Associated Students of Seattle University

Representative Assembly Meeting


February 8, 2012 STCN 130 at 6:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order at 6:01pm

II. Roll Call

a. Katie Wieliczkiewicz - President

b. Kaylee Venosky - Executive Vice President

c. Annie Schneider - Vice President of Finance

d. Alanna Welsh - Vice President of University Affairs

e. Alyssa Watts - Senior Representative

f. Natalie Alvarado – Junior Representative

g. Mackenzie Hoffman - Sophomore Representative

h. Max Echterling - Freshman Representative

i. Emily Harris - Freshman Representative (Sick)

j. Eric Chalmers - At-Large Representative

k. Eric Sype - At-Large Representative

l. Nicole Gaddie - Athletic Representative

m. Chris Tiana Obey – Commuter Representative

n. Ricardo Hontanon - International Representative

o. Ann Hashizume- Multicultural Representative

p. Austin Richmond - Non-Traditional Representative (Not Present)

q. Janie Bube – Transfer Representative

r. Nicole Robison – Advisor (Not Present)

s. Joshua McFadden – Advisor

t. Bernard Liang -Advisor

III. Approval of the Minutes

M: Eric Sype

S: Eric Chalmers

Passes 13-0- 0

IV. Public Comment

Lauren- Athletic Department

There are a lot of upcoming events that Athletics would like to share with ASSU. Starting next week we have our Black Out against Pepperdine University, where everyone will wear black to the game. Followed by the pink game, women’s basketball, to support breast cancer research and raise money, we will be at c-street selling pink shirts and other items.

Feb 29th – Dairy Farmers of Washington would like to give a prize to the organization that brings the most canned goods to the game. The organization will win a cash prize of $250 that will go to the organization. If you could send out the information to your constituents and clubs on campus to get the word out it would be much appreciated.

We will also be giving out reusable bags; one will have a prize inside.

Q: Could you send more detailed information to ASSU so that we could better inform the students? A: Yes, of course

Please remember that buses to the games are available, they begin to leave at 5:30 and every 15 minutes after that. There is sometimes pizza on the first couple busses and fun activities. Please come out and support.

V. Old Business


VI. New Business

Move to add a committee Appointment to the Agenda, Accreditation Committee

M: Mackenzie Hoffman

S: Nicole Gaddie

Passes 13-0-0

Move to add a discussion about adding an issue to the ASSU by-laws

M: Eric Chalmers

S: Eric Sype


Motion to discuss the Accreditation Committee appointment first then the bylaw discussion

M: Alyssa Watts

S: Eric Chalmers

Passes 13-0-0

REPA 20120208-1 Accreditation Committee Appointment (Alanna Welsh) Action

Morgan Burdick the student appointee in the Accreditation Committee. She is a freshman who would like to work with the committee to help out and learn more, well spoken and is excited to be in the position.

Q: Is this a one year or multiple year commitment? A: They are all one year, they come back up every year for evaluation

Motion to Vote on Morgan Burdick to Accreditation Committee

Moved By Eric Chalmers

S: Eric Sype

Passes 13-0-0

REPA 20120208-2 Adding to the bylaws (Eric Chalmers) Discussion

I would like to discuss the idea of adding a By-law that would not allow someone to hold both an executive position and a representative position in the same office, example, being an ASSU representative and a RedZone Executive. Being in both positions takes away time and doesn’t allow for people to focus on what they are doing in the present.

Changing Bylaws Discussion

- You would have monopoly in student office if you have the same people doing everything, also showing the appearance of a clique which is not what we want to show the students. Having the positions split would allow more people to be involved and give more opportunities to people who might think they couldn’t get the position.

- Q: Where does the line get drawn? Which organizations are you going to include in this bylaw? A: That is also part of the discussion, trying to figure out what ASSU thinks would be the best place to draw the line, who to include and who not to, also in terms of hours.

- Q: Are you looking at other organizations outside the office or staying just inside the office space? A: Just inside for the bylaws

- Against the idea, it is too intense for a bylaw. There are a lot of things that people are involved and students should not be punished because they are interested in different organizations.

- Think about the line we draw in terms of volunteer positions in SEAC and Dance Marathon. Need to focus on the yearlong commitment and leadership position.

- People who are in these positions are going to be over committed to begin with because that’s the type of people it attracts. So it would be great if we let a larger group of people participate.

- Need to make sure we restrict it to executive or scholarship levels in Student Activities

- Other departments and Student Activities in general, are moving in a direction to limit only one executive position. It would be great if we showed our support and followed with that idea with this bylaw.

- Student Development is looking into this, we need to spread it around campus so that people know that they have to limit their involvement in leadership activities

- This would be a great argument to increase scholarship. If we show that we are limiting the number of positions you can hold it might make it appealing to have larger scholarships to make it more appealing to join.

- Q: Need to think about the cabinet position, paid position where does that go?

- Would be best if we had levels, executive, cabinet, and representative. What you can and can’t do in your position.

- A bylaw need to be voted on by the whole school

- Need to be aware how far this goes around campus.

- This would also be great to help student realize that they aren’t competing with the same people for the same positions every time.

- Q: Would we be limiting the number of hours that people could work or just the positions they can hold? A: I am sure that become clear after looking at what each position requires and what is involved.

- This won’t be written in an extreme way that people wouldn’t be able to be involved anywhere else on campus.

Seek a motion to open a discussion about organizational strengths within ASSU

M: Eric Sype

S: Max Echterling

Passes 13-0-0

REPA 20120208-3 Organizational Strengths (Kaylee Venosky) Discussion

Main strengths

- Great diversity of opinions

- We do well on responding to issues and getting something done about those issues

- We get creative in solving problems and think outside the box

- We respect the diverse opinions and have great energy and enthusiasm for what we do

What has ASSU been successful at, our connection to the whole campus?

- Smoking policy and getting that information out to the students

- Athletics has been evolving with wrist bands and also expanding study hall locations

- BeHeard is becoming well know more around campus

- The petition signing for the Financial Aid, very fast response

- Stronger partnership with Facilities

- First Friday Donuts, students know where ASSU is and know what it is

- Bike Racks

- Appropriations

- Traditions- going out and starting new traditions

Your personal strength due to ASSU

- Organization and time management

- As a unit, positive and negative feedback is well-accepted

- Good sense of humor

- Members bring lots of energy

- As a whole have a lot of drive and passion for what we are doing

- Accountability- take responsibility for our actions

- Personal and professional

- Dedication

- Positive attitude

- Getting our name out to the campus community

Moved by Ricardo Hontonan to re-open the discussion on the addition to the bylaws

M: Ricardo Hontonan

S: Eric Chalmers

Passes 11-2-0

Our group is filled with people who are in multiple jobs, leadership positions, commitments. It would be wrong to not allow those people the opportunity to participate in those activities. People can do more then one thing; everyone here is involved with more than one thing.

Motion to have a discussion about commuter’s involvement on campus

M: ChrisTiana Obey

S: Eric Chalmers

Passes 10-2-1

REPA 20120208-4 Commuter Involvement (ChrisTiana Obey) Discussion

- Being specific in what kind of commuters you are trying to reach out to- there are still many commuters who are involved.

- International students are also in that situation, where they are not interested in being involved.

- The collegiums are also very exclusive; they don’t like to step out of their boundaries and their collegiums. The collegiums involve about 500 students, and although some feel the need to be involved there is a bigger part of that community that already has their group and they aren’t interested in becoming more involved on campus. The collegiums also have their fun activities so they are able to bond with the people that are in their collegiums.

- BeHeard is meeting on Monday, and there are a good number of commuters on the committee, so they can speak about that issue.

- There is also the other way around, where on campus students don’t feel welcomed in the collegiums so they don’t get to meet the people that are commuting. This might be a good chance to start brainstorming and come back to have a better conversation with more ideas that we have had time to discuss.

- Also get more involved with the collegiums, it might help you better understand what is happening from within and what they are looking for in terms of outreach

- Realize that State of the Student only looks at the outspoken people who enjoy sharing their opinions, so it might be biased.

- RedZone is trying to get involved with the collegiums by donating RedZone shirts for an event they are having.

VIII. Officer Reports: Discussion

A) Katie Wieliczkiewicz-President

- State of the Student can be found on the t-drive, I will also be emailing it out

- Presented to the executives on Tuesday and will be presenting to the board of trustees subcommittee for Student Development on Thursday

- Secretary of Elections about 14 applicants

- Logan field will be turfed and done by fall 2012

B) Kaylee Venosky- Executive Vice President

- Working on retreat

C) Annie Schneider- Vice President of Finance

- Getting new request, that are due today

- Compiling evaluation data and reading through that information

D) Alanna Welsh- Vice President of University Affairs

- Emailed people who were on committees and seeing how people are doing on the committees, keeping touch and making sure that we are reaching out

E) Representatives

ChrisTiana Obey

- Working on posters for the FYI campaign, and making advertising that is more permanent

Ann Hashizume

- Cultural event is being planned for Monday of president’s weekend in the Boeing Room

- Working with Ricky for cultural presentation for event

Natalie Alvarado

- Wrote to my constituents, and got some responses

Max Echterling

- Made square dress yesterday and posters for the top of it,

- Working on cataloging the information we get from tabling

Eric Chalmers

- Join RedZones Dance Marathon Team

- Drafting the policy that was discussed tonight

Eric Sype

- Had a meeting for my map, and it is moving forward and I’ll email the file that I have so that everyone can take a look at what it will look like.

- Have a meeting with Study Abroad and ISC

- Redbox- Bob Spencer- talking about moving forward

Nicole Gaddie

- intramural issue taken care of

- shadowing with Kaylee for EVP

Ricardo Hontanon

- Going to send out a new email with survey style to the international students, in hope that I get more reply

- Need help with advertising for the Ice Cream event I am doing at Xavier

- Also looking into which new language people would be interested in studying on campus

Alyssa Watts

- Smaller venue than I would have liked, so now we are looking into expanding into the next space. This would mean that it cost more money, which leads to the price changing for tickets. Trying to think of some incentives that people would like to get for paying more for attending

- We won’t need as many volunteers. I have a couple people who are interested in volunteering, I am assuming that ASSU members who aren’t Seniors are going to volunteer, if you are not please let me know so that I can include other people.

- Working on getting a young alumni group going , they would be able to help with transitioning from student to Alumni

- Senior week is being cut to Monday through Thursday due to Quadstock and Sasquatch, and Memorial Day

Janie Bube

- Transfer tailgate happening

Mackenzie Hoffman

- Halfway there event May 3rd

F) Advisors

Josh McFadden

- good to see the journey that is transpiring with ASSU, pleasure to be working with you

IX. Committee Reports Discussion

President Advisory Board

- Working on square dress and getting our name out there.


- The retreat will start at noon, done by 7pm. We will be eating dinner together.


- Next appropriations on the Feb 18th, need someone to take the minutes. Kimberly has a game and will not be able to attend

University Affairs

- meeting with BeHeard committee and trying to get BeHeard in the resident halls,

- Working on setting up a night we can table in the resident halls and be there to answer questions

X. Announcements Discussion

- Midterms – take care of yourself, you need a 2.5 to be on ASSU so make sure and study

- Feb 18th will be fashion show

- Vagina Monologue Friday and Sunday

- Japanese Club is making paper cranes, please help

XI. Adjournment at 7:16 pm