Arab – Israeli Conflict
Use Posted PowerPoint and Use pages 586 – 588 and The Roots of Conflict Video
1. What is the fundamental cause of the Arab - Israeli conflict?
2. What is the movement to create a Jewish nation in Palestine?
3. What fueled Arab nationalism?
4. What fueled Jewish nationalism?
5. Define: Anti-Semitism
6. What did the British Government issue in 1917 that supported the creation of a Jewish homeland and led to a rise in Jewish immigration to Palestine?
Use Posted PowerPoint and Use pages 615 – 622 and The Roots of Conflict Video
7. Identify United Nations Partition Plan (1947) and its results:
8. What were the results of the 1948 War for Israeli Independence?
9. Other Wars of the Arab – Israeli Conflict:
a. _____________________________: Israel, Britain, and France attacked Egypt after the Suez canal was nationalized and Israel occupied the Sinai Peninsula for a short time (1956)
b. _____________________________: Israel captured Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights, the
West Bank, the Old City of Jerusalem (which Israel later annexed), and Gaza. The war ended by a U.N.-arranged cease-fire. The United States called on the Israelis to withdraw from occupied territories but did not specify how much land it should give up (1967)
c. _____________________________: Egypt and Syria launched a partially successful joint attack on Israel on the Jewish holy day, Yom Kippur, to regain lost territory. Caught off-guard, Israel took several days to mobilize, suffering heavy casualties, but it forced the opposition back. Establishes Israel as the dominant military power in the region (1973)
10. What organization, led by Yasser Arafat, was founded with a commitment to destroy Israel?
11. What was the first peace agreement between Israel and an Arab nation (Egypt) in which Menachem Begin, Anwar Sadat, and Jimmy Carter were instrumental in its negotiations?
12. What does intifada mean? What were the causes of the two intifada?
a) 1987:
b) 2000:
13. What secret negotiations between Israel and the PLO resulted in a treaty that included mutual recognition between the Palestinians and Israel, limited self-rule for Palestinians, withdrawal of Jewish settlements and work towards a Palestinian State?
14. Whose assassination by a Jewish extremist stopped the Oslo Accords from being accomplished?
15. What unsuccessful Middle East Peace Summit in 2000 took place between United States President Bill Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and the Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat in which Israel was willing to give up most of the occupied territory?
16. Identify Hamas:
17. What was the 2003 peace plan called in which a three phase peace process that culminates with the creation of a Palestinian state?
18. What was mutually agreed upon and supported internationally at the Annapolis Conference in 2007?
19. What are the remaining issues of the Arab – Israeli Conflict?