Bellevue College

Art 150 Basic Photo I Course Syllabus

Quarter: Winter 2014 Item #: 0743, 0745

Instructor: Ginny Banks Office: C250B

Classroom: C251 Photo Lab: C253

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30AM—8:30AM

(You may come by or schedule an appointment with me.)

E-mail: ,

Course Description:

Throughout the history of photography the medium has constantly been evolving. Currently, there is a surge of photography due to the fast nature of our contemporary world and our almost insatiable need to document it. Now, many people are photographers specifically through the use of cell phone photography and small point and shoot digital cameras. It is getting easier and easier to take a good photographs. However, quickly mastering the mechanics of your camera and how to operate it will allow you to work conceptually and expressively with your photographs. Therefore, “going deeper.”

This class will introduce you to both analog and digital photography. There will be lectures, demonstrations, readings, exams and critiques. We will look at many photographs during the course of the quarter both contemporary work as well as historical. It’s exciting!


Light is the most important part of every photograph we take. It’s what creates everything we see and affects how it will appear. Understanding a little bit about light will inform our photography. The following are quotes about the subject of light and photography/art.

Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography. – George Eastman

Science is spectral analysis. Art is light synthesis. – Karl Kraus

In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. – Aaron Rose

I find the light and work it, work it, work it. – Janice Dickinson

What makes photography a strange invention is that its primary raw materials are light and time. – John Berger

Wherever there is light, one can photograph. – Alfred Stieglitz

Light, that first phenomenon of the world, reveals to us the spirit and living soul of this world through color. - Johannes Itten, Bauhaus colorist

A picture must possess a real power to generate light and for a long time now I’ve been conscious of expressing myself through light or rather in light. – Henri Matisse

When you know that all is light, you are enlightened. –Yogi Tea


There will be three projects during the quarter along with a final project. These assignments will require from three to five hours a week of lab time outside of class time. You will hand in projects in a pocket folder with your prints and contact sheets. The folder should have your name on it and will be handed in on the due date at the time of the critique. Late work will not be accepted unless you have discussed it with me prior to the due date.

Final Project:

You will hand in a cohesive body of work for your final project, which will consist of seven prints. Be ready to present your work during the class at the time of the critique. Final projects will be due the week of finals.


Your success in the class will depend largely upon your attitude and effort. Attendance is taken in the classroom (C251) at the start of class and mid-class in the lab (C253). A late arrival will be considered an absence. More than three unexcused absences will result in an automatic failure. If you are late or miss class you will need to talk with another student to find out what you have missed and get caught up. Please keep track of your absences. It is mandatory to attend critiques and participation is expected both in the lab and during lecture. Again, plan to spend at least three hours a week outside of class time working on your projects.

Lab Use:

Please be organized, neat and respectful of other students when working in the lab. Come to class prepared with your photographic supplies and camera. You may select one of the small gray lockers outside in the hallway. Lab assistants are available during open lab hours to assist you with any technical or lab related questions. Please feel free to ask them if I am unavailable.

Lab Safety:

The photographic chemicals in the lab should not be a problem if used carefully. If you are currently pregnant, or become pregnant during the quarter, please consult with me as soon as possible.


If you would like to request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact

The Disability Resource Center (DRC) located in the Library Media Center (D126), or If you have a letter from DRC, please present it to me early in the quarter.

Final Grade:

Attendance 10%

Quiz and assignments 10%

Projects 45%

Final exam 15%

Final project 20%

Total 100%

I am available to discuss your grade with you at any time during the quarter. Please make an appointment to meet with me.


This class will require you to spend approximately $100 to $175 for supplies. This doesn’t include the price of a camera. However, there is no textbook.
A digital camera is required for the course. It must have full manual controls and RAW capability.

• 3-Ring binder or box for organizing contact sheets, prints, class notes and negatives.

• Epson Ultra Premium Photo Paper Luster 8.5 x 11/50 sheets.

• Ilford Multigrade MGIV RC Deluxe Pearl 8 x 10/25 sheets.

• San Disk 8GB Extreme Pro (SDHC) Memory Card (or compact flash card).

• Print File 8.5 x 11 sleeve protectors (for storing prints and contact sheets).

• Kodak Tri-X 400 ISO, 35mm x 36 exposures.

• Kodak Tri-X 400 ISO, 120 format x 12 exposures.

• Fine point sharpie marker and a #2 pencil.

• Pocket Folder 9 1/4 x 11 3/4

• Small external Hard Drive for backup (Approx. $50).

• Optional: can of compressed air.


Freestyle Photo, Los Angeles, (800) 292-6137,

Click on educators and students, class supply lists and #63186 to bring up the list.

Local! Glazer’s Camera, 430 8th Ave N., (206) 624-1100,

B&H Photo, New York City, (800) 606-6969,