Attendance Clerk Meeting – Feb 02, 2009

PBHRIS New Website – Doug Wilson

· Moved PBHRIS over to their own area

· Forms for PBHRIS and HR were also separated and stored at their own sites.

· Everyone will need to reset their PBHRIS favorites.

Activity Leave Report Update – Alison Christensen

· ABS module is live now.

· Absence Activity Reports, sent via green bags, are being decentralized in the near future.

Payroll Issues and Timeliness – Alison Christensen

· ISA Timesheets are due by 10am 1st day of next month.

· Monthly payroll inclusive dates get moved around even out the number of days per monthly payroll (i.e. Jan ended Jan 29th, Feb started Jan 30th and ended Feb27th).

· Although, we have done many improvements to the forms over the years, there is still a lot of info requested. We assure you that all requested is needed. Please be sure to complete every field where required.

· Remember to include your Zip on your documents.

Staff Training and Development – Bev Gentry

· Bev came onboard as our Training coordinator September 2008.

· There’s a new site for training,, with links to:

o Scheduled courses

o Live Event Calendar

o Supervisory Development Training (SDT) courses

o Training Available Online

o Other Employee Development Links

o Submit course feedback for a session you recently attended

· There are some new courses, some revamped courses and titles (e.g. “Absence Management” is now called “Understanding Absence Reporting”), as well as the resurgence of some past courses.

· New Supervisory Training Program/Certification Program

· April 7th there will be a Staff Development Conference.

Benefits Updates and Future Workshops

· CalPERS / CSU Retirement Workshop

o When: Monday May 4, 2009 1:30 - 4pm

o Where: Performing Arts Center (PAC) 144

o Who: Jean Ann Kirkpatrick, Retirement Program Specialist, CalPERS

o Register at

1) Log in using your campus login and password.

2) In upper black banner, click “Course Catalog”.

3) In left navigation bar, click catalog “Human Resources (SHRM – Staff HR Mgmt)”.

4) In left navigation bar, click “PBHRIS-CalPERS Retirement Workshop - CSU Specific”.

5) Click on “Enroll” button under the workshop title at the top of the page.

6) Select desired session and submit. (Must do to complete enrollment.)

o Direct registration questions to Jessica Posts x-6433.

· Blue Shield and Anthem Blue Cross offer rewards for participating in wellness assessments.

o Take time to visit the following web sites and learn more.

o Specific program questions can be answered by contacting customer service.

o Blue Shield Customer Service: (800)334-5847

o Anthem Blue Cross Customer Service: (877)737-7776

· Blue Shield HMO has a Healthy Lifestyle Rewards program.

o This is a no-charge, interactive online program that rewards you with up to $200 cash when you adopt healthy habits.