Arizona Society for Healthcare Risk Management
Quarterly Business Meeting Minutes
Casa Grande, Arizona
November 12, 2010
I. Administrative Business
A. The meeting was called to order at 1257 by Bil Bruno, President; thirty-three members present.
II. Secretary’s Report
A. Review and Approval of Minutes: September 10, 2010. Connie presented the minutes which were reviewed by attendees, a motion for approval from Mary, seconded by Kathy and a unanimous agreement to approve the minutes as written. All meeting minutes after being approved, are posted on the website for members to review.
III. Treasurer’s Report
Annette presented the Financial Statement (handout)
A. Substantial balance due to the elimination of the external vendor doing the administrative duties and assigning these duties to select board members and purchasing the AV materials instead of renting through the facility have resulted in a bank balance of $11,112.70 currently.
IV. Vice President’s Report
A. Mary discussed the September evaluations of the presenters. 100% of the evaluations were received with the following results: John received 3.5 out of 4.0; Calvin received 3.8 out of 4.0 and Libby received 3.5 out of 4.0; good suggestions were provide for speakers.
B. A 2010 spreadsheet was distributed detailing the Educational Programs for 2010 (handout)
C. Speaker Updates: Continue to look for volunteers for speakers and suggestions for topics.
D. Registration for the quarterly meetings is important. Mary reminded members to renew their membership.
V. ASHRM Update
A. The annual ASHRM conference was held in Florida; those that attended on behalf of the Arizona chapter assisted in the booth. A Phoenix Visitor’s magazine, Chamber of Commerce business cards and 500 flyers with a map of Arizona was handed out to participants that stopped by the booth.
B. The 2011 annual ASHRM conference will be in Phoenix next October; the local chapter will be responsible for the special event that will be offered to the attendees and so a committee will be developed to oversee this need. Mary stated that by April the AZ chapter must develop the information about the host event. It is imperative that AZSHRM identifies a break even number for the event (minimum/maximum numbers). The host event information will be displayed at the registration booth with the option for the attendees to pay for the event with PayPal, this must be set-up by ASHRM.
VI. AzSHRM Officer and Board Member Nominations Process
A. Bil introduced the new board members: Mary – President; Jeff Johnson – Vice President; Ann Linder-Little – Secretary; Kathy Evans – Treasurer and Board Members Lynn Barrett and Tammy Willis. Remaining Board Members are Barry Jett and Sandy Tsang.
VII. Hot Topics
A. Attendees discussed issues relative to blood borne pathogens questioning of a healthcare worker is struck with a patient’s blood can the healthcare provider test the patient’s blood without consent if the a blood sample is already available? It was felt that this issue is important enough to be taken to legislation.
B. Tucson event will be December 10th from 8:00 – 10:00 at the UPH office on River Road. This will be the annual potluck holiday party, please RSVP to Karen Fowler.