark, Executive Director
Sam Vigil, President
Martha Beltramo
Helen Cooley, Secretary
Marcia Hawthorne
Catharine Harding – Silent Auction
Kimmie Jordan, web designer
Patrick Loyd
Roger Pipkins
Martha Rimmel – Awards
Gail Robertson – Workshops, Program
PSRANM would like to invite new members to be on our board and explore ways to help with next year’s conference. Please see any of the people listed above for more information. (A sign-up sheet is located on the registration table) – Thank you!
June 12, 13, and 14, 2013
Dear Conference Participant:
The Executive Committee, Conference Chairs, and Conference Committee would like to welcome you to the 21stAnnual Conference of the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Association of New Mexico in coordination with the Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA). Conference Committee members will be located in the registration area in the lobbythroughout the conference to assist you with any questions or problems. We appreciate your participation in this conference and trust it will be a positive and rewarding experience!
I. General Information
- Name Badge – Your name badge must be worn to be admitted to all sessions.
- Room Monitor – Workshopsmay have a room monitor available for speakers or participants who need assistance. Monitor volunteers need to report to the registration table at least 15 minutes prior to the start of each workshop to pick up the packet of evaluation forms. Packets are to be returned at the end of each workshop.
- Smoking restrictions: Smoking is permitted in designated areas ONLY. Please watch for signs.
- Messages and Announcements – Throughout the conference there will be space at the registration table where messages, employment opportunities, opportunities to volunteer, and announcements may be posted.
- Refreshment breaks – 15 minute breaks will occur between the workshops. Beverages will be available in the morning during registration on June 13th and during both of the afternoon breaks. Lunch will only be served on Thursday, June 13, 2013 and a continental breakfast will be served on Friday, June 14, 2013.
F. Silent Auction: We want to thank Catharine Harding and volunteers for their hard work
in organizing our Silent Auction. Please take the time to view and bid on the many wonderful items that will be available to the highest bidder.
II. Conference Schedule: A complete workshop schedule as well as a map of the
hotel has been included in this program. The Alvarado Ballroom (where we begin our Conference) breaks into Valle Grande I, Valle Grande II, Gran Quiver. The Rio Grande Room (theHospitality Room) is located
III. PSRANM Annual Meeting: The Association and Executive Committeewould
like to invite EVERYONE to attend this meeting, Thursday June 13th at 12 noon during lunch.
IV. Evaluations:
A. Forms to evaluate the speakers on their presentations will be distributed prior to the
start of each workshop. Please submit your completed forms to the room monitor or speaker before
you leave each session.
B. Total Conference Evaluation – To receive your Certificate of Attendance, a completed
Overall Conference Evaluation Form must be submitted to the registration table. Your
responses will be carefully reviewed by the PSRANM board and used to develop future
conferences. We appreciate you taking the time to express your opinions as completely as possible.
Certificate of Attendance and CEU’s: You will exchange your completed Overall Conference Evaluation Form at the registration table for your Certificate of Attendance
at the end of the conference on Friday after 5:15 p.m. If you need to leave early and need partial CEU’s, please see Heather Clark, PSRANM Executive Director
- CEU’s: Workshops that have been approved for CEU’s under the New Mexico
Counseling and Therapy Practice Board are indicated in this program. In order for
you to receive CEU’s, you will need to complete the CEU Verification Form that
has been included in the program. Room monitors or presenters must initial the CEU Verification Form for each workshop for which you are requesting CEU’s. Please sign into the workshop as well. A possible twelve (12) units are available for Thursday and Friday. This is in addition to the six (6) units if you attend the Ethics Workshop on Wednesday, June 12, 2013 (Total possible = 18).
- CPRP CEU’s – The entire conference is appropriate for CPRP CEU’s.
Thank you for your support and participation in this year’s Conference. We hope that you will enjoy the workshops, activities and networking. Plan to attend next year at the 22ndannual PSRANM Conference.
If you are interested in joining the 2014 Conference Planning Committee or becoming a board member of PSRANM, please sign up at the registration table!
- CPSS CEU’S – There are _____ available for Certified Peer Support Specialist.
Wednesday June 12, 2013
A Day of Ethics with Michael Maestas, LPCC
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m./Gran Quivera I
Coffee & afternoon snack provided -- 6 CEU’s
Thursday, June 13, 2012
7:30-9:00 a.m. Registration and Welcome – Hotel Lobby (ground floor)
Coffee & afternoon snack provided/Lunch provided
9:00 a.m. – 10 a.m. Keynote PresentationAlvarado Ballroom
Michael A. Fuller, M.D.
NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEU’s 1.00
Dr. Michael Fuller serves as a faculty clinician and advisor for The Psychiatric Consultation and Liaison Service. He has been a faculty member with UTMB since 1989 and is certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. A native of Oklahoma, Dr. Fuller attended the U.S. Army Academy of Health Science eventually completing his premed education at the University of Texas at San Antonio in 1980. He received his medical degree from UTMB in 1984 and then completed a two-year internship at the United States Air Force Medical Center in San Antonio. In 1986, Dr. Fuller returned to Galveston and UTMB for a four year psychiatry residency followed by a two-year fellowship in consultation-liaison services. As an associate clinical professor, Dr. Fuller advises residents, fellows and medical students in accurate, effective patient evaluation, treatment and referral. His expertise comes from years of experience with the Psychiatric Consultation and Liaison Service where he evaluates and treats hundreds of patients requiring immediate interventions during their hospitalization in any of the UTMB facilities or in the Emergency Department. Dr. Fuller also brings to psychiatry his vast knowledge of general medicine derived from his two years of providing instruction in the Family Medicine Department of UTMB. This enables him to easily incorporate or differentiate medical issues into his treatment decisions involving psychiatric interventions. His research activities have included investigation into the progression of AIDS encephalopathy and the effect of various medications shown to slow this process. Dr. Fuller has also participated in research and medication trials in an effort to better treat depression in AIDS patients and in trials aimed at treating Traumatic Stress Syndrome in combat injured soldiers. Dr. Fuller has given numerous lectures and seminars throughout Texas on several subjects including anxiety disorders, treatment of depressive disorders, psychiatric manifestations of AIDS, clinical hypnosis, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, emergency psychiatric interventions and substance abuse.
Break Out Workshops
Workshop #1: Substance Abuse: Michael Fuller, M.D.
Valle Grande I
NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEU’s 1.25
Workshop #2: Combat Trauma and the Returning Veteran. Hoyt Roberson, MC, MS, LMFT
This workshop will illustrate the effect of combat and reintegration on returning veterans, with a focus on understanding the possible causes of anxiety, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and associated co-morbid challenges associated with them. As a result of the workshop, attendees will have a better understanding of the challenges and pressures experienced by some returning veterans, and will have discussed considerations for use by PSR professionals.
Valle Grande II
NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEU’s 1.25
Workshop #3: Teaching Providers about Recovery. Caroline Bonham, M.D. and Heather Cumbo, M.D.
Gran Quivera
NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEU’s 1.25
11:30 – 1:00 p.m.
Lunch provided/Annual Meeting
Chaco Room
Breakout Workshops
1:00 – 2:15 p.m.
Workshop #4: Norma Faries
Valle Grande I – 1st Floor
Workshop #5: Taking a Look at DSM-V. Kimmie Jordan, MS, CPRP, LADAC
Valle Grande II – 1st Floor
NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEU’s 1.25
Workshop #6: Centennial Care. Elizabeth Lecoutur
Gran Quivera
2:15 – 2:30
Afternoon snack & coffee provided
Breakout Workshops
2:30 – 3:45
Workshop #7: Current status of a NIMH-sponsored Project to Test a Peer-specialist Model in Addressing Behavioral Health Disparities in the Rural LGBT Population of New Mexico. David Ley, M.D. For the past year, Dr. Ley and a team from PIRE have been implementing a program designed to help LGBT individuals in rural NM receive support from specially trained LGBT peers. LGBT in rural NM communities often struggle to receive effective, affirming behavioral health care. Since 2012, the communities of Farmington, Socorro and Gallup have had LGBT peer specialists providing supports and assistance to LGBT-identified individuals. Along with an LGBT peer from the team, Dr. Ley provides an update on this project’s goals, successes, and challenges.
