Characteristics / Filters / Queries
Are saved as an object in the database / No / Yes
Can be used to select a subset of records in a datasheet / Yes / Yes
Can be used to select a subset of fields in a datasheet / No / Yes
Resulting datasheet used to enter and edit data / Yes / Yes
Resulting datasheet used to sort, filter, and find records / Yes / Yes
Commonly used as the source of data for a form or report / No / Yes
Can calculate sum, averages, counts, and other types of summary statistics across records / No / Yes
Can be used to create calculate fields / No / Yes

Unit B

Filters versus queries

Comparison operators

Operator / Description / Expression / Meaning
Greater than / >500 / Numbers greater than 500
>= / Greater than or equal to / >=500 / Numbers greater than or equal to 500
Less than / <”Braveheart” / Names from A to Braveheart, but not Braveart
<= / Less than or equal to / <=”Bridgwater” / Names from A through Bridgwater, inclusive
Nor equal to / >”Fontanelle” / Any name except for Fontanelle

Unit C

Form control

Name / Used to / Bound / Unbound
Label / Provide consistent descriptive text as you navigate from record to record; the label is the most common type of unbound control and can also be used as s hyperlink to anther database object, external file, or web page / X
Text box / Display, edit, or enter data for each record from an underlying record source; the text box is the most common type of bound control / X
List box / Display a list of possible data entries / X
Combo box / Display a list of possible data entries for a field, and provide a text box for an entry from the keyboard; combines the list box and text box control / X
Tab control / Create a three-dimensional aspect to a form / X
Check box / Display “yes” or “no” answers for a field; if the box is checked, it means “yes” / X
Toggle button / Display “yes” or “no” answers for a field; if the button is pressed, it means “yes” / X
Option button / Display a choice for a field / X
Option group / Display and organize choices (usually presented as a potion buttons) for a filed / X
Bound object frame / Display data stored by an OLE (object linking and embedding) field, such as a picture / X
Unbound object framer / Display a picture or clip art image that doesn’t change from record to record / X
Line rectangle / Draw lined and rectangles on the form / X
Command button / Provide an easy way to initiate a command or run a macro / X

Selecting more than one control at a time

Technique / Description
Click, [shift]+click / Click a control, then press and hold [shift] while clicking other control; each one is selected
Drag a selection box / Drag a selection box (an outline box you create by dragging the pointer in Form Design View); every control that is in or is touching by the edges of the box is selected
Click in the ruler / Click in either the horizontal or vertical rule to select all controls that intersect the selection line
Drag in the ruler / Drag through either the horizontal or vertical ruler to select all controls that intersect the selection line as it is dragged through the ruler

Form sections

Section / Description
From Header / Control placed in the Form Header section print only once at the top of the printout
Detail / Control placed in the Detail section appear in Form View and print once for every record in the underling table or query object
Form Footer / Control placed in the Form Footer section print only once at the end of the printout

Unit D

Report section

Section / Where does this section print? / Which control are most commonly placed in this section?
Report Header / At the top of the first page of the report / Label controls containing the report title; can also include clip art, a logo image, or a line separating the title from the rest of the report
Page Header / At the top of every page (but below the Report Header on page one) / Text box controls containing a page number or data expression
Group Header / Before every group of records / Text box control for the field by which the records are grouped
Detail / Once for every record / Text box control for the rest of the fields in the recodes (the table or equerry upon which the report is built)
Group footer / After every group of records / Text box control containing calculate expressions, such as subtotal or count, for the record in that group
Page Footer / At the bottom of every page / Text box control containing a page number or data expression
Report Footer / At the end of the entire report / Text box control containing expression such as grand totals or counts that calculate a value for
all the records in the report

Sample Access expressions

Sample expression / Description
=Sum ([Salary]) / Uses the Sum fraction to add up the values in the Salary field
=[Price]* 1.05 / Multiplies the price field by 1.05 (add 5% to the price field)
=[Subtotal] + [shipping] / Adds the value of the Subtotal field to the value of the shipping field
=Avg([Freight]) / Use the Avg function to display an average of the values in the Freight filed
=Data () / Use the Data function to display the current data in the form of mm-dd-yy
=”Page” &[page] / Display the word page, a space, and the result of the [page] field, an Access field that contains the current page number
=[FirstName]& “ “ &[LastName] / Display the value of the FirstName and LadtName fields in one control, separated by a space
=Left([productNumber],2) / Uses the Left function to display the first two character in the productNumber field

Unit E

Table on “one” side / Table on “many” side / Linking field / Description
Products / Sales / ProductID / A ProductID field must have a unique entry in a products table, but is listed many times in a sales table as many copies of that item are sold
Students / Enrollments / StudentID / A StudentID field must have a unique entry in a students table, but is listed many times in an Enrollments table as multiple classes are recorded for the same student
Employees / Promotions / EmployeeID / An EmployeeID field must have a unique entry in an Emoloyees table, but is listed many times in a promotions table as the employee is promoted over time
Property / Description / Sample field / Sample property entry
Field size / Controls how many characters can be entered into the field / State / 2
Format / Controls how information will be displayed and printed / State / > (displays all characters in uppercase)
Input mask / Provides a pattern for data to be entered / Phone / !(999) 000-0000;1;_
Caption / Describes the field in the first row of a datasheets, form, or report; if the caption property is not entered, the field name itself is used to label the field / Emp# / Employee Number
Default value / Displays a value that is automatically entered in the given field for new records / City / Kansas
Required / Determines if an entry is required for this field / LastName / Yes
Property / Description
Field size / Determines the largest number that can be entered in the field, as well as the type of data (e.g., integer of fraction)
Byte / Stores numbers from 0 to 255 ( no fractions )
Integer / Stores numbers from -32,768 to 32,767 (no fractions)
Long integer / Stores numbers from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (no fractions)
Single / Stores numbers (including fractions with six digits to the right of the decimal point) times 10 to the -38th to +38th power
Double / Stores numbers (including fractions with over 10 digits to the right of the decimal point) in the range of 10 to the -324th to +324th power
Decimal places / The number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point
Data type / Validation rule expression / Description
Number or currency / >0 / The number must be positive
Number or currency / >10 And <100 / The number must be between 10 & 100
Number or currency / 10 or 20 or 30 / The number must be 10, 20, or 30
Text / “IA” Or “NE” Or “MO” / The entry must be on or after 7/1/1993
Date/Time / >=#7/1/93# / The date must be between 1/1/2010 & 1/1/2012
Date/Time / >#1/1/10 And <#1/1/12# / The date must be between 1/1/2010 & 1/1/2012