City Schools’ 2013 National Boards Cohort
National Board certification is a standards-based recognition of excellence in instruction and knowledge of practice. Through this rigorous application process, teachers are given the opportunity to demonstrate outstanding, creative, and reflective teaching that leads to student success. This accreditation carries high prestige nationally. Most teachers who go through the process cite this experience as one of the most transformative in their career.
City Schools believes participation in the certification process is a high quality opportunity for professional development. Accordingly, the district will support a select cohort of teachers wishing to pursue certification. Cohort participants will not only be financially supported by the district but also receive one-on-one and group support in completing the process.
Cohort participants will be expected to:
- payinitial $65 registration fee and procure candidate i.d.
- attend bi-weekly support meetings on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the school year
- utilize one-on-one candidate support
- sign and notarize a Memorandum of Understanding by communicated deadline
- provide a copy of their Maryland teaching certificate
Please note the following:
- National Board certification is separate from traditional state certification.
- National Board certification is separate from the Model Teacher application process.
- Under the current BTU contract National Board certified teachers obtain a $4000 a year stipend for 10 years. This process does not confer AU’s. The stipend is subject to contractual agreements and negotiations.
- The process for seeking National Board certification is an incredibly valuable professional opportunity. However, it is also very time-intensive. Those applying to the cohort should expect equivalent time commitment to a demanding, graduate level course. Please ensure your personal and professional schedule will allow you to engage in the process.
- Those who do not complete the NBPTS process to the satisfaction of the signed MOU will be responsible to pay back a portion of the acquired fees.
Those interested should ensure their eligibility and submit an application by midnight on April 30th according to the directions outlined below.
*Please be advised those not chosen to be part of the City Schools cohort are encouraged to go through the process independently. At present City Schools is only providing support for initial candidates. Teachers applying for retakes, renewals, or Take One will not be supported by this cohort but are encouraged to do so on their own.
Part I -- Application Form
Nominee’s Name ______
Home Address ______
City ______State ______Zip Code ______
Telephone ( ) ______Fax (if other than school) ______
Home E-mail ______Mobile/Cell Phone ______
School Name ______
School Address ______
City ______State ______Zip Code ______
Telephone______Fax______Teacher’s School Email ______
Major Subject Area (if applicable) ______Grade Level ______
I assert I have achieved a Bachelor’s or higher degree, am able to present a valid professional (SPC1, SPC2, APC) Maryland teaching certificate, and have 3 years of teaching experience on a professional (SPC1, SPC2, APC) teaching certificate (experience must be on Maryland certificate). I have visited the MSDE National Board Certification website and familiarized myself with the eligibility requirements and expectations. My signature also asserts I have read and understand the guidance provided on page 1 of the application.
(digital signature)
_____ / _____ / _____
Part II
Please submit your answers to the following questions along with a copy of your updated resume.
- Why do you want to engage in the National Board Certification process? (up to 1 page)
- What benefit will this process and certification bring to you professionally? To your classroom practice? To your students? (up to 1 page)
- How would you describe your current process for reflective practice of instruction? (up to 1 page)
- Which field of certification are you interested in pursuing and why?(up to 1 page)
Part III
Please submit a copy of your Maryland State teaching certificate. This document can be scanned or mailed in hard copy to the attention of Jennifer Hlavka at the address noted below.
Part I (Demographic Information / Assertion of Eligibility)
Part II (Questions & Resume)
Part III (Maryland Teaching Certificate)
Please email your completed application to Jennifer Hlavka
or send through inter-office mail to:
Jennifer Hlavka
Office of Teacher Support and Development
Baltimore City Public Schools
200 E. North Ave. - Room 212
*please note a teacher will not be eligible under the following circumstances: out of state professional certificate, 3 years of out-of-state experience, 1 or 2 years of MD experience or not meeting the eligibility requirements outlined in the “Assertion of Eligibility” above