Annex 3: Quarterly Report Format

(Name of Sector e.g. Ministry of Health and Sanitation)

Fiscal Year:

Submission Date: Day/Month/Year

Responsible Agent:

Chief Administrator of Local Council:

PRSP Quarterly Program Progress Report

This draft Quarterly Report Format has 6 sections:

1. Summary: (Including the period covered by the report and a statement on the progress of the PRSP implementation in the district)

2. Achievements Over the reporting Period (assessment of actual Vs planned results/current for the period reported on) and Cumulative Progress-to-date against FY 2006 Planned Results

3. Assessment of programme results relative to programme objectives. (Impact is assessed through evaluation events as well as on-going project monitoring). Information from both sources should be reported here. In the absence of relatively structured analytical efforts (evaluations) the progress report should state the extent to which key program outputs and targets are being met that will produce anticipated impact (outcomes and effects) under each program objective

4. Major Positive and Negative Issues Affecting Implementation (might also include a discussion of the status of key program assumptions, risks and threats) Any question can be asked under the following themes, not limited to the specific questions below

Q1. Security

Has the MDA registered any localized incidents of insecurity as UNAMSIL operations came to a close, which could lead to a resurgence of violence, especially among target youth?

Q2. Decentralization

Has MDA experienced any delays in decision making by partner government departments as a result of GoSL decentralizations process, which has slowed down the pace of implementing PRS planned activities? If yes, what has really happened and how did the MDA address the problem?

Q3. Community Participation

Has the MDA experienced any situation where local authorities have not been supportive of program activities? If yes, (1) what was the course of this lack of support? ; (2) what steps have been taken to address the problem and maximize support from local authorities?

Q4. Climatic/Environmental conditions

Has the MDA experienced unpredictable climatic conditions that have slowed down the pace or outcome of activities? For instance, have roads been impassable during the rainy season, thereby limiting access to the extremely poor in remote areas? If yes, how has this problem been addressed?

5.  What key lessons have been learned that have aided/impeded the program implementation over the last quarter of implementing PRSP activities? (Do not try to answer the questions but present your lessons learnt in bullet points)

Q1. What is working or not working?

Q2. What components of the PRS (if any) has the MDA had most outstanding success with?

Q3. What did the MDA do to register this outstanding success?

Q4. What components of the PRS (if any) has the MDA had the least success with? And, why?

6. What are the priorities for the next quarter (should include any carryovers of unmet targets during the previous quarter)


1.  Performance Tracking Table (PTT)

2.  Exciting success stories (some outstanding accomplishment (s) we can all be proud about). Caution: a good success story should be beneficiary-specific (articulating the level of support received from the program, and how that support has changed the lives of beneficiaries). Exceeding targets by 150% is not a success story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3.  Exciting activity pictures

Tentative Reporting Time Lines:

MDA quarterly reports will be submitted to the DACO M&E Unit, not later than 15 days following the end of the quarter reported on. The DACO M&E Unit will consolidate received reports into a program-level quarterly report due not later than 30 days following the end of the quarter reported on. (Tentative deadlines to be determined)

Quarter Reported on / MDA Reports are due to the DACO M&E Unit by
Quarter (Oct-Dec, 2005) / Jan 15, 2006
Quarter (Jan-March, 2006) / April 15, 2006
Quarter (April –June, 2006) / July 15, 2006
Quarter (July-Sept, 2006) / October 15, 2006