Criteria for Advancement through the

BA Secondary Education: Content Area (e.g. English, history, biology, mathematics)

Performance Data Tracking System

The progress and the performance of candidates in the UAF BA Secondary Education: Content Area (e.g. English, history, biology, mathematics)

are assessed through multiple measures at four major “transition” points. The transition points are as follows:

TRANSITION ONE: Undergraduate students are provided formative feedback while completing the first 60 required credits of the BASC degree, including at least eight required baccalaureate core courses (English, math, social studies and science), and two lower division education courses. In addition, student must take the Praxis Core exam in reading, writing, and mathematics, and declare a major in a teaching content area. The School of Education must also have evidence that students possess appropriate professional characteristicsfor the teaching profession, as assessed through the Professional Characteristics Feedback Form (PCFF) by various education course instructors and fieldwork partners. Students should reach this transition point at the completion of the sophomore year. Students who have not met the criteria at the “meeting expectation” level or “developing” level will have a Plan of Improvement developed with their academic advisor to help assure that they are prepared to meet the criteria for Transition Two.

TRANSITION TWO: During the semester when BASC candidates anticipate successfully completing all of their required coursework for the BASC degree except thatof the final internship year, they complete an admissions packet to submit for review for formal admission to the BASC InternshipYear. The packet requiresevidence of an overall 2.75 GPA in required coursework, a 3.0 in teaching major academic content area, scores that meet the scores set by the State of Alaska for thePraxis I or Praxis Core scores in reading, writing and mathematics, and the Praxis II for their specific teaching content area, letters of reference, extemporaneous writing sample essay, admission’s essay, and an interview by the Secondary faculty. The School of Education will also review submitted Professional Characteristics Feedback Forms (PCFF) that has been completed by several course instructors and fieldwork partners prior to this application that should provide evidence that the student possesses appropriate professional characteristics for the InternshipYear. Students normally arrive at this transition point at the completion of their junior year.

TRANSITION THREE: Mid-way through the internship year (at the end of the fall semester), the performance of each intern is evaluated based on his/her performance on the summative, standards based assessment plan. At transition point three, candidates are required to meet each competency at a basic level (“meeting expectations” or “developing”) in order to proceed to the spring internship. If interns received a rating of “emerging” by the end of fall semester, a specific plan of improvement will be written collaboratively by the intern and program chair, instructors, supervisors and/or mentor teachers with activities and dates to address the area of difficulty. Candidates with a rating of “emerging” must demonstrate that they have fulfilled the requirements of their plans of improvement by the specified dates in order to complete the program.

TRANISITION FOUR: At transition four (completion of spring semester), candidates must meet each competency at the “exceeding expectations” or “meeting expectations” level. Candidates who have not met the standards at the “exceeding expectations” level or the “meeting expectations” level are provided an opportunity to meet the standard again following the implementation of a specific plan of improvement. Because the collection of evidence to assess candidate progress is on-going throughout the internship year most candidate difficulties are targeted early enough to allow for the development, implementation and assessment of a plan of improvement prior to completion. Additionally, candidates must meet each of the eight Alaska Teaching Standards at the “exceeding expectations” or “meeting expectations” level to earn a passing grade on EDSC 472, Internship II: Student Teaching and Seminar. Each candidate’s portfolio is evaluated by a minimum of two reviewers

The following pages show criteria for advancement through the BA Secondary Education: Content Area (e.g. English, history, biology, mathematics) transition points.

Intern Name / Declared Teaching Content Major:

Transition One: Entry into BASC Status (first 60 credits)

Activity/Requirement / Candidate Status / Exceeds Expectations / Meeting Expectations / Developing / Emerging
E / M / D / E
Completion of required credits towards the BA degree
GPA: Date: _____
Credits: Date: ______/ Overall GPA of 3.0 or higher and completion of more than 60 credits toward degree / Overall GPA of 2.75 to 2.99 and completion of 60 credits toward degree / Overall GPA OF 2.5 to 2.74 and completion of 50 credits toward degree / Overall GPA below 2.5 and/or fewer than 50 credits successfully completed toward degree
Completion of the following:
WRTG 111X _____
WRTG 211X or 213X _____
Core COMM course
Core Perspective two courses
Core Science course
Core Math course
______/ Completion of all listed required courses with A’s in all courses / Completion of all listed required courses with A’s and B’s in all courses / Completion of all listed required courses with no more than two courses with a grade of C / More than two D’s in listed required courses OR less than four listed courses completed
COMM 121X,131X or 141X,
WRTG 111X, and WRTG 211X or 213X must be completed with a C or better
Completion and grades in:
EDSC 110 ______
EDSC 205/415 ______/ A’s in both courses
GPA 4.0 / A’s or B’s in both courses
GPA 3.5 to 4.0 / B or C in both courses
GPA 2.5 to 3.0 / D’s or lower in both courses
GPA less than 2.5
Chosen Academic
Teaching Content Degree / Has declared teaching content major and has completed more than 20 credits in the major. / Has declared teaching content major and has completed more than 12 but less than 20 credits in the major. / Has declared teaching content major and has complete 6 or more credits but less than 12 credits / Has declared teaching content major and has completed less than 6 credits or has not chosen or declared a teaching content major
Preliminary attempt made at Alaska Basic Competency exam
Reading: _____ Test: _____
Writing: _____ Test: _____
Math: ______Test:_____ / Competency test is taken and passed in all areas and scores are submitted to UAF and AK DOEED / Basic Competency test is taken. Scores are submitted to UAF and AK Dept. of Education & Early Development. Student receives passing scores on at least 2 of the 3 Praxis tests. / Basic Competency test is taken. Sores are submitted to UAF & AK Dept. of Ed & Early Develop. Student has not passed two of the tests. Plan of improvement implemented to address weak areas. / Basic Competency test has not been taken. A plan will be developed to have student attempt competency tests.

Transition Two: Secondary Program Candidate Status in Foundation Courses

Activity/Requirement / Candidate Status / Exceeds Expectations / Meeting Expectations / Developing / Emerging
E / M / D / E
Phase I grades average
(EDSC 407; EDSC 415 or 205; EDSC 414or EDSE 482 or 422or 316 / 4.0 grade point average
All “A” / Grade Point Average for these three courses less than 4.0 but greater than 2.99, and no grade less than a “B” / Grade Point Average less than 3.0 but greater than 2.74, has no more than one grade less that a “B” / Grade point average less than a 2.75 with at least one course with a grade of “C”, and has been placed on improvement plan
PCF – overall rating for PCF submitted (EDSC205 or 415) / Rating of 4 / Rating of 3 / Rating of 2 / Rating of 1

Transition Three: Admission into Secondary Internship Year

Activity/Requirement / Candidate Status / Exceeds Expectations / Meeting Expectations / Developing / Emerging
E / M / D / E
Completion of academic content major, core and other bachelor degree requirements. / Has completed all course work of teaching content major, core and other bachelor degree requirements. / Has completed 90% of course work of teaching content major, core and other bachelor degree requirements. / Has completed 85% of course work of teaching content major, core and other bachelor degree requirements. / Has completed less than 85% of teaching content major, core and other bachelor degree requirements.
Overall undergraduate degree Grade point ______/ Overall GPA of 3.00 or better / Meets the 2.75 required GPA but is less than 3.0 / Grade point 2.74-2.5 / Grade point below 2.5
Teaching Academic Content Major grade point _____
Look at content sheet / Grade point 3.5 or better in content area course work / Grade point is less than 3.5 but greater than 2.99 / Grade point 2.99-2.75 in content area coursework / Grade point below 2.74 in content area coursework
Grade average of all education courses completed prior to application ______/ 4.0 grade point average
All “A” / 3.5 to 3.99 grade point average with no grade less than a “B” (if averaged) / 3.0 to 3.49 grade point average with no grade less than a “C” (if averaged) / Less than 3.0 grade point average with no grade less than a “C” (if averaged)
Praxis II – Subject area content tests / Earned an “E” rating on Praxis II content exam. / Meets the state’s set score for PII test in his/her content area / Has taken PII in his/her content area but has not yet met state’s set score. Though score have not yet been met, a plan is in place to meet required score. / Has not taken PII in his/her content area
Basics Competency Exam – (Math, reading, writing)
Reading: _____ Test: _____
Writing: _____ Test: _____
Math: ______Test:_____ / Received passing scores on all sections of the test and has scores of 20% higher than state set scores) / Receives passing scores set by state on all three components / Has taken BCE but has not passed all three components. Though all scores have not yet been met, a plan is in place to meet required scores by beginning of internship, mid-August / Has taken BCE but has not passed all three components or has not taken tests.
Personal Statement,
Personal Interview,
Letters of Recommendation / An average of 44 or more points for all three categories based on all scoring rubrics for these three categories / An average of less than 44 but more than 36 points for all three categories based on all scoring rubrics for these three categories / An average of less than 36 points but more than 24 points for all three categories based on all scoring rubrics for these three categories / An average of 24 or fewer points for all three categories based on all scoring rubrics for these three categories

Transition Four: Internship I Candidate Status

Activity/Requirement / Candidate Status / Exceeds Expectations / Meeting Expectations / Developing / Emerging
E / M / D / E
Phase II grades (average)
EDSC 402; EDSC 458; EDSC 432 to 437; EDSC 442 / 4.0 grade point average
All “A” / Grade Point Average for these three courses less than 4.0 but greater than 2.99, and no grade less than a “B” / Grade Point Average less than 3.0 but greater than 2.74, has no more than one grade less that a “B” / Grade point average less than a 2.75 with at least one course with a grade of “C”, and has been placed on improvement plan
PCFF – overall rating for PCF submitted
(EDSC402,458,432-437) / Average of all PCF forms 3.75 or higher / Average of PCF forms is 3.0 to 3.74 with no ratings of less than 3 / Average of PCF form 2.75 to 2.99 with no more than one 2 categories less three rating / Average of PCF form is less than 2.75 and there are more than 2 categories with less than 3 rating
Assessment of Internship
(Mid-year) / Making adequate progress on all of the eight Alaska Teacher Standards / Making adequate progress on 6 or more of the eight Alaska Teacher Standards / Making adequate progress on less than 6 of the Alaska Teacher Standards
CA-Comprehensive Mgmt. Plan – EDSC 458
Please see LiveText for rubric & ratings / Rating of 4 / Rating of 3 / Rating 2, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 2 cannot be used in portfolio. / Rating 1, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 1 cannot be used in portfolio.
CA-Documentation of school/community interaction EDSC 458
Please see LiveText for rubric & ratings / Rating of 4 / Rating of 3 / Rating 2, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 2 cannot be used in portfolio. / Rating 1, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 1 cannot be used in portfolio.
CA-Differentiated Lesson – EDSC 402
Please see LiveText for rubric & ratings / Rating of 4 / Rating of 3 / Rating 2, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 2 cannot be used in portfolio. / Rating 1, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 1 cannot be used in portfolio.
CA-Placed Based Lesson – EDSC 402
Please see LiveText for rubric & ratings / Rating of 4 / Rating of 3 / Rating 2, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 2 cannot be used in portfolio. / Rating 1, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 1 cannot be used in portfolio.
CA-Work Sample – Content Method courses – EDSC 432-437
Please see LiveText for rubric & ratings / Rating of 4 / Rating of 3 / Rating 2, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 2 cannot be used in portfolio. / Rating 1, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 1 cannot be used in portfolio.
CA-Reflections on educational research on teaching in content areas – EDSC 432 - 437
Please see LiveText for rubric & ratings / Rating of 4 / Rating of 3 / Rating 2, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 2 cannot be used in portfolio. / Rating 1, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 1 cannot be used in portfolio.
CA-Reflection on parent/teacher conference(s) and working with parents EDSC 471
Please see LiveText for rubric & ratings / Rating of 4 / Rating of 3 / Rating 2, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 2 cannot be used in portfolio. / Rating 1, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 1 cannot be used in portfolio.
CA-Special Needs Case Study – EDSC 471
Please see LiveText for rubric & ratings / Rating of 4 / Rating of 3 / Rating 2, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 2 cannot be used in portfolio. / Rating 1, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 1 cannot be used in portfolio.

Transition Four: Internship I Candidate Status – continued

Activity/Requirement / Candidate Status / Exceeds Expectations / Meeting Expectations / Developing / Emerging
E / M / D / E
Phase 3 Grades (average)
EDSC 443; EDSC 457; EDSC 472 / 4.0 grade point average
All “A” / Grade Point Average for these three courses less than 4.0 but greater than 2.99, and no grade less than a “B” / Grade Point Average less than 3.0 but greater than 2.74, has no more than one grade less that a “B” / Grade point average less than a 2.75 with at least one course with a grade of “C”, and has been placed on improvement plan
Overall GPA at conclusion of degree / 4.0 grade point average
All “A” / Grade Point Average for these three courses less than 4.0 but greater than 2.99, and no grade less than a “B” / Grade Point Average less than 3.0 but greater than 2.74, has no more than one grade less that a “B” / Grade point average less than a 2.75 with at least one course with a grade of “C”, and has been placed on improvement plan
PCF – overall rating for PCF submitted(EDSC 457, 472) / Average of all PCF forms 3.75 or higher / Average of PCF forms is 3.0 to 3.74 with no ratings of less than 3 / Average of PCF form 2.75 to 2.99 with no more than one 2 categories less three rating / Average of PCF form is less than 2.75 & there are more than 2 categories with less than 3 rating
Assessment of Internship/Successful completion of student teaching
(Form H/FAF)
Please see LiveText for rubric and ratings / Each of the eight Alaska Teacher Standards have been met with a rating of 4 / Met each of the Alaska Teacher Standards with at least a rating of 3 / Has met 6 or more of the eight Alaska Teacher Standards with a rating of 3 but has two standards with a rating of 2 or 1 / Has a rating of 1 or 2 on more than 2 of the Alaska Teacher Standards.
Content Area Observations (Form K, N, R, M, Q, T)
Please see LiveText for rubric and ratings / Has completed content area observation form at 100% / Has completed content area observation form at the 80% level or above / Has completed content area observation form at the 50% level or above but less than 80% / Has not completed the content area observation form or has not completed the form at the 50% level
CA-A place-relevant lesson plan with activities and strategies involving parents, families, and/or community – EDSC 457
Please see LiveText for rubric and ratings / Rating of 4 / Rating of 3 / Rating 2, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 2 cannot be used in portfolio. / Rating 1, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 1 cannot be used in portfolio.
Please see LiveText for rubric and ratings / Rating of 4 / Rating of 3 / Rating 2, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 2 cannot be used in portfolio. / Rating 1, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 1 cannot be used in portfolio.
CA-Final statement of Philosophy – EDSC 472
Please see LiveText for rubric and ratings / Rating of 4 / Rating of 3 / Rating 2, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 2 cannot be used in portfolio. / Rating 1, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 1 cannot be used in portfolio.
Portfolio – EDSC 443
Please see LiveText for rubric and ratings / Rating of 4 / Rating of 3 / Rating 2, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 2 cannot be used in portfolio. / Rating 1, intern must revise CA and resubmit. A rating of 1 cannot be used in portfolio.

CACritical Assignment

FAF/HFinal Assessment of Field Experience Form

FOFField Observation Form

ICFInitial Conference Form

MPFMid Year Progress Form

MSFMidterm Second Semester Form

PCFPersonal Characteristics Form

Content Area Specific Forms

ATCATAlaska Teacher Culminating Assessment Task

Updated August 11, 2017Page 1 of 5