Patient Participation DES – Report 2013-14

Questions / Requirements for inclusion in Local Patient Participation Report
A. / Description of the profile
of the members of the P.R.G. / Profile of the PRG
  • Male 40% Female 60%
  • Age > 50 = 18%, 51-65 = 64% & 65+ = 20%
  • Ethnic Origin 90% White

B. / Steps taken to ensure that the P.R.G. is representative of our registered patients and where a category of patients is not represented, the steps we have taken to attempt to engage that category. / Actions of Practice
  • Patients can join the forum at any time by giving their details to the practice
  • Information about the forum is in the practice leaflet and on the website to encourage patients to participate.
The practice allows patients to feedback to the practice in others ways such as practice survey and electronic feedback.
C. / Steps taken to determine and reach agreement on the issues which had priority and were included in our local practice survey. / Annual patient forum meeting sets the objectives / priorities for the coming year and the survey results are discussed to identify any further issues.
D. / The manner in which we sought to obtain the views of our registered patients. / Practice survey carried out with paper and electronic version received over 300 responses with wider age range represented. Asked specific questions related to priorities of patient forum so that we could gain wider feedback
Survey link sent to all patients with email address , text message to mobile & posters in waiting room
E. / Steps taken by the practice to provide an opportunity for the P.R.G. to discuss the contents of the action plan. / Discussion at patient forum with agenda items and link to information through website prior to meeting so that patients unable to come to meeting could send in comments
All patients listed on forum sent copy of minutes so that they could feedback if necessary
F. / Details of our action plan setting out how the findings and proposals arising out of the local practice survey can be implemented and if appropriate, reasons why any such findings or proposals should not be implemented. / Objectives from previous year were achieved & patient keen that we continue to progress new ways of communicating with patients via email & text message while working on new system change. This was identified in the surveys
New for 13-14
Long Term Conditions Management
Practice changing system from April where patients will be asked to come for annual checks around the time of their birthday and if they require a face to face appointment it will be arranged to be “one stop shop” with any follow up regarding medication will be done by phone.
Patient Liaison Coo-rdinators
The practice has been funded to trial some new ideas over the next 12 months and we will be recruiting some patient liaison coordinators to set up some better ways we can assist patients in their own self- management.
  • Set up systematic way so that we can be sure patients have received advice and been signposted correctly to manage their condition. Have personnel to contact the patients to assist with this.
  • Assist patients in enabling them to use various new technologies to manage their condition and report / liaise with clinicians without needing to come to the practice for face to face consultations
  • Review potential support for carers
  • Investigate involving patients more in an “expert patient” role
The patient group were very supportive of this project and wanted to highlight a few areas that they feel would be good to investigate, bereavement services, mental health advice and the idea of a patient “buddy system”. In fact a number of the patient group volunteered to be contacted about becoming more involved in this project as they feel they have experience and skills to offer fellow patients. This information will be passed onto the patient coordinators when they come into post.
G. / Summary of the evidence including any statistical evidence relating to the findings or basis of proposals arising out of the local practice survey. / Over 50% of responses to patient survey asked the practice to contact them by email
(i) / Details of the actions we will be taking as a consequence of our discussions with the P.R.G. in respect of the results, findings and proposals arising out of the practice survey. / We will be working on the objectives set by the patients and a number of them have volunteered to work closely with the patient co-ordinators to ensure the systems set up work for patients and they have volunteered to be part of the buddy system.
(ii) / Work undertaken following the practice survey in year 2012-13. / Objective One – Improve access to routine appointments
Last year we set an objective to try and improve access to routine GP appointments & the results of the survey suggest there has been some improvement in this area with 67.5 % feeling it had been very easy or easy to book an appointment.
Feedback about the Reception team is very positive with 88.3% of patients in the survey feeling they are happy to help.
The practice team have been working with the Reception team over the year to improve their customer service skills and ensure that our internal systems do not seem unhelpful and allow the team flexibility to assist patients.
68.9% of patients in the survey felt that they were always treated with respect and dignity at the practice
Objective Two – Improve Communication / Advice to Patients
Following our computer system change in October we have been able to send text appointment reminders to all patients. 88.3% of patients felt that this was a good idea. Results show that our DNA rate has dropped from 45 appointments per week to 24 appointments per week. On average we have approximately 750-850 appointments available every week across the GPs and Nursing Team.
91.5% of patients responding to the survey felt they were happy with the information provided at the practice
I. / Opening hours of the practice premises and the method of obtaining access to services throughout core hours. / Practice is open Mon to Friday from 8-6pm & alternate wed & Thursday open from 8-9pm
Patients have access to online booking / patient records / prescription requests through our website
J. / Details of extended hours when Clinicians are accessible to registered patients. / Practice is open Mon to Friday from 8-6pm & alternate wed & Thursday open from 8-9pm
Patients have access to online booking / patient records / prescription requests through our website