International Meeting
Rimini - Hotel Continental
31 March – 1 April 2003
Organized by the RSM Global Health Center in collaboration with the Siti
31 March
8:00 Overview/Welcome
8:15 Global Health Security & Preparedness Activities (speaker to be selected)
8:45 WHO Strategy on Biosecurity: Bradford Kay (WHO, France)
9:30 Public Health Bioterrorism Preparedness Efforts in the US: Michael J. Sage (CDC, USA)
10:30 Smallpox Preparedness in the US: Joanne Cono (CDC, USA)
13:00 Global Health Security Network and Bioterrorism Preparedness Activities: Paul Gully (Health Canada)
14:00 U.S. Laboratory Response Network and Its Possible International Expansion: Stephen Morse (CDC, USA)
15:00 Surveillance Mechanisms for Bioterrorism: Tracee Treadwell (CDC, USA)
16:00 Perspectives on city and state-based preparedness in the U.S.: Marci Layton (NYC Dept of Health, USA)
1 April
8:00 Development of List of Critical Agents and Description of Category A Agents: Ali Khan (CDC, USA)
9:00 Clinical Recognition and Diagnosis of Critical Agents (European physician)
10:00 Bioterrorism Activities in Israel: Meir Oren (CDC, Israel)
11:00 Anthrax attack 2001 and Lessons for Global Preparedness: Brad Perkins (CDC)
13:30-17:00 Workshops
-strategic planning
Organizing Secretariat: Expomedia S.r.l., Tel. 0549/907577 – Fax 0549/944795
Scientific Secretariat: Tel. 0541/24301 – Fax 0541/25748 – E-mail:
Viale Dardanelli, 64 – 47900 Rimini, Italy
- Promote an international approach in addressing and solving health
problems, encouraging meetings between representatives of different
countries sharing similar problems of health and environmental hygiene;
- Promote the culture of international health among doctors, nurses,
veterinarians, health engineers and other operators by the organization of
conferences, working groups and professional training courses;
- Create an interactive museum for students of all European schools
that will focus attention on the promotion and protection of health with an
international approach;
- Create a portal for the public to correctly portray health themes of
global interest;
- Assist the press and other media in their activity of health
communication and education with an international approach;
- Encourage the inclusion of international health in medical and
non-medical degree courses, also envisaging the opening of universities with
a clear and precise orientation in this field;
- Assist ministries, institutions and government agencies in the
implementation of appropriate policies, plans and programs in their
specific areas of responsibility;
- Carry out scientific research in collaboration with European and
non-European universities;
- Collaborate with the European Union, UN agencies and with the CDC in
Atlanta in the pursuit of their world health objectives, spreading their
viewpoints and participating in joint activities;
- Encourage organizations and institutions not directly involved in
health to promote activities in the area of general health (banks,
multinationals, etc);
- Assist Europe's civic, provincial and regional administrations in
the promotion of public health campaigns for towns, rivers, sea and all
other aspects of the environment that may have beneficial effects on global