It is the policy of the Seiling Public School to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, qualified handicap disability, in its educational programs and activities. This includes, but is not limited to, admissions, educational services, financial aid, and employment. Inquiries concerning application of this policy may be referred to Marylu Oakes, Compliance Coordinator for Title VI, Title IX, 504, and ADA.
The Board of Education of Seiling Public Schools is dedicated to the delivery of an optimum education to all students in the Seiling District. The Board of Education will provide the leadership and direction necessary to meet the goals and challenges of the future for our youth as they pursue their educational goals. The Board of Education, administration, faculty, parents, and students of the Seiling School District accept the responsibility of placing education and safety of the highest priority for the youth of the Seiling District.
1. Provide a sound and up to date, planned curriculum and instructional program for the students of the Seiling Public Schools.
2. Provide an excellent professional staff and continually upgrade said staff.
3. Provide students an opportunity to be (1) college prepared, (2) vocationally trained, (3) well-rounded via school activities.
4. Provide high expectations of staff and students to excel and reach their potential.
- Provide a positive climate through maintaining an open, trusting attitude towards administration, faculty, parents, students, and community patrons.
- Provide, maintain, and improve physical facilities that are conducive to learning.
- Provide support and guidance to faculty and students through being concerned with their emotional and physical well-being.
Seiling Elementary School is dedicated to the delivery of an optimum education to all students. Based upon the concept that every child can learn, the Seiling Elementary School strives to help all children develop to their fullest. Respect and appreciation of peers, teachers, staff, and property are stressed. It is our mission to provide positive experiences that allow students to become enthusiastic learners and willing participants in the home-school-community relationship. The Seiling Elementary School does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin, handicap, religion, or age.
The focus of our elementary school is to provide each child an educational experience of the highest quality. We strive to:
1.develop healthy, positive self-concepts that enable the student to feel successful academically, personally, and socially.
2. provide the basic skills necessary to function effectively in our society by the development of a strong foundation in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
3. provide motivational and challenging experiences and the development of higher order thinking skills through educational enrichment and current technology.
4. develop a knowledge and understanding of fine arts, health, music, and physical education.
Seiling Public School believes that each child has a right to an education, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin, handicap, religion, or age.
To ensure the continuance of a democratic society, the school must strive to help the student understand and appreciate his/her world and his/her relationship to it.
We, as educators, are dedicated to the task of developing individuals to their maximum potential. To accomplish this task, the school will furnish an opportunity for all students to attain the basic learning tools, the ability to question and evaluate, and instill the desire to improve the goals and values that are presently accepted. The school, with the help of the community which it serves, will constantly strive to measure the effectiveness of its programs and services in accomplishing this stated philosophy.
- To create an opportunity for all students to develop skills through an appropriate curriculum which encompasses general and specialized education, college preparatory offerings, and vocational experiences.
- To provide an environment for students' self-realization through experiences which are designed to reinforce the highest moral and humanistic values.
3.To implant a need for respect of home, school, and community as well as respect others.
4.To encourage students to take pride in their work and develop feelings of a positive self-worth.
5. To extend students' capacity to recognize and cope with the problems of our ever-changing world.
6.To provide an environment conducive to learning to live in a democratic society.
7.To provide better communications and involvement between staff and community in support of educational programs and services.
8.To increase the recognition and appreciation of our multicultural heritage and promote positive interpersonal relationships.
9.To enable students to begin to formulate a life plan in harmony with their abilities, interests, and beliefs.
The policies and procedures contained in this handbook are the result of a concerted effort on the part of the Student Representatives, Faculty, and Administration. This information has been carefully prepared and presented so that it will be of great value in helping you to adjust to our school, and to become an integral part of it.
The ultimate purpose of education is to help each student to become an effective citizen in a democracy. To develop and accept the responsibilities and obligations of good citizenship will help us to participate successfully in the world of tomorrow. We hope that you will participate in our varied activities and, thus, find those things within our school which will prepare you to live in a better life and finally take your place in this complex society. Remember that your success in this school will be directly proportional to your efforts.
Parents and eligible students have the following rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and this policy:
1.The right to inspect and review the student's educational record.
2.The rights to exercise a limited control over other people's access to the student's educational record.
3.The right to seek to correct the student's education record in a hearing if necessary.
4.The right to report violations of the FERPA to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare.
5.The right to be informed about FERPA rights.
Counseling services are designed to serve the needs of individual students in preparation of academic schedules, long-range school programs, vocational or college planning, course adjustment, and personal matters.
1.Parents are welcome to visit the school, but they must notify the office before going to the classrooms.
2.Students are not allowed to bring other children to school as visitors.
- Orders to Leave School Property: the superintendent or principal of any secondary, middle, or elementary school shall have the authority to order any person out of the school building and off the school property when it appears that the presence of such person is a threat to the peaceful conduct of school business and school classes. Any person who refuses to leave the school building or grounds after being ordered to do so by the superintendent or principal shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than ninety (90) days or by both such fine and imprisonment (70-24-131).
Teacher s will arrive by 8:00 a.m. Students should not arrive before 8:00 unless they are participating in the breakfast program. Students will be in the classroom by 8:20 a.m., and they will be dismissed at 3:15 p.m.
Prior arrangements should be made as to where students should go in case of early school dismissal because of an emergency situation.
If it becomes necessary for students to leave before regular school dismissal, they must be signed out in the principal's office. No student will be dismissed without office approval.
Parents will need to make arrangements in advance for conferences. Times will be set up when the teacher is available. Please feel free to call the Principal's office to arrange for those conferences.
School personnel, according to state law, may dispense medicine to students. The school must have written authorization from the parent or guardian.
The parents of any elementary student with an oral temperature of 100 degrees or above will be notified. Any child exhibiting flu-like symptoms or having a condition which may be infectious to other students will be sent home. Parents will be notified and asked to pick their child up in the office. Students will remain in the sick room until they are checked out. When a student returns to school, he/she must check in with the office and in some cases have a physician's approval for return. Secondary students must come to the High School Principal’s office to receive permission to check out of school when sick.
Any abrasion or small cut will be cleaned and bandaged. In the event of a serious accident, parents will be notified immediately. If the parents or persons listed under emergency contact cannot be reached, school staff will exercise their best judgment in dealing with the situation.
Meningococcaldisease,alsoknownasbacterialmeningitis,isa rarebutsometimesdeadly infectionthatcanstrikeadolescentsandyoungadults.Thediseasestrikesquicklyandhas devastatingcomplications,includinghearingloss,braindamage,limbamputations,lossof kidneyfunctionand,insomecases,death.
Adolescentsandyoungadultsareatincreasedriskforgettingmeningococcaldisease.In fact,theyaccountfornearly15percentofall casesofmeningococcaldiseasereportedin theU.S.Deathratesarehigheramongadolescentsandyoungadultscomparedwithother agegroupsandapproximatelyonein sevenwilldie.Themajorityofmeningococcaldisease casesamongadolescentsandyoungadultsmaybepreventedbyvaccination.
Certainlifestylefactorscommonamongadolescentsandyoungadultsincreasetheirrisk. Theseinclude,butarenotlimitedto:
Crowdedlivingsituations,suchassleep-awaycamps,dormitoriesandotherstudent- stylehousingarrangements
Meningococcaldiseaseiscontagious.Thediseaseistransmittedthroughtheexchangeof respiratorydropletssuchascoughingorsneezing,orthroughdirectcontactwithan infected person(e.g.,kissing).
Meningococcaldiseaseisoftenmisdiagnosedas somethinglessserious,asthesymptoms oftenresemblethoseoftheflu.Symptomsmayincludesuddenhighfever,headache,stiff neck,nausea,vomitingandexhaustion.Somepeoplealsodeveloparash.Sincesymptoms progressquickly,itisveryimportantthatmedicalattentionissoughtimmediately.
Yes.Vaccinationoffersthebestprotectionagainstthedisease.Meningococcalvaccinesare availableintheU.S.forpeople6weeksofageandolder
Howcanadolescentsandyoungadultsreducetheirriskofgettingmeningococcal disease?
Adolescentsandyoungadultscanreducetheirriskbybeingvaccinatedagainst meningococcaldisease.Vaccinationprotectsagainstfourofthefivecommonstrainsofthe diseasethatcausethemajorityofcasesinthisagegroup.
Vaccinationisthebestmethodofprevention.However,maintainingahealthylifestylelike gettingplentyofrestandnotcomingintoclosecontactwithpeoplewhoaresickcanalso help.
TheCentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention(CDC)recommendsvaccinationforall 11-12 yearolds,withaboosterdoseatage16.Forthosewhoreceivethefirstdoseat13through
15yearsofage,aboosterisrecommendedat16through18.CDC suggeststhat
Thereareothersrecommendedformeningococcalvaccination,includingyoungerchildren andadultswithcertainmedicalconditions,travelersandmilitaryrecruits.Forthefulllistof personsrecommendedbytheCDCformeningococcalvaccination,pleasevisit:
Followingareadditionalresourcesthatprovidemoreinformationaboutmeningococcal diseaseandpreventionmethods,includingvaccination:
TheNationalMeningitisAssociation(NMA)isanonprofitorganizationfoundedbyparentsof childrenwhohavediedorlivewithlong-termeffectsfrommeningococcaldisease.NMA’s missionistoeducatefamilies,medicalprofessionalsandothersaboutmeningococcal diseaseandpreventionapproachestothedisease.
NMA,pleasecall1-866-FONE-NMA(1-866-366-3662)or visit
Seiling School provides nutritional meals at the lowest prices currently possible. Our lunch program operates on a nonprofit basis, so please keep all accounts current. The district will send reminders if an account has a negative balance. Parents can also check balances by calling the school or by clicking the “lunch” tab on the student gradebook (grades 3-12) located on the school website.
Beginning the fall semester of 2014-15, any student who owes on a breakfast/lunch bill from the previous school year will not be allowed to charge meals for more than 30 days without payment due. As recommended by the State Department of Education/Child Nutrition Program, students will be given a nutritional alternative to the hot lunch (i.e. peanut butter sandwich and milk) if that account has been allowed to go in to default. The 30 day period will begin again at the beginning of each semester.
