Employment History
2008-2014 / Associate Professor of Economics and Political Science Georgia Perimeter College
2006-2007 / Assistant Department Chair, Business Administration and Social Science, Associate Professor of Economics and Political Science Georgia Perimeter College
2005-2007 / Assistant Department Chair, Social Science, Associate Professor of Economics and Political Science Georgia Perimeter College
2001-2005 / Assistant Department Chair, Business Administration and Social Science, Associate Professor of Economics and Political Science Georgia Perimeter College
1998-2001 / Associate Professor of Economics and Political Science, Georgia Perimeter
1995-1998 / Associate Professor of Economics and Political Science, DeKalb College
1993-1995 / Associate Professor of Economics, DeKalb College
1986-1993 / Assistant Professor of Economics, DeKalb College
1980-1986 / Instructor in Business Administration Division, DeKalb Community College
1979 / Adjunct Instructor, DeKalb Community College
1975-1976 / Bookstore Manager, Almar Books
Academic Achievement
1985 / Completion of 45 credit hours in Economics and Political Science beyond
the Masters Degree, Georgia State University—55 total graduate
hours in Economics, 30 total graduate hours in Political Science
1979 / Master of Education
Major: Economics
Georgia State University
1975 / Bachelor of Business Administration
Major: Marketing
University of Georgia
2016 / Outreach Award, Foundation for Economic Education2008-2013 / Re-elected Director of Communications for the Georgia Association of Economics and Finance
2012 / Acknowledged as a reviewer in Cengage Learning textbook, Principles of Economics by Greg Mankiw
2012 / Received a Certificate of Appreciation from Student Life / SGA
2012 / Served as a referee for The Mercatus Center of George Mason University for “A Trillion Little Subsidies”, journal article, June, 2012
2012 / Served as a referee for The Mercatus Center of George Mason University for “Who Pays the Tax”, journal article, March, 2012
2011 / Elected Secretary for the Georgia Political Science Association
2011 / Interviewed by Butler on Business Radio Program, 1190AM, September 23, 2011
2011 / Interviewed by Butler on Business Radio Program, 1190AM, July 11, 2011
2010 / Acknowledged as a reviewer in McGraw-Hill textbook, Economics by Dean Karlan and Jonathan Morduch
2010 / Wells Award for Outstanding Service presented by the Georgia Political Science Association
2008 / Acknowledged as a reviewer in Pearson/Longman textbook, Living Democracy by Daniel Shea
2008 / Acknowledged as a reviewer in Skousen Publishing’s textbook,
Economic Logic by Mark Skousen
2007 / Participated in a one hour on the air discussion of the FairTax proposal on Miami’s WLRN station, July 17, 2007
2007 / Interviewed by WABE’s Morning Edition on the subject of the minimum wage law, July 10, 2007
2007 / Interviewed/quoted in “Minimum Wage Increase Would Have Big Impact in Louisiana, Analyst Says” The Town Talk, January 11, 2007
2006 / Interviewed/quoted in “Addressing the Minimum Wage Law” Augusta Free Press, December 4, 2006
2005-2013 / Elected Director Of Communications for the Georgia Association of Economics and Finance
2005 / Named an Adjunct Faculty member of the Ludwig von Mises Institute of Auburn University
2005 / Interviewed on the air by Bill Meyer of KMED of Medford, Oregon,
September 1, 2005 on the subject of the FairTax
2005 / Interviewed/quoted in “Where Do You Stand on Waiting in Line?” Newhouse News Service, November 29, 2005
