Emory University

Application for Housing in the CASA ÉMORY

AY 2017-2018

CLASS (circle one): First-year Sophomore Junior Other:______
Please list any Spanish and Portuguese courses taken at Emory or elsewhere:
Have you previously participated in any activities organized by CASA ÉMORY? Why were you interested?
Please write a brief statement en español o em português explaining why you want to live in CASA ÉMORY next year. Please include any information about why you are a good candidate, and how you can contribute to the group. Describe at least one cultural activity that you would be willing to organize. Please give as many details as you wish. Please write your statement on the back, or attach a separate sheet.
Please print, complete, and return to:
Prof. Elva González
Faculty advisor, CASA ÉMORY
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
503S Callaway Center
telephone: (404) 727-6545