Task 1
Background Information:
Cupids Carnival Rides is a company that provides rides to different State Fairs. The company needs to decide which rides they will be transporting to the next State Fair that will be the best option for that fair. They will need to choose their rides based on a few important variables including the cost per ticket, the number of tickets needed to ride, the hours of maintenance the ride has, the popularity of the ride and other important variables. Keep in mind that all the rides have the same amount of riding time which is 3 minutes per ride.
Your Task:
You will be helping Cupids Carnival Rides by assisting them in deciding which rides they should transport to the State Fair that will be the best option as far as the cost for fair visitors and how enjoyable the ride is for them. You will be suggesting between 4 and 5 rides to Cupid’s Carnival Rides. Make sure you let the company know the process you used to come up with your suggestions when you write back to them.