Kingdom Bacteria


Bacteria are prokaryotes classified based on:

1. -______

2. -______

3. -______

1a. Bacterial Shapes

  Cocci -______


  Spirrillium -______

1b. Colony shapes

All bacteria are unicellular, however, some cells stick together in colonies

- Diplo -______

- Staphylo -______

- Strepto-______

2. Cell Wall Structure

  A thin layer of cell wall ______makes Gram ______bacteria stain ______

  A thick layer of cell wall ______makes Gram ______bacteria stain ______

3. Food and Metabolism

The four groups are:

  1. ______– use light energy for photosynthesis and get carbon from CO2
  2. ______– consume other organisms to get carbon and use light energy
  3. ______– get energy by breaking bonds in inorganic molecules like ammonia and hydrogen sulphide
  4. ______– get both their carbon and energy from eating organic molecules like sugar (C +H)


Flagellum -

Cilia -


(1) Binary Fission

•  Bacteria can reproduce ______

•  The bacterial cell ______, then splits into ______

(2) Conjugation

  Bacteria can reproduce ______

  A bacterial ______containing genetic information can be transferred from one bacterial cell to another

  DNA from the plasmid loop can integrate into the chromosome DNA loop


  A type of ______

  Exhibits no signs of life

  Highly resistant to environmental stresses such as:





Beneficial Bacteria

  Not all bacteria are harmful to humans, their usefulness far outweighs the damage they do.

  Bacteria help in:


