Dear Parent,
Attached you will find your child’s current grade report for this nine week period. According to the Gwinnett County testing guidelines, any student who receives a D or U in 4th grade science or social studies on any report card will then need to pass that section of the CRCT in order to be promoted to 5th grade. We are making you aware of this policy because your child currently has a C in one of these subjects, and he or she is in jeopardy of dropping to a D or U.
There are still three weeks left in the grading period. Your child does have opportunities to raise his or her grade, but he or she will need to put forth extra effort in class and in studying at home. Please sign below and return this letter to acknowledge your awareness of this situation. Thank you for your support in your child’s learning, and please contact us if you have any questions about this county-level policy.
Mandy Gregory
Parent signature___________________________________________________________