Free and reduced breakfast/lunch forms will be available during enrollment and throughout the school year, in the event that a family’s financial situation were to change during the year. A new application must be filled out and signed each year, and we encourage you to apply if eligible.
Prices for breakfast and lunch are listed. The first semester has 86 days; the second semester has 88 days.
Reduced: $0.30Reduced: $0.40
Paid: $1.75Paid: $2.60
Adult: $2.50Adult: $4.00
- A hot lunch is provided in the cafeteria.
- Students may bring their lunch, but they will be required to eat in the cafeteria. (no soft drinks)
- Breakfast or lunch tickets must be purchased in advance in the office or cafeteria.
- Breakfast is served each morning from 7:45 A.M. to 8:15 A.M.
- Federal assistance is available for those who qualify.
(An account is considered to be in default when a student owes from the previous semester and no payment has been made.)
A 90-100 Superior Work
B 80-89 Above Average Work
C 70-79 Average Work
D 60-69 Lowest Passing Grade
F 0-59 Failing
NNeeds Improvement
If a teacher feels that a student's work in a certain subject is incomplete or unsatisfactory because of some reason which the student could not avoid, he/she may give the student an incomplete grade. An incomplete grade is a courtesy to the student, and it is his/her responsibility to see the teacher and to do the necessary work to erase the incomplete grade. An incomplete grade which is not made up to the satisfaction of the teacher will automatically become an "F".
GRADE CARDS are issued each nine weeks so that you and your parents have a means of evaluating your class work.
Formal parent-teacher Conferences will be held at the end of the first and third nine weeks. An end of the year conference is provided for any parents or students who wish to attend. Conference times are scheduled for the parents of all students, and parents are notified by mail.
- The honor roll is compiled at the end of each grading period. To be eligible for the Principal's Honor Roll, a student must make no lower than a "B". The Superintendent's Honor Roll will consist of students maintaining all "A's".
2.A Senior valedictorian and salutatorian will be selected. Averages will be based on an "A" equal to four points, "B" equal to three points, "C" equal to two points, and a "D" equal to one point. Grades for selection are figured through the end of the third nine weeks of the Senior year. A copy of the Valedictorian & Salutatorian selection policy is available from the Secondary Principal.
3.To be eligible for valedictory and salutatory honors, a student must have completed the entire senior year in Seiling and be an honor student.
4.Junior High and Senior High Honor Society consists of the top 10% of the 7th through 9th grades and 10th through 12th grades. Spring and Fall Semester grade averages determine Honor Society eligibility.
Fire and tornado drills will be held unannounced throughout the year. The fire signal is three blasts in succession, and the tornado signal is one continuous blast. Other drills will be intercom signaled. Students and teachers are to proceed to the proper places in a quick but orderly manner or shelter in place.
Turning in a false alarm is a violation of both state and local laws. Violators are subject to the full punishment of the law.
At the beginning of each school day a minute of silence will be recognized by all students
and school personnel.
If weather conditions become hazardous, school officials will notify radio stations K101, KNID 107.1, KXLS 95.7, and television stations KFDR-TV, News 9 and KOCO-TV.
At all times a student's behavior should be courteous and respectful. An indication of the cultural level of the school is the conduct of its student body at an assembly. Whether guests are present or not, each student is personally responsible for the impression made by the school as a whole. Unacceptable conduct would include whistling, uncalled for clapping, boisterousness, and talking during a program. No food or drink is allowed in the auditorium. Feet should remain on the floor and out of auditorium seats. Assembly etiquette should be followed at all times.
In order for students to reach their academic potential, they need to realize the vital impact that each class period contributes to their own educational goals. The demands, which colleges and a rapidly changing job market place on graduating seniors, have dictated that each class at every level raise its expectations and standards.
A high degree of educational intensity is essential in order to meet elevated standards. Absences, tardiness, and classroom disruptiveness not only hamper the student who is involved, but they also penalize the rest of the class by slowing the pace, therefore killing the momentum and intensity of the class period. Seiling Schools, as a result, uses a variety of discipline methods including:
A. Classroom disturbance: talking, mischief, failure to produce homework assignments (first offense), etc.
B.Hall misconduct
C. Food or drink in an unauthorized area
D.Excessive display of passion
E.Leaving trash
- Disruptive - class, assembly, cafeteria, playground, etc.
B.Improper bus conduct
C.Lying to school personnel
D.Use of tobacco or possession
E.Willful neglect of assignments or homework
F.Unauthorized use of vehicles during school
G.Leaving school without proper check-out procedures
- Willful disrespect of school rules, personnel, or property
- Profanity
- Cheating
K. Improper moral action
A.Willful and/or continued disobedience
B.Fighting or verbal abuse
C. Vandalism of school property or the property of school officials and/or personnel
D.After serving three (3) Saturday detentions, go directly to level IV
- Repeated use or possession of tobacco
- Making threats to other students
B.Assault and/or battery
D.Use of drugs or alcohol
E.Possession, use, or dealing of drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances