Autobiographical Incident Rubric Name: ______
A / B / C /D
Beginning (Lead and Exposition) / The story had an eloquently worded lead that grabbed the reader’s attention and offered background information. / The story had a lead that grabbed the reader’s attention and offered background information. / An attempt at a lead was made. Some background information was provided but the intro blended into rising action / No lead was evidentMiddle (rising action + climax ) / The middle was filled with many interesting, well-worded, important details; had show not tell, dialogue, suspense, and rich images. / The middle is well developed with some interesting detail such as show not tell, dialogue, suspense, and rich images. / You provided the big events but important details are missing
It drags on in sections. / Few to no details were provided.
You were off topic at times.
Story line is unclear.
End (Falling action/resolution) / The end was eloquently worded, clear, thoughtful, and insightful. / The resolution was well developed and clear. / The resolution was limited and awkwardly added to the end. / The story just ends. There is no, resolution.
Author’s Insight
The “So What” / The writing carefully communicates the author’s feelings, opinions, or wisdom gained through the experience implicitly. The author purposely chooses to provide detailed descriptions with main events that highlight his/her insight. The author shows, not tells these events. / The writing explicitly communicates the author’s feelings, opinions, or wisdom gained through the experience. The author purposely chooses at least one detail that shows, not tells events that highlights his/her insight. / The writing includes one or two moments that communicates insights. The writing tells but doesn’t show the author’s feelings, opinions, or wisdom gained through the experience. / No insight is provided in the piece of writing.
Conventions / Virtually error-free / A few minor mistakes; you showed you understand caps, verb tense, and commas. Spelling is strong. / Quite a few mistakes; a few clarity problems / Too many errors
I had to reread sections to understand the writing. Basic writing mistakes are apparent.
Sentence Variety / Writing flows; easy to read; variety of sentence beginnings and sophisticated structures. Transitions words used appropriately / Easy to read; variety of sentence beginnings and structures. Transition words used appropriately. / Sentence form is repetitive; structure may be awkward; lacking in transitions to move the story / Many awkward sentences; run-ons; fragments, misplaced modifiers.
Error Analysis
Word Usageq To- a place, too-too much, two- a number
q Their- belonging to a person, there-a place, they-re—they are
q Then—comparing time, Than—comparing ideas
q Verb Tenses don’t agree throughout writing
q Apostrophe ownership/contraction missing—Sam’s car
q Spelling
q Used of instead of have
q Missing capitals
q Vague language
q Repetitive language
q Incorrect Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
q Incorrect Subject-Verb Agreement
q Avoid contractions in formal writing
q Misused “You” /
Essay Structure
q Introduction Paragrapho No Grabber
o No background about character, setting, problem
q Middle
o Sequencing of story is confusing
o Dialogue Missing
o Character development Missing
o Too much telling; not enough showing
q Ending
o Resolution not clear
o The “So What?” is unclear/missing
Sentence Structure
q Fragmentq Started sentence with AND, BUT, OR, SO = Fragment
q Run-on
q Awkward sentence order/structure
q Unclear sentences
q Need a comma after a transition, items in a series, prepositional phrase
q Commas mistakes in compound or complex sentences