Valle Grande I
NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEU’s 1.25
Workshop #8: 2013 Legislation Affecting Behavioral Health. Nancy Koenigsburg, MSW, Esq. Nancy is the legal director for Disability Rights New Mexico and will present an update on the 2013 New Mexico Legislative Session.
Valle Grande II
Workshop #9: Carol Luna Anderson
Gran Quivera
Breakout Workshops
4:00-5:15 p.m.
Workshop #10: Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders. Andrew Parrish, MS, LMFT. Co-occurring disorders are often misunderstood by clients, family members, and even by service providers. This workshop will generally address the overlap of mental illness and substance use, and how best to overcome barriers that often impede success in recovery and resiliency. Group discussions will be strongly encouraged with a lot of audience participation. Come ready to learn and interact!
Valle Grande I
NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEU’s 1.25
Workshop #11: Karen Meador & Coy Maienza
Grande Quivera
Workshop #12: Justice Involved Veterans, Recovery and Support. Camilla Lopez
Valle Grande II
Friday June 15, 2012
8:00-9:00 a.m.Registration
Continental Breakfast provided
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Keynote Speaker:
Theresa Moyers
Assistant Research Professor, UNM Department of Psychology
Alvarado Ballroom
NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEU’s 1.00
Dr. Moyers is a clinical psychologist who began her as a psychologist in the Substance Abuse Treatment Program at the VA Medical Center. She is now an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of New Mexico and a Senior Researcher at the Center on Alcoholism Substance Abuse and Addiction (CASAA). She is the principal investigator for two federally-funded grants exploring process variables in the effectiveness of MI and optimal strategies for teaching it. Dr. Moyers has published more than thirty chapters and articles on motivational interviewing. She has taught MI workshops in 38 states and 6 countries. When not working, she is a frequent competitor in the sport of dog agility.
Workshop Breakouts
10:15 – 11:30
Workshop #13: Working with Families of Veterans with PTSD. Richard L. Meth, MSW, Ph.D. To simply describe the impact a Veteran diagnosed with PTSD has on the family as “stressful,” grossly understates the profound affect this illness has on the family. One researcher has even observed that a Veteran returning to the family from military service with PTSD can be a catastrophic event for that family. This catastrophic stress can be sudden, unexpected and frightening to children and frequently disruptive to the couple’s relationship. This workshop examines how a Veteran diagnosed with PTSD impacts family life and presents a recovery-based model designed to help families understand how to respond to their loved one.
Valle Grande I
NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEU’s 1.25
Workshop #14: WRAP. Marcia Hawthorne, CPS and Helen Cooley, MS, CPRP, CHES. The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) is a way of using self-help skills and strategies that complement other treatment scenarios in achieving levels of wellness, stability and recovery that are always hoped for. Participants will learn recovery and self-management skills and strategies for dealing with psychiatric symptoms as well as any chronic illness or complications in life using the five key recovery concepts of hope, personal responsibility, self-advocacy, education and support.
Gran Quivera
Workshop #15: Centennial Care:The Next Generation in a Recovery-Focused System of Care. Felicia Thomas-Spalding, M.A., MBA, LPCC. An overview will be provided of the key changes within the Centennial Care program that will offer increased opportunities for the development and support of recovery-focused care. We will review the role of providers, members, and the health plan in promoting health and wellness in this new environment. We will identify key changes in the Medicaid managed care program within the State of New Mexico under the Centennial Care program and explore how these changes support the principles of recovery as health plans participate in the New Mexico modernization of the Medicaid program.
Valle Grande II
NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEU’s 1.25
11:30 – 1:00 p.m.
