Reading List for The Archaeology of New England

PaleoIndian Pioneers, Hunter-Gatherers, and Cultural Evolution

Bradley, James

1998 Origins and Ancestors: Investigating New England’s PaleoIndians. R.S. Peabody Museum of Archaeology, Andover, MA.

Dincauze, Dena F.

2000 The Earliest Americans—The Northeast. Common Ground; NPS; pp. 34-44

1990 A Capsule Prehistory of Suothern New England. In The Peqots in Southern New England: The Fall and Rise of an American Indian Nation, pp. 19-32; edited by Laurence Hauptman and James Wherry. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK.

Grimes, J., W. Eldridge, B. G. Grimes, A. Vaccaro, F. Vaccaro, J. Vaccaro, N. Vaccaro, and A. Orsini

1984 Bull Brook II. New Experiments upon the Record of Eastern PaleoIndian Cultures. Archaeology of Eastern North America 12:159–183.

Pelletier, Bertrand G. and Brian Robinson

2005 Tundra, ice, and a Pleistocene Cape on the Gulf of Maine: A Case of PaleoIndian Transhumance. Archaeology of Eastern North America 33:163-176.

Early Archaic Period and Archaeological Field Methods

Doucette, D.L

2005 Reflections of the Middle Archaic: A View from Annasnappet Pond, Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 66(1):22–33.

Dudek, Martin

2005 The Whortleberry Hill Site: An Early Holocene Camp, Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 66(1):12-21.

Jones, Brian and Daniel Forrest

2003 Life in a Postglacial Landscape: Settlement-Subsistence Change During the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition in Southern New England. In Geoarchaeology of Landscapes in the Glaciated Northeast, edited by David L. Cremeens and John P. Hart, pp. 75-89. New York State Museum Bulletin 497.

Robinson, Brian

1996 Archaic Period Burial Patterning in Northeastern North America. The Review of Archaeology, 17(1)33-44.

The Middle Achaic Period, Lithic Technology, Geoarchaeological Analysis, Burial Ceremonialism

Doucette, D.L

2005 Reflections of the Middle Archaic: A View from Annasnappet Pond, Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 66(1):22–33.

2000 Decoding the Gender Bias: Inferences of Atlatls in Female Mortuary Contexts. In Gender and the Archaeology of Death. Edited by Bettina Arnold and Nancy L. Wicker, pp. 159-178. Alta Mira Press, New York.

New Hampshire Archaeological Society

1975 The New Hampshire Archaeologist. Vol. 18

Robinson, Brian

1996 Archaic Period Burial Patterning in Northeastern North America. The Review of Archaeology, 17(1)33-44.

Tuck, James and Robert McGhee

1977 An Archaic Indian Burial Mound in Labrador. Scientific American 235(5)122-129.

Searching for Paleoshorelines

Ruppe Wet Site Archaeology


Late Archaic Period, Maritime Adaptations, Burial Ceremonialism, the Laurentian and Small Stem Traditions

Magennis, Ann. L and Lenore T. Barbian

1996 Diet, Health, and Subsistence at the Late Archaic Turner Farm Site, Maine. Northeast Anthropology 52:95-119.

Robinson, Brian

1996 Archaic Period Burial Patterning in Northeastern North America. The Review of Archaeology, 17(1)33-44.

Tuck, James

1977 An Archaic Cemetery in Newfoundland; Scientific American 235(5)122-129.

Cultural Resource Management

Atalay, Sonya

2006 Indigenous Archaeology as Decolonizing Practice. American Indian Quarterly 30(3-4):280-310.

Fowler, John

1991 The egal Structure for the Protection of Archaeological Resources, In Protecting the Past, edited by George Smith and John Ehrenhad, pp. 21-25. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Herbster, Holly and Suzanne Cherau

2006 The Past is Present: CRM Archaeology on Martha’s Vineyard. In Cross-Cultrual Collaboration: Native Peoples and Archaeology in the Northeastern U.S., edited by Jordan Kerber, pp. 165-182. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NB

Kerber, Jordan E.

1994 Archaeological Research, Public Education, and Cultural Resource Management in the Northeast: An Integrated Approach. In Cultural Resource Management, edited by Jordan E. Kerber, pp. 261-272. Bergin and Garvey.

King, Thomas

2004 Cultural Resource Laws and Practice: An Introductory Guide, pp. 19-33 and 365-371, Second Edition, Altamira Press, Walnut Creek, CA.

Initial Woodland Period: Early Woodland and Ceramics

Heckenberger, M. J., J. B. Petersen, L. A. Basa, E. R. Cowie, A. E. Spiess, and R. E. Stuckenrath

1990 Early Woodland Period Mortuary Ceremonialism in the Far Northeast: A View from the Boucher Cemetery. Archaeology of Eastern North America 18:109–144.

Braun, Esther K. and David P. Braun

1994 Chapters 5 and 6, The Early, Middle, and Late Woodland Periods. In The First Peoples of the Northeast. Lincoln Historical Society, Lincoln, Massachusetts.

Chilton, Elizabeth

1999 Ceramic Research in New England: Breaking the Typological Mold. In The Archaeological Northeast, edited by Mary Ann Levine, Kenneth E. Sassaman, and Michael S. Nassaney, pp. 97-114. Bergin and Garvey, Westport, CT.

Middle Woodland Period

Braun, Esther K. and David P. Braun

1994 Chapters 5 and 6, The Early, Middle, and Late Woodland Periods. In The First Peoples of the Northeast. Lincoln Historical Society, Lincoln, Massachusetts.

Luedtke, B. E.

1987 The Pennsylvania Connection: Jasper at Massachusetts Sites. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 48(2):37–47.

Strauss, Alan

1992 Jack’s Reef Corner-Notched points in New England: Site Distribution, Raw Material Preferences, and Implications for Trade. North American Archaeologist 13(4):333-350.

Late Woodland Period

Chilton, E. S. and D. L. Doucette

2002 Archaeological Investigations at the Lucy Vincent Beach Site (19-DK-148): Preliminary Results and Interpretations. In A Lasting Impression. Edited by Jordan E. Kerber, pp. 41-87. Praeger Publishing, Westport, Connecticut.

Chilton, Elizabeth S.

2002 “towns they have none” Diverse Subsistence and Settlement Strategies in Native New England. In Northeast Subsistence-Settlement Change: A.D. 700-1300. Edited by John P. Hart and Christina B. Rieth, pp. 289-300. New York State Museum

Luedtke, Barbara

1988 Where are All the Late Woodland Villages in Eastern Massachusetts? Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 49(2):58-65.

Contact Period

Bragdon, Kathleen J.

1996 Native People of Southern New England, 1500-1650. pp. 3-54. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK.

Johnson, Eric S.

2000 Pottery: Material Culture and Political Process among Algonquians of seventeenth-Century Southern New England. In Interpretations of Native American Life: Material Contributions to Ethnohistory, edited by Michael s. Nassaney and Eric S. Johnson, pp. 118-143. University Press of Florida.

Diamond, Jared

1987 The worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race. Discover Magazine, 64-66