Written Critique FPA 11.2, 11.3
This is the basic layout for your critique. Besides addressing the four steps to a critique, your paper should also have an introduction and conclusion. In your introduction, include the artist and title of the artwork you chose. Use your goodest Englush writin’ skills.
1. Description: don’t forget credit line info!
Line: TWO examples of EACH of the five types of line
Shape: TWO examples of EACH of the five basic shapes
Texture: identify the major textures in the work
Value: describe the overall value of the artwork and the range of values used in different objects in the work
Color: describe the colors in general…bright, dull, harsh, soothing, etc…
Form: identify the major forms in the work…would you say overall that the work is more flat, with 2-d shapes, or more 3-d, with forms?
Space: shallow or deep? How can you tell?
2. Analysis
Balance: symmetrical or asymmetrical? Explain HOW the work is balanced
Repetition and Variety: what is being repeated? How is it varied?
Emphasis: what is the focal point? How do you know?
Rule of Thirds…
Focal point: does it follow the Rule? Explain.
Third lines: does the artist line things up on the third lines, or does he violate the Rule? Explain…and if he does violate the Rule, how does he get away with it?
Economy: in what ways has the artist limited himself?
Rhythm: describe how your eye moves around the picture.
Scale: look at the proportions…are they realistic or somehow skewed?
3. Interpretation
Use all the clues from the first two steps AND your personal experiences to make a deep interpretation
Do not forget to include historical influences! Find out what was going on in the world that influenced the artist. You MUST be able to explain the connection between cultural or historical events and the artist’s work.
4. Judgment
Objective (aesthetic merit): Use all your previous clues to make a judgment. Defend your answer with SPECIFIC examples.
Subjective (personal opinion): Think back to your personal criteria for judging artwork…which “ism” is your favorite? Make a judgment based on your personal feelings and preferences.