Lunch on Your Own
Workshop Breakouts
Workshop #16: CSPW Workshop. Marcia Hawthorne, CPS
Valle Grande I
Workshop #17: “Creating Peer Run Programs” Kimmie Jordan, MS, CPRP, LADAC
Patrick Lloyd.
Valle Grande II
NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEU’s 1.25
Workshop #18: “Are you ready for Employment?”Gail Robertson,MA, CPRP, LMHC & Elizabeth Novar, Sr. PSRT. Supported Employment will be explained along with how PSR Caminante provides services including how employment readiness skills are taught in a classroom (resume writing, interviewing skills, job development, andsecuring appropriate references). Elizabeth will share how she currently helps clients individually and we will provide information about how earnings might affect Social Security benefits. Handouts will be furnished.
Gran Quivera
2:15 – 2:30
Afternoon snack & coffee provided
Breakout Workshops
2:30 – 3:45
Workshop #19: “Traditional Healing”Helen Tafoya, LPCC
Valle Grande I
NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEU’s 1.25
Workshop #20: Nils Rosenbaum and Det. Mat Tinney
Valle Grande II
Workshop #21: “Vocational Rehabilitation Services” Jack Osborne, MS, CRC and Kristina Daniels, M.Ed. An overview of Vocational Rehabilitation Services with the New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) will be given that will include how DVR can assist you in obtaining employment. The difference between general disabilities caseloads and Severe Disabling Mental Illness caseloads will be explained. The process of getting started in DVR, the application process, what to expect, and eligibility and services for an employment outcome for you will all be explained.
Grande Quivera
Workshop Breakouts
4:00-5:15 p.m.
Workshop #22: “Comprehensive Community Support Services.” Heather Clark, MS, CPRP, LPCC. Come learn about Community Care Support Services (CCSS) in relationship with a Core Service Agency. A basic overview will be given of the wraparound philosophy as it relates to CCSS.
Valle Grande – 1st Floor
NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEU’s 1.25
Workshop #23: “How to Access the 2nd Judicial District Court, Family Court, and Family Court Clinic” Mercedes Marshall, Ph.D & Judith Finfrock, Esq. What the Family Court and Court Clinic Are. How the Family Court can assist you, and how to access specific services such as filing a motion for an order of protection from domestic violence. Other topics covered will be, services provided through the Court Clinic, accessing the Court Clinic and how best to communicate with each other during the separation/divorce process in the best interest of your children as well as other topics regarding families dealing with separation/divorce.
Grande Quivera
NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEU’s 1.25
Workshop #24: “Evidence-based Treatment Option for Trauma”Lora Smalley, LMFT. There is a lot of press about PTSD and Trauma Informed Care, but what is this? This workshop will cover what is trauma and PTSD, why some appear to recover naturally, and for those who don’t, what are the best treatment options for them? The top evidence-based treatment models will be reviewed and discussed for not just those used in PSR, but other treatment options to help educate clients who might need more focused treatment options beyond the PSR group.
Valle Grande II
NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEU’s 1.25
Thank You and Acknowledgements
PSRANM thanks all of its individual and organizational members for their ongoing support. Membership in Membership in USPRA gives you membership in PSRANM. Go to to become a member.
PSRANM thanks all of the organizations who make it possible for their members and staff to attend this conference and other PSRANM events. These are member agencies who are committed to the values of psychosocial rehabilitation and include: Southwest Counseling Center, Community Options, Southern New Mexico Human Development, The University Psychiatric Center (UNMH) Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Border Area Mental Health Services, The Life Link, St. Martin’s Hospitality Center, Share Your Care Adult Day Services, and Pathways, Inc.
PSRANM thanks the followingfor providing scholarships for the Conference:
Behavioral Health Services Division (BHSD)
Presbyterian Behavioral Health New Mexico
Molina Health New Mexico
Optum Health New Mexico
Blue Cross Blue Shield New Mexico
PSRANM is grateful to all of the individuals who have worked to further the values of PSRANM and to support the association including all of it’s board members current and past.