Grading Template
Student’s Name _____________________________________________Period ____________
The parenting simulation and all its assignments are worth 200 points. You are responsible for Baby and the equipment as well as all assignments.
Parent/Guardian Information Form-signed (10 points) ___________________
Student Parenting Contract (5 points) ___________________
Pre-Simulation Questionnaire (15 points) ___________________
Readiness Quiz (10 points) ___________________
Diary (15 points) ___________________
Completed Parenting Simulation (40 points) ___________________
Baby’s Condition (25 points) ___________________
Equipment condition (20 points) ___________________
Wristband/ID condition (10 points) ___________________
Baby Care Book condition (10 points) ___________________
Care analysis:
Neglects (5 points if zero, minus 3 for each instance) ___________________
Head Support Failure (5 points if zero, minus 3 for each instance) ___________________
Shaken Baby Syndrome (5 points if zero, minus 5 for each instance) ___________________
Post-Simulation Questionnaire (15 points) ___________________
Parent/Guardian Evaluation (5 points) ___________________
Student Evaluation (5 points) ___________________
Extra Credit (pictures, birth certificate, summary paper) ___________________
Total __________/200 = ___ %
A = 100 – 90%
B = 89 – 80%
C = 79 – 70%
F = 69% & below