AIA Site Preservation Grant Program
This grant is intended to fund projects that uphold the AIA’s mission to preserve and promote the world’s archaeological heritage for future generations. The goal of the grant, which carries a maximum value of $25,000 to be awarded over the course of one to three years, is to maximize global preservation efforts and awareness through AIA support. The AIA is targeting projects that not only seek to directly preserve archaeological sites, but those that also emphasize outreach, education, and/or best practices intended to create a positive impact on the local community, students, and the discipline of archaeology as a whole.
The AIA endeavors to stimulate archaeologists and cultural heritage institutions to work together to implement site preservation. As the AIA encourages partnerships with other organizations to complement rather than duplicate efforts, specific portions of larger preservation projects as well as stand alone projects will be considered.
In addition to direct funding, the AIA will work with the grant recipient to raise public awareness of the significance of archaeological sites and the threats they face, to implement and disseminate best practices, and encourage increased support for preservation efforts. The AIA will promote projects that receive grants through its annual meeting, newsletter, and website.
Awardees will be expected to provide the AIA with a final report outlining and evaluating their project as well as periodic updates including photos and any media coverage the project receives. Awardees may also be asked to speak about their projects at AIA Site Preservation fundraising events. Questions regarding the application process or the site preservation grants should be directed to .
Application Process
Applying for an AIA Site Preservation Grant is a two step process. Grants are awarded on a semi-annual basis, please see table of deadlines below for exact dates.
Step 1. Submit brief inquiry (not to exceed two pages in length) following the format provided to or by mail to Site Preservation Grant Program, C/O Meredith Anderson, Archaeological Institute of America, 656 Beacon Street, 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02215 (electronic submission is preferred).
Inquiries will be acknowledged by e-mail and all inquiries will be reviewed by AIA staff. If accepted, inquiry applicants will be provided with an application which will include a detailed budget sheet to complete and return.
Inquiries will be accepted at any time and applications will be provided on a rolling basis as soon as an inquiry is approved. Please allow sufficient time for AIA staff to review your inquiry and respond as well as enough time for you to complete the application before the deadline. Inquiries received too close to the application deadline will be held over for the next grant cycle.
Step 2. Complete and return the application, provided by the AIA to candidates with accepted inquiries, with all attachments to the address provided above by the application deadline. Application materials must be received (not postmarked) by AIA headquarters by the deadline date, all applications arriving after the deadline will be held over the next application cycle.
The next full application deadline is February 15, 2010.
Applications will be reviewed by the AIA’s Site Preservation Committee and AIA staff. Award notification for the next application cycle will be sent out by the AIA by April 1, 2010.
Application Deadline / Award NotificationFebruary 15, 2010 / April 1, 2010
October 15, 2010 / December 1, 2010
February 15, 2011 / April 1, 2011
October 15, 2011 / December 1, 2011
Applicant name:
Street Address:
City, State/Province, Zip:
Phone number:
E-mail address:
Name of archaeological site:
The preservation of [site name] is currently threatened by the following (list up to five threats):
Brief Description of Program
[Insert brief description of proposed preservation plan here, not to exceed one page double spaced. Please be sure to illustrate outreach, education, and best practices elements]
This project includes the following public outreach components (indicate with an X):
[ ] Programming for the local community
[ ] Programming for local schools
[ ] Specialized training programs
[ ] Local economic development
[ ] Other (please specify) ______
[ ] There are no public outreach components
Approximate cost to implement project: ______
Are you willing to work with the AIA in order to create publishable materials (online, educational, or otherwise) promoting my preservation and outreach efforts? (yes/no)
Would you be willing to participate in or lead a workshop or forum either at the AIA annual meeting or separately about your project? (yes/no)
Signature: ______
Please enclose the Project Director’s CV.