2005 / Interviewed/quoted in “On the Spot” The Collegian, August 2005
2004 / Selected for the Lawrenceville Campus IT Scholar’s Program
2004 / Georgia Association of Economics and Finance’s “Economics Professor of the Year” Award
2003 / Cited in “Putting America Back to Work: How to Reduce Unemployment,” LP News, April, 2003
2002 / Interviewed and quoted in Gwinnett Daily Post article, “Gwinnett Shows Up Nation in Employment,” October 27, 2002
2002 / Named a member of the Board of Scholars for the Virginia Institute for Public Policy in Potomac Falls, Virginia
2001 / Cited in Reporter Jack Van Noord’s article for the Daily Herald of Chicago, October 22 “Price gouging has its benefits in a free market under stress”
2001 / Elected President of the Georgia Association of Economics and Finance
2000 / Interviewed and quoted for Lakeland, Florida newspaper, The Ledger for “Minimum-Wage Increase a Dead Issue in Polk County” October 14, 2000
2000 / Elected Vice President (Programs) of the Georgia Association of
Economics and Finance
1999 / Web-based article, “The Ugly Truth About the Minimum Wage Law” linked by McGraw-Hill Economics student study aid website
1999 / Interviewed on the air by Hartford radio stations WZMX’s “Sebastian Show” on the subject of the minimum wage law
1999 / Acknowledged as a reviewer in Skousen Publishing’s textbook,
Economic Logic by Mark Skousen
1999 / Outstanding Faculty Teaching and Service Award, Lawrenceville Campus
1999-2002 / Elected Secretary-Treasurer of the Georgia Political Science Association
1999 / Elected Vice President (Membership) of the Georgia Association of Economics and Finance
1992-1999 / Academic Advisory Board for the Georgia Public Policy Foundation
1998 / Elected Secretary of the Georgia Association of Economics and Finance
1998 / Interviewed on radio station WFMX of Hartford, Connecticut about the minimum wage law, based on my article posted to the internet by The Advocates for Self-Government
1998 / Cited in Professor Lee Jones’s HEDS 101 syllabus for my Five Sector Political Spectrum exercise
1998 / Elected to the Executive Committee of the Georgia Political Science
1997 / Acknowledged as a reviewer in the 7th edition of Dryden Press' textbook, Economics, Principles and Policy, by William J. Baumol and Alan S. Binder
1994 / Acknowledged as a reviewer in the 6th edition of Bradley R. Schiller's The Macro Economy Today
1992 / Acknowledged as a reviewer in Daylight Realty's How to Buy Foreclosure Property in Georgia, by Chip Lanier
1990 / Acknowledged as a reviewer in the 6th edition of Dryden Press' textbook, Economics, by Edwin Dolan and David Lindsey
1990 / Acknowledged as a reviewer in the 2nd edition of South-Western's
textbook, Economics: A Contemporary Introduction by William A. McEachern
1998 / Named a Fellow of the Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia
1988 / Acknowledged as a reviewer in the 6th edition of Harper & Row's textbook, Economics Today, by Roger Leroy Miller
1986 / Awarded Convention Registration to the National Convention of the
Association of Private Enterprise Education for renaming the
Association's newsletter
1985 / Selected for Georgia State University Center for Business and Economic Education's Master Teachers of Economics Education Program
1975 / Dean's List, University of Georgia
“Tax Consumers, Taxpayers, and the Cox Box” Mises Daily, Mises.org, February 14, 2014.eBook, Minimum Wage, Maximum Damage, LFB.org, 2013
“Minimum Wage Hike Would Destroy San Jose Jobs”, San Jose Mercury News, November 5, 2012 (with John Roeder).
eBook, The Concise Guide to Economics, LFB.org, September 2012
The Haiku Economist, 101 Poems Economic Principles Economically Explained, Advocates for Self-Government, October 2012
Peer Reviewer for “A Trillion Little Subsidies?” for the Mercatus Center of George Mason University, June 2012
Peer Reviewer for “Who Pays The Tax?” for the Mercatus Center of George Mason University, March 2012
Peer Reviewer for John Papola’s introduction to F. A. Hayek’s A Tiger by the Tail, March 2012
“If Only the Republican Had Won in 2008”, LewRockwell.com, September 2011
“This is What is Wrong with the PSC (Well, One of the Things)” PSCWatch.com, September 2011
“Republican Party Dream Candidate” with James W. Harris, LewRockwell.com, August 27, 2011
“95 Electricity Providers in Georgia (All legally created as territorial monopolies)” PSCWatch.com, June 2011
“Utilities Monopolies and X-Inefficiency” PSCWatch.com, April 2011
“Georgia Power Has Too Many Revenue Guarantees” PSCWatch.com, November 2010
“Man Made Global Warming Quiz” LewRockwell.com, August 11, 2010
Ytimekas opas talouteen, Lumo Publishing, 2009 (Finnish translation of The Concise Guide to Economics)
"Recession Produces a Plethora of Poetry" Atlanta Journal and Constitution, December 6, 2009
“Economic Logic” Test Bank for Mark Skousen’s text, Economic Logic, Skousen Publishing, 2008
“Iraq is Not Vietnam, Part IV” LewRockwell.com, March 11, 2008
“An Open Letter to Neal Boortz Listeners,” LewRockwell.com, January 30, 2008
The Concise Guide to Economics, Ludwig von Mises Institute, July 2007
“The George W. Bush ‘What Me Worry?’ Quiz, Part II” LewRockwell.com, April 2, 2007
“Iraq is Not Vietnam, Part III” LewRockwell.com, February 17, 2007
“Point/Counterpoint” on the Minimum Wage, Atlanta Life Magazine, October 2006
“Exactly What is So Appealing About the Fair Tax?” LPNews, May 2006
“Harry Browne, One of My Very Favorite Political Thinkers” Advocates for Self-Government, March 2006
“The George W. Bush ‘What Me Worry?’ Quiz” LewRockwell.com, February 28, 2006
“Iraq is Not Vietnam, Part II” LewRockwell.com, January 31, 2006
“What’s Offensive in the Boortz FairTax Book” LewRockwell.com, November 10, 2005
“And Now to Say Something Good About the Boortz FairTax Book” LewRockwell.com, November 4, 2005
“The Crackpot FairTax Trade, I’m Calling You Out, Neal Boortz” LewRockwell.com, August 30, 2005
“You, Too, Can Be a Tax Collector for the Welfare State” review of The FairTax Book, Amazon.com, August, 2005
“Iraq is Not Vietnam” LewRockwell.com, July 15, 2005
“The Super Macho Patriot Brigade” LewRockwell.com, March 3, 2005
“Contra the Fair Tax” Out2News, December 20, 2004
“To be Rush Limbaugh…” Out2News, December 13, 2004
“My Favorite Web Sites” Atlanta Journal and Constitution, May 16, 2004
Minimum Wage, Maximum Damage, Advocates for Self-Government, May 2004
“Iraq Quiz” LewRockwell.com, April 15, 2004
“The Fair Tax”, LP News, October 2003
“Is it Really a Fair Tax?” Opposing Viewpoints on Business, Government and Politics, The Gwinnett Business Journal, September 2003
Reflections, “Blame Russia First” Liberty, January 2003
“The Economic Solution to the Drought,” Viewpoint, The Gwinnett Citizen, May 16, 2002
“How to Increase Unemployment: the Minimum Wage” Virginia Viewpoint, Virginia Institute for Public Policy, December 2001
“Put the Constitution Right on the Dollar”, Houston Chronicle, November 19, 2001
“History Shows Gas is a Bargain,” In My Opinion, Atlanta Journal, May 18, 2001
“The No Flag Option” Soapbox, Creative Loafing, January 5, 2001
“In Defense of the Electoral College” GeorgiaPolitics.com, November 12, 2000, and The Collegian, December 7, 2000
“Economic Logic” Test Bank for Mark Skousen’s text, Skousen Publishing, 2000
“In Defense of the Electoral College, The Collegian, December 2000
“The Liberty Dollar Bill Proposal” GeorgiaPolitics.com, August 6, 1999
“The Right Argument Against the Minimum Wage Law” GeorgiaPolitics.com, March 19, 1999
“(Some of) Bill Clinton’s Other Unimpeachable Offenses” GeorgiaPolitics.com, February 15, 1999
“Y2K Bug’s Bite Could Be Felt Prior to Start of New Century” Atlanta Business Chronicle, February 12 - 18, 1999
“An Economist’s Plea to Clinton: Pretty Please, Sir, Don’t Resign,” Atlanta Business Chronicle, September 18-24, 1998
“Hollow Compassion,” Creative Loafing, December 27, 1997
"When Politicians Talk About Trading Taxes, It’s Time to Bolt,” Atlanta Business Chronicle, December 5 - 11, 1997
The Concise Guide to Economics, 2nd Edition, Savannah-Pikeville Press, 1997
"The Ugly Truth About the Minimum Wage Is, It Doesn't Work," Gwinnett Daily Post, Saturday, June 1, 1996
Arguing the Minimum Wage Law, Savannah-Pikeville Press, 1996
"Minimum Wage a Government-Inflicted Wrong," Atlanta Business Chronicle, December 8 - 14, 1995
The Concise Guide to Economics, Savannah-Pikeville Press, 1995
"Illustrating the Positive Rate of Time Preference," "Illustrating Equilibrium," "Worn Currency and Gresham's Law," "Price Discrimination: Movie Admissions versus Movie Concessions," "Anti-Advertisers... Advertise," "Demand Pull, Cost Push," "The Art of Economics," "The Importance of Money and Prices with a Brief History of the Calculation Debate" and "Robinson Crusoe, Keynes and the Classicals," in Great Ideas for Teaching Economics, 6th edition, Byrns and Stone ed., Harper and Collins, 1995
“The Unforseen Consequences of Increasing the Minimum Wage,” Georgia Public Policy Foundation Op-Ed Page article for statewide newspaper distribution, February, 1995
"Celebrating Private Property Based Production Day," Georgia Public Policy Foundation Op-Ed Page article for statewide newspaper distribution, November 1993
"Clinton Was Right on Vietnam," Creative Loafing Soapbox, July 10, 1993
"Raising Money the No Risk Way," APC News, Volume 4, Number 1, March, 1993
"Efforts to Prevent 'Price-Gouging' Would Not Help Hurricane's Victims," The Atlanta Journal, Wednesday, September 2, 1992
"The Importance of Money and Prices with a Brief History of the Calculation Debate" and "Robinson Crusoe, Keynes and the Classicals," in Great Ideas for Teaching Economics, 5th edition, Byrns and Stone ed., Harper and Collins, 1992
"Federal Government's Spending Habits Contradict Mr. Keynes," The Margin, Vol. 6, No. 3, January/February 1991
“Winning the Presidency by Coming in Third,” Gwinnett Home Weekly, Summer 1992
[Tax Increase] "No Cure For Budget Deficit," Gwinnett Daily News, Tuesday, July 17, 1990
"Rx for Hugo Relief: Price Gouging," The Margin, Vol. 4, No. 3, November/December 1989, co-authored with DeKalb student, Dawn Webber
"Inflation Not Caused by Full Employment," Institute for Humane Studies Op-Ed Page article for nationwide newspaper distribution, June 1989
“The Ugly Truth About the Minimum Wage Law,” Institute for Humane Studies Op-Ed Page article for nationwide newspaper distribution, May 1989, co-authored with DeKalb student, Dawn Webber
"How the US Contributes to Its Own Trade Deficit," DeKalb College Chronicle, Winter/Spring 1989
“The Inside Trader as Hero,” Institute for Humane Studies Op-Ed Page article for nationwide newspaper distribution, December 1988
"Hike in Minimum Wage Viewed as Destructive," Business Monday, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, July 18, 1988
"How the US Contributes to Its Own Trade Deficit," Institute for Humane Studies OpEd Page article for nationwide newspaper distribution, May 1988
"Trade Deficits Aren't Always Bad," DeKalb College Chronicle, Winter/Spring 1988
"Privatization Would Benefit Georgia," Business Monday, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, September 28, 1987
"Close Look at the Nature of a Trade Deficit Shows it Really Isn't So Bad," Business Monday, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, June 29, 1987
" 'Free' Cheese!," DeKalb College Open Door, May 4, 1982
Professional Growth and Development
2002-2013 / Board of Academic Advisors, Virginia Institute for Public Policy
1998-2012 / Adjunct Scholar Ludwig von Mises Institute of Auburn University
1997-2013 / Georgia Association of Economics and Finance
1997-2013 / Georgia Political Science Association