La Excellence IAS

25-April-2017 Current Affairs



Article: silence is not an option

Context: growing vigilantism in India

Notes: In a democratic political community, citizens owe obligations of Justice to their fellow citizens. There shall be a collective voice that has to raise whenever dignity, respect is infringed. Silence of one human to the others suffering makes every one to suffer. History of holocaust tell us the same.

In India vigilantism is on rise. It is effecting every form of expression –cinema, news paper, private dialogue. self defined morality by vigilantes is effecting lives of dalits and Muslims. Indian rich tradition of debate is not in alignment with this.

To remember:A society’s maturity is judged on the basis of how it treats it s minorities, marginalized and weaker sections.

Carry home points : In India growing vigilantism is not in spirit of our rich tradition.

Article: The climate fight is global

Context: recent reversals of Trump in climate fight.

Notes: USA is losing its focus in fight against climate change. President Trump and his team are non believers in climate change and pledged to reverse president Obamas actions. Clean power plan initiated by president Obama is reversed. It was aimed to reduce co2 emissions by about third below 2005 levels by 2030.

Still there is a hope for fight against climate change. The reasons are

1. Many of the global nations did not reverse their commitments and are still continuing their focus on renewables.

2. Sub National actors in USA are still committed to fight against climate change.

3. Executive action alone can not reverse climate change commitments of USA. There is a Supreme Court ruling to regulate Co2 and overcoming Judicial challenge is not easy.

To remember:

Carry home points : president Trump has reversed the Obama’s clean power plan. Many of the states and cities in USA have their own climate change mitigation plans. In federal setup of USA president has a little control over them.

Article: A stark choice

Context: French elections

Notes: After first round of elections, centrist, pro European Union candidate Macron Emmanuel and far right National front leader Marine le pen are elected for a run off. This is the first time after the establishment of fifth republic, France did not have candidates from traditional parties.

Unpopular tenure president Hollande, corruption charges against Francois fillon, republic candidate made them to lose in the first round.

Remarkable is the marine le pen progress in the elections. She was able to detoxify racist rhetoric and brought the party from fringes to mainstream.

To remember:

Carry home points : Elections in France reflects deeply divided society. Mr. Macron is the candidate ofaffluent, cosmopolitan France, whileMs. Le Pen is the voice of a poorer,disenfranchised peripheral France.

Article: The best laid plans

Context: NITI aayog governing council meeting

Notes: NITI Aayog proposed for a 15 year vision, seven year strategy and 3 year action plan. It aims to achieve a consistent growth of 8%per annum. The proposed idea of New India is expected to be reached through cooperative federalism. Vision has been envisioned by Arvind Panagariya as follows -it will ensure housing for all, with toilets, LPG, power and digital connections; access to personal vehicle, air conditioner and white goods for‘nearly all’; and a fully literate population with universal health care.

To remember:

Carry home points :Niti Aayog has initiated a road map for new India. Five year plans of planning commission will be replaced by three year action plan, 7 year strategy and 15v year long term vision.

Article: The appeasement of None.

Context: Rights of religious and linguistic minorities

Notes: Article 29,30 of the constitution guarantees rights to minorities for protection of their culture, script and language. But the constitution has not defined or identified linguistic and religious minorities.

SC of India in TMA Pai foundation vs state of a Karnataka held that unit for the purpose of determining the definition of minority would be the state, not the whole of India. Later, National commission for minorities act, 1992 states that a minority means a community notified as such by the central Government. In 1993 it has notified Muslims, christians, sikhs, Buddhists and Zoroastrianis as minorities. Later Jains are added to the list.

As per the Judgement of SC, Hindus are to be considered as minorities in seven states. But most of the states do not notify to that extent.

To remember: Minorities in India are identified b y the centre through National commission for minorities act. As per Supreme Court, State shall be unit in India to identify majority and minority.

Carry home points : India shall move beyond the Majority and Minority binary


1.WB and IMF try to woo Trump Government.

2. SC for broad anti torture legislation. – SC recommends for promulgating a broad, standalone, comprehensive law to define and punish torture as an instrument of human degradation. India has signed UN convention against torture but did not ratify the same.

In custodial deaths, police are required to report to NHRC but no such a mechanism exists against torture.

4. Reinstate oustedKerala DGP: SC - The court observed that the police force should be insulated from political encroachment into their hierarchy. The commitment, devotion and accountability of the police had to be only to the rule of law and not persons. Further, the rule of law should not become a casualty to the whims and fancies of the political executive.


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