Australia-Samoa Aid Partnership Arrangement



1.  The Arrangement

1.1.  This Arrangement between the Government of Australia (“GOA”) and the Government of Samoa (“GOS”) (“the Partners”) establishes the Partners’ shared vision to ensure development cooperation contributes as effectively and efficiently as possible to sustained and inclusive economic growth and to reduce poverty in Samoa.

1.2.  This Arrangement builds on the Memorandum of Understanding on Development Co-operation signed by the Partners in 1999, the Australia-Samoa Partnership for Development signed in 2009, the GOA’s Aid Investment Plan (2015-16 to 2018-19) for Samoa and the 2013 Joint Statement on Zero Tolerance to Fraud in Australia’s Aid Program to Samoa.

1.3.  The period of this Arrangement is from December 7 2016 until 30 June 2019.

1.4.  The relationship between the Partners will be built on the principles of:

a.  Equality, because it leads to respect;

b.  Transparency, because it leads to trust;

c.  Mutual benefit because it leads to sustainability and

d.  Management for results.

1.5.  Reflecting these principles, the Partners acknowledge:

a.  Samoa’s ownership and leadership of its own policies and strategies for development, as set out in the Strategy for the Development of Samoa 2016/17-2019/20, sectoral strategies and Samoa’s Development Cooperation Policy;

b.  Their mutual responsibility for results, including through joint, regular and evidence-based review of progress against partnership objectives and Performance Benchmarks set out in Annex A;

c.  other key regional and international arrangements, that the Partners also work through in Samoa, including regional and multilateral delivery mechanisms to support sustained and inclusive economic growth, in particular the Framework for Pacific Regionalism 2014.

d.  The UN Sustainable Development Goals adopted by Samoa, Australia and the broader UN General Assembly at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in New York, September 2015 and the Samoa Pathway-outcome document.

1.6.  The Partners understand that this Arrangement, whilst expressing their goodwill and intention to cooperate and collaborate on issues of mutual interest, does not create any legally binding or enforceable rights or commitments (expressed or implied).


2.  Objectives and Priorities

2.1  The overarching objective of this Arrangement is to facilitate close cooperation to promote prosperity, reduce poverty and enhance stability.

2.2  The Partners have jointly determined three strategic priorities to guide development cooperation under the Arrangement. The priorities are consistent with Australia’s aid policy, Australian aid program: Promoting prosperity, reducing poverty, enhancing stability and Samoa’s Strategies for the Development of Samoa 2012-2016, and 2016/17 to 2019/20.

2.3  The first priority is to enable economic growth by:

§  Improving the regulatory environment for business and international trade to encourage investment, innovation, tourism and private-sector led growth;

§  Supporting Samoa to pursue reforms which stimulate economic growth, improve the performance of state-owned enterprises, increase revenue and build resilience to future economic shocks;

§  Improving Samoa’s economic infrastructure, such as roads, bridges and communication services;

§  Increasing economic opportunities for women and other disadvantaged people, including people with disability; and

§  Promoting labour mobility through the Seasonal Worker Programme.

2.4  The second priority is to enhance education and health outcomes by:

§  Improving the quality of the education system with a focus on numeracy and literacy skills and ensuring it meets the needs of boys, girls and children with a disability. Supporting more young people to complete secondary education and vocational training including through the Australia Pacific Technical College;

§  Providing targeted scholarships for Samoans to study in Australia and the region, including to address skills shortages in education and health;

§  Improving the quality of the health system including health information; and

§  Reducing violence against women and girls.

2.5  The third priority is to strengthen governance by:

§  Supporting the public sector to operate and deliver services more effectively and efficiently improve their client focus and to help create the environment for private sector-led economic growth;

§  Supporting improved local policing through the Samoa Australia Police Partnership;

§  Supporting civil society and private sector initiatives to address Samoa’s development challenges;

§  Building a quality and accessible Parliament House; and

§  Increasing opportunities for women to engage in political participation and other leadership roles.

2.6  The Partners jointly agree that investments will address climate change and disaster resilience, gender equality and inclusion of people with disability. These are critical to addressing the barriers to economic growth and reducing poverty in Samoa.


3.  Mutually Reinforcing Commitments

3.1  Partners affirm that this Partnership is based on a series of mutually reinforcing commitments.

3.2  The GOS will:

§  Implement national development plans and coordinate development partner assistance including through regular sectoral working group discussions.

§  Continue to improve public financial management and procurement systems and monitor and report in a timely manner on results achieved.

§  Maintain or increase expenditure the percentage of expenditure in education, health and infrastructure maintenance, as part of the overall budget.

3.3  The GOA will:

§  Deliver timely, effective and predictable development assistance in line with the Government of Samoa’s Strategy for the Development of Samoa 2016/17-2019/20 and Samoa’s Development Cooperation Policy.

§  Be transparent in the allocation of funding under the Partnership, including through advising the GOS of forward budget estimates, providing regular updates on Australian funded global and regional initiatives benefitting Samoa, and keeping the Government of Samoa informed of domestic policy developments which may affect the anticipated level of funding.

§  Commit to delivering assistance through the Samoan Government where it makes sense to do so, as this helps to strengthen planning and financial systems, subject to Australia’s assessments of national and sectoral systems.

3.4  The Partners undertake to improve Samoa’s procurement and financial systems to ensure that aid funds are disbursed effectively, efficiently, economically and ethically, and provide the greatest possible value for money. This includes meeting obligations set out in funding arrangements and improving financial management through addressing annual audit recommendations.

3.5  The Partners will ensure that climate change and disaster resilience is considered to safeguard longevity, ensure value for money, and help build resilience and safeguard communities and vulnerable people. The Partners commit to working to improve gender equality indicators as committed to in the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ Gender Equality Declaration. The partners will also ensure that a rights based approach is taken in addressing the issues of climate change and disaster risk management.

3.6  Partners will ensure that high standards of transparency and accountability, open communication, value-for-money principles and active management of risks are implemented, including through mitigating adverse environmental and social impacts of the aid program through the application of safeguard policies in environment, resettlement and child protection.

3.7  The Partners will maintain a zero-tolerance approach to fraud and corruption in the management and delivery of the aid program.


4.  Performance Benchmarks and Review

4.1  Australian aid provided to GOS will be linked to the performance framework set out in Making Performance Count: Enhancing the Accountability and Effectiveness of Australian Aid.

4.2  Partners aim to achieve Performance Benchmarks set out in Annex A, consistent with priorities and objectives identified in Paragraph 2.

4.3  In addition, the GOA will develop a performance assessment framework over the Arrangement period. Results will be monitored against agreed performance benchmarks through regular reviews and partner dialogue. The GOA will also continue to assist the GOS and other partners (such as non-government organisations) to improve the monitoring and evaluation of programs they deliver on our behalf.


5.  Governance and Review

5.1  Annual partnership dialogues between senior officials of the Partners will ensure joint, regular and evidence-based reviews of progress against the objectives, Performance Benchmarks and mutually reinforcing commitments under this Arrangement.

5.2  Both Partners will discuss any performance concerns relating to use of Australian funds and attempt to resolve issues through dialogue.

5.3  The GOA’s performance against the objectives and priorities under this Arrangement will be reported and reviewed by an Annual Program Performance Report and discussed bilaterally including at annual senior officials’ level dialogue.


6.  Other Development Partners

6.1  Partners commit to an effective dialogue with relevant stakeholders in fulfilling the objectives of this Arrangement.

6.2  Other delivery partners and mechanisms will be selected based on assessments of the most effective ways to achieve the objectives and priorities listed above, and past performance. This may include expanding partnerships with the private sector and civil society organisations, in recognition of their critical role in achieving economic growth and poverty reduction.

6.3  The GOA will assist to support Government led efforts towards improved coordination among bilateral and regional development partners and stakeholders and encourage others to invest in and seek greater coordination of development policies and programs with the GOS. The GOA will continue to work closely with multilateral partners to encourage their increased and effective presence in Samoa.

6.4  The GOA will keep the GOS informed of progress being made by projects delivered through the regional program and those delivered by other Australian government agencies, including the Australian Federal Police.


7.  Declaration

This Arrangement sets the framework within which the Partners will work together to deliver a series of strategic investments to improve economic growth opportunities and reduce poverty in Samoa.

Signed at: on:

For the Government of Australia For the Government of Samoa


Minister for Foreign Affairs Prime Minister & Minister for Foreign Affairs


Target / 2016-17 / 2017-18 / 2018-19
Priority 1 Enabling economic growth
A / Economic reform priorities progressed to strengthen environment for economic growth. / Achievement of all prior actions under the Joint Policy Matrix, triggers the release of budget support.
Technical Assistance Facility established and technical assistance needs for economic reforms agreed. / Achievement of all prior actions under the Joint Policy Matrix, triggers the release of budget support.
Contribution of Australian funded technical assistance (including to progressing economic reform priorities) is mutually assessed as being effective. / Achievement of all prior actions under the Joint Policy Matrix, triggers the release of budget support.
Contribution of Australian funded technical assistance (including to progressing economic reform priorities) is mutually assessed as being effective.
B / Improved economic infrastructure. / Leone Bridge constructed in accordance with climate resilient design. / Submarine cable operational and providing high speed internet across Upolu and Savaii. / Maliolio Bridge
constructed in accordance with climate resilient design.
C / Increased economic opportunities for women and people with disabilities. / Small business incubator established and providing effective grants and business services for entrepreneurial activities. / Minimum 200 women and people with disability supported to establish businesses. / Minimum 200 women and people with disability supported to establish businesses.
Priority 2 Progress health and education outcomes
D / Improving the quality of the education system through the Education Sector Support Program. / Full or partial achievement against nine key performance indicators triggers payment on results. / Full or partial achievement against nine key performance indicators triggers payment on results. / Full or partial achievement against nine key performance indicators triggers payment on results.
E / Provide targeted scholarships with priority on education and health. / Ten new post-graduate Distance education scholarships offered with priority given to education and health / Australia Awards Targeted Health and Education Scholarships Pilot program reviewed to ensure critical skills gaps are addressed. / Reintegration packages in place for returning targeted education and health graduates.
F / Improve the quality of the health system. / Jointly review current state of primary health care and identify actions to further strengthen primary health care.
Prosthetic and Orthotics workshop fully operational. / Review recommendations actioned.
600 mobility devices provided to people with disabilities. / Improved NCD services at district health centres.
600 mobility devices provided to people with disabilities.
G / Reduce violence against women and girls. / Second National
Family Safety Survey undertaken and informing development of National Strategy for Ending Violence. / National Strategy for Ending Violence developed, with strong whole of country consultations, and widely publicised. / Best practice initiatives to prevent violence implemented.
Priority 3 Strengthen governance
J / Strengthened public sector, including Samoa’s Police Service, civil society and private sector.
Building a quality and accessible Parliament House
Increasing leadership opportunities for women. / New partnerships implemented to support improvements in Samoa’s Public Service Commission and Samoa’s civil society.
Construction progressing in compliance with Contract requirements.
Increased number of women in leadership positions. / Updated
Assessment of National Systems with strategies in place to address recommendations.
New Parliament House completed and incorporating accessible design standards and climate resilient features.
Increased number of women in leadership positions. / Assessment of National Systems recommendations implemented.
Increased number of women in leadership positions.

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