Arteries and Veins

I. Tunics

a. The most deep layer is called the _____________


i. A thin layer, called the _____________, is a

single cell layer thick. Specializes in diffusion

b. The muscular layer is called the ____________


i. Made of ___________ ____________.

a. ________________ refers to blood

vessels becoming enlarge whereas

_________________ occurs when they get


c. The most superficial layer is called the _____________

____________ and is most of fibrous tissue.

II. Arteries v. Veins

a. An artery leads _________ from the heart

i. The have an enlarged ____________ _____________

ii. They also have ____________ tissue to absorb pressure from the heart

iii. These branch into smaller vessels called _____________

iv. Eventually, these vessels lead to tissues. They are then 1

cell thick and are called _____________.

1. Functions

a. Gas exchange

b. Linking system

b. Blood vessels bringing blood towards the heart are called _____________

i. These have a reduce ____________ ____________

1. Therefore, they are ________ in appearance.

ii. Because they are so far from the heart, they have a

___________ that stops backflow of blood.

iii. Smaller veins are called _____________.