·  Handwriting
·  Presentation
·  Reading development
·  Fiction and non-fiction reading and writing
·  Collins Primary Literacy Textbook 3
·  Comprehension
·  Class Reader: ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ by Roald Dahl
·  Writing
using direct speech
presenting information
poetry writing using verbs and synonyms
·  Book reviews
·  Poetry Competition
·  Roald Dahl Day
·  Drama (Alex Gurran)
Tiffany Henry
MATHS / ·  Compare numbers to 1000
·  Read / write numbers to 1000 in numerals and words
·  Count in multiples of 4,8,50,100
·  Find 10 or 100 more of given number
·  Add/subtract mentally 3-digit number and hundreds
·  Solve missing number problems
·  Times tables 3,4,8
·  Measure, compare, add and subtract lengths, mass capacity
·  Measure perimeter of 2D shapes
·  Draw 2D shapes and recognise 3D shapes
·  Horizontal, vertical, perpendicular and parallel lines
·  Add/subtract numbers mentally, 3 digit and hundreds
·  Add/subtract 3 digit numbers using written methods
·  Recognise and use fractions.
·  Compare and order fractions with the same denominator
·  Tell the time from an analogue and digital clock, 12 and 24 hour to nearest minute
·  Roman numerals
·  Days in a month and calculate time for events
·  Interpret and present data using bar chart, pictograms and tables
Tiffany Henry
SCIENCE / ·  Animals – nutrition and a balanced diet including digestion in different animals
·  Skeleton, muscles and movement in different animals
·  Forces and magnets
Tiffany Henry
HISTORY / ·  Ancient Egypt – who were the Egyptians?
·  Chronology
·  Daily Life and Customs
·  Pyramids, pharaoh, mummies
·  Myths & Legends
·  Tutankhamun and Howard Carter
·  Hieroglyphics and priests
·  Impact and significance of The Nile
Mark Hammond
GEOGRAPHY / ·  Home and your Environment
·  Direction/anticlockwise.
·  8 point compass
·  Settlement home, village, town, county country
·  Plans, maps, signs and symbols
Anthony O’Callaghan
FRENCH / ·  Classroom instructions
·  Name
·  Age
·  Numbers to 50
·  Days
·  Months
·  Birthday
·  Pets & animals
·  Colours
·  Time: o’clock
Emma Harvey
ART / ·  Colour mixing
·  Collage
Anne Foden
MUSIC / ·  Descriptive Sounds: learn how to create, perform and analyse short descriptive compositions that combine sounds, movements and words
·  Rhythmic Patterns: create rhythmic patterns and perform them rhythmically
·  Music Theory
Carolyn Holleyman
ICT / ·  Using Windows
·  Coding computer
·  Animation
Anthony O’Callaghan
PRHSE / ·  New beginnings
·  Say no to bullying
·  Getting on and falling out
·  Internet safety
·  Green issues
Anne Foden / Alex Gurran
P.E/GAMES / ·  Swimming until Half Term
·  Girls – Netball. Boys – Football