Analy and El Molino High School

West Sonoma County Union High School District

462 Johnson St, Sebastopol, California 95472-3492 (707) 824-6508 Fax (707) 887-0448

Keller McDonald, Superintendent Lindsey Apkarian, Vice Principal

Chris Heller, Principal Analy Raul Guerrero, Vice Principal Analy

Matt Dunkle, Principal El Molino Dani Barese, Vice Principal El Molino

3rd Annual College & Career Fair “Navigate Your Future”

February 23, 2015

Dear Community Member,

On behalf of Analy and El Molino High School staff and students, we would like to cordially invite you to participate in our 3rd Annual College and Career Fair on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 from 5:30 – 7:30pm in the Analy Gym.

Our High Schools strive to provide our students with meaningful experiences that will enhance their college and career readiness by providing them with the tools and pathways for their future. The College and Career Fair offers students an opportunity to learn more about higher education and careers they might be interested in.

As a professional, you can directly respond to student questions regarding the joys and challenges of your profession and offer them individual advice on required training and networking for their career choices.

We hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our young adults by participating in this years’ event. Please RSVP by Friday, March 13, 2015, by emailing your completed sign-up form to or faxing it to 707-887- 0448.

Thank you for your commitment to our students and community and we look forward to your participation in our College and Career Fair 2015.

Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions or concerns.


Jacob Rich

Community Outreach Coordinator

El Molino High School


Why participate and what will I do at the career fair?

Attending a career fair gives you the chance to talk face-to-face with future employers of Sonoma County and share potential career paths they might otherwise not know about. You will be talking to students and answering questions such as:

· Tell me about your career and how you got into the field?

· What does your typical work day look like and what type of equipment or tools do you use?

· How much money do you make?

· What was your educational path to your career?

· What high school courses were essential to your career?

· What does your company make/do?

· Does your company have any internships or job opportunities?

· What is the job outlook in your career field?

It is also a way to get your company’s name out in the community.

What do I bring?

Students love giveaways!

· Bring any relevant information you may have about your field and career path.

· Bring candy—this will get students to stop and give you an opportunity to start a conversation.

· Bring business cards, visuals, and a company banner to display. Anything with your logo and company information is a great way to advertise.

What can I do to encourage students to come visit my booth?

Again, students love giveaways but another way to entice students is to have a visual demonstration. This gets them excited about what they are learning and hopefully will ask more and more questions. For example:

· A chef may want to perform a food demonstration

· A police officer may want to conduct a lie detector test on students.

The possibilities for creativity are endless.

How many representatives can attend?

Due to spacing limitations, we would appreciate each employer to only bring 2 representatives.

Where is the fair located?

Our fair will be held in the main Analy gym located on the corner of Sunset and Taft Street in Sebastopol. If you need to unload anything please let me know in advance and either volunteer students or I will meet you at the fire lane located on Sunset/Taft to assist you.

Where do I park?

The beauty of an evening career fair is parking on campus will be available. There will be plenty of street parking as well.

When should I get there to set-up?

Guest will be able to begin the set-up process at 4:00 pm; the Career Fair runs from 5:30-7:30 pm.

We will do our best to accommodate you if you need a power source, however it is not guaranteed. There are a limited number of power outlets available so please plan accordingly. We will also provide a 6 foot table that you will be sharing with another participate and Wi-Fi access.