

Bless the Lord, O my soul;

and all that is within me, bless His holy name!

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits:

Who forgives all your iniquities,

Who heals all your diseases,

Who redeems your life from destruction,

Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,

Who satisfies your mouth with good things,

So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Psalm 103:1-5 NKJV

(Go read the rest of it)


Father God,

We pray for every doctor, nurse, and caregiver.

May their hearts be bound to those within their care.

May their manners be tender,

bringing comfort, encouragement, and hope

to those who are in pain or distress.

Grant them special wisdom and skill

to address the needs and concerns of their patients.

May their patients exercise patience and courtesy.

Grant healthcare workers a special strength to cope with

the tragedies and anomalies they may witness.

Grant them words of hope and comfort to ease the suffering

of those they attend.

Please grant supernatural energies to all who are weary

from the physical and emotional demands upon those

caring for someone who is ill.

May all recognize that You are our Healer.

In all situations, may every hand boldly reach to touch

the Hem of Your Garment,

for You are the Physician over every physician

just as You are King over every king and kingdom.

Through the journeys of illness and healing

may vast multitudes be drawn to You,

for Your eternal honor and praise.


Please draw those who are ill

and those who love and care for them very close to Your Heart

that they may feel the Power and Love of Its every Beat.

Please touch ___________’s body

making each cell whole and holy.

Speak Your Thoughts to their minds both day and night,

even as they sleep.

Strengthen them with Your might in the inner man.

Please refresh and encourage those who love and attend them.

We ask for complete healing. Thank You for Your Presence

in the midst of every smile, every fear, and every tear…

Be near, O God,

in the wonderful Name above every name…


Father God,

we cry out for the health and safety of this individual.

Please surround them as a shield.

Infuse them with Your Holy Spirit –

cleansing, renewing, refreshing, energizing, healing…

O Great and Mighty Physician, please remove

any and all traces of illness,

replacing them with a passion to honor, surrender, and serve You.

With this prayer, we offer You our love and highest praise…



please replace any terror, any torment

with perfect Trust.

Thank You.

You keep him in perfect peace

whose mind is stayed on you,

because he trusts in you.

Isaiah 26:3 ESV


Holy Father,

we come before You and plead for the health and safety

of all families confronting serious health issues.

In You, there is no crisis.

We ask that You surround them as a Shield.

Saturate them with Your Presence –

cleansing, renewing, refreshing, healing…

O Great and Mighty Physician,

we ask that You remove all traces of illness;

and we will give You all the glory!

We ask for Your Peace that surpasses all human understanding

to overwhelm every fear

and that Your sovereign Will be recognized and greatly desired.

We thank You for the privilege of coming before You

with every need.

Thank You for every answered prayer.

We offer You our greatest love, our most profound appreciation,

and our highest praise!


Father God,

we lift up all who are suffering from a physical or mental illness,

as well as any form of bondage or addiction

that afflicts their bodies, minds, or souls.

We ask that all be drawn into Your tender Embrace

that they might comprehend the magnitude

of Your wonderful Love.

For those who know You, grant them Peace and Comfort

as they seek Your Presence and Purpose

for this season of experience,

yet stir up the fears of those who reject You,

for the decisions of life

yield eternal consequences in death.

Lord, may they come to a saving knowledge of Your Grace,

yielding their hearts to Your holy Cross to boldly follow You.

We ask that no issue regarding any illness diminish, deter, or delay

the purposes for which this experience has come.

We plead for miracles in every life

that will turn their weeping into dancing –

for abundant and awesome displays of Your Power

that will result in ceaseless thanksgiving before You.

Even in our sufferings, which are temporary,

Lord, be glorified.



may hurting families recognize the warmth of Your tender embrace

as You carry them through this crisis.

Surround all with comfort and comforters.

Grant all who are crossing the threshold into Eternity

a magnificent glimpse of Your splendid Majesty.

The future is glorious –

no pain, no fear, no despair, no mourning…

For those who know You, remove the dread of death.

For those who do not yet know You,

may they encounter Truth within their circumstances

before it’s too late.

For Death is nothing more than birth – a transition into Eternity.

Although we cannot understand the mysteries of life and death,

we can stand on the Promise that You will never leave us

nor forsake us.


My Home, a House of Prayer for All Nations
