Title: An Example Abstract for the World Congress on Epidemiology and Public Health
W.T. Pong1 and L. Bennett2
1 Magnetic Materials Group, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, George Washington University, USA
1/Abstracts should be supplied in Microsoft Word (.doc) or as an Adobe PDF manuscript.
2/Times Roman, (12 point) should be used throughout the abstract with a 1.5 line spacing and with the title presented in 16 point.
3/Present the title and author list centered, while the paragraphs of the abstract should be left justified.
4/Should limit the length of the title to no more than 12 words.
5/Please ensure that the presenting author's name is underlined in the author list. Please also provide a contact e-mail.
6/Please include the following in your abstract:
· Presentation title
· Background/Purpose
· Aim/Objective
· Methods
· Results/Conclusions
Use margins of at least 1.5 inch (3.81 cm) on both the left and right sides. Abstracts are limited to one page of text. References should appear on the bottom of the page [1].
You MUST e-mail your abstracts to . Late submissions will not be considered and hence kindly stick to the deadline. Abstracts will be peer reviewed according to relevance to the conference theme, originality of the work, specific results described, and potential impact. Please prepare abstracts carefully and describe accomplishments specifically.
Please bear in mind that your abstract will be formatted for A4 paper.
Thank you very much for participation
[1] C. Angell, B. Bagchi, A. Buckingham, Sir John Thomas, C. N. