Arkansas Psychology Board
101 East Capitol, Suite 415
Board Meeting
August 18, 2017
The Arkansas Psychology Board meeting was called to order by the Chair of the Board, Dr. Edward Kleitsch, at 10:26 AM.
Board Members present: Dr. Betty Everett, Dr. Joyce Fowler, Dr. Art Gillaspy, Ms. Sharon Hoehn, Dr. Edward Kleitsch, and Dr. Jawahar Mehta. Dr. Kevin Reeder was available by phone.
Staff Members present: Ms. Maggie Sponer and Ms. Brandi Thompson.
Mr. Reid Adkins was present as the Board’s Attorney General Representative.
Dr. Everett made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition of a discussion regarding Neuropsychological Assistants. Dr. Gillaspy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Dr. Everett made a motion to approve the July 21, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes as amended. Dr. Gillaspy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
No report this month.
Personnel Committee Report
The Personnel Committee discussed personnel issues. No action was taken.
Treasurer’s Report
Dr. Everett informed the Board that the agency continues to operate within its budget. The Board’s monthly revenue for July 2017 was $40,396.92, expenses were $13,753.58, and the Board’s remaining balance for FY18 is $125,414.27.
Director’s Report
Ms. Sponer notified the Board that the Access Database was completed and the website is back up and running after the conversion.
Ms. Sponer also advised the Board she is currently working on an in house Supervisory Status list as a quick reference. This list will not be available to the public or on the Board’s website.
Completion of 3,000 hours
Ms. Maureen Ryan-McGehee submitted her completion of 3,000 hours toward Licensed Psychological Examiner-Independent Status, along with a Statement of Intent LPE-I. Dr. Gillaspy made a motion to grant Independent Status. Ms. Hoehn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Licensee Request
Dr. Cindy Mikeal submitted a request to sit for an Oral Examination. Dr. Fowler made to a motion to approve the request. Ms. Hoehn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Dr. Kenneth Vicencio submitted a request to sit for an Oral Examination. Dr. Fowler made to a motion to approve the request. Ms. Hoehn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
One-Time Consultation
Dr. Robert Denny submitted a request for approval of his intentions to conduct an evaluation on September 15, 2017. Dr. Everett made a motion to approve request. Ms. Hoehn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Provisional License Extension
Dr. Caren Moore submitted a request to extend her Provisional License until March 17, 2018. Dr. Everett made a motion to grant extension. Ms. Hoehn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Statement of Intent Revisions
Ms. Ginger McCorkle submitted a request to revise her Statement of Intent and to begin accruing 3,000 hours toward Licensed Psychological Examiner-Independent status. Dr. Fowler made a motion to approve the request pending clarification of supervision beyond research with Dr. Kelly Jarrett. Ms. Hoehn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Supervision Agreement and Plan
Dr. M. Kaye Ramsey submitted a request for approval of her revised Supervision Agreement and Plan indicating Dr. Richard Back as her New Primary Supervisor. Dr. Everett made a motion to approve request. Dr. Gillaspy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Dr. Eva Woodward submitted a Supervision Agreement and Plan indicating Dr. Tisha Deen as her New Primary Supervisor. The Board requested that Dr. Woodward be made aware of the fact that given she is completing her Post-Doctoral Supervision at the Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, there is no need to submit this form. In addition, the Board asked that Dr. Woodward be advised that Dr. Deen does not have Supervisory Status with the Arkansas Psychology Board and therefore would not be able to provide supervision outside the VA system.
The Board recessed at 11:14am for Oral Exams, Credential Reviews, Quarterly Reports, and lunch.
The Board reconvened at 2:03pm.
Dr. Emily Corley’s credentials were submitted to the Board for consideration as an Applicant Psychologist - Provisional Licensee. The Credential Review Committee approved credentials pending documentation of graduation date.
The Credential Review Committee (CRC) made a fully seconded motion to approve the following credentials:
Dr. Jessica Buzenski’s credentials were submitted to the Board for consideration as an Applicant Psychologist - Provisional Licensee.
Dr. Tiffany Clomax’s credentials were submitted to the Board for consideration as an Applicant Psychologist - Provisional Licensee.
Dr. Joe Finch’s credentials were submitted to the Board for consideration as an Applicant National Register Psychologist - Provisional Licensee.
Dr. Anthony Lawrence’s credentials were submitted to the Board for consideration as an Applicant Psychologist - Provisional Licensee.
Dr. Lauren Rosso’s credentials were submitted to the Board for consideration as an Applicant Psychologist - Provisional Licensee
Dr. Karlyn Vatthauer’s credentials were submitted to the Board for consideration as an Applicant Psychologist - Provisional Licensee
Dr. Larry Welch’s credentials were submitted to the Board for consideration as an Applicant National Register Psychologist - Provisional Licensee
All accepted by the Board.
The Credential Review Committee made a fully seconded motion to approve the following Quarterly Report forms:
1. Dr. Dani Archie’s Quarterly Reports for the period of January 10, 2017 –
April 10, 2017.
2. Dr. Caren Moore’s Quarterly Report for the period of April 2, 2017 –
July 21, 2017.
3. Dr. Ramsey, M. Kaye Quarterly Report for the period of May 21, 2017 –
August 5, 2017.
4. Dr. Susan Wallace-Highfill’s Quarterly Report for the period of May 1, 2017 –
July 31, 2017.
All approved by the Board.
Dr. Fowler made a motion to adjourn at 2:10 pm. Dr. Everett seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Approved September 15, 2017 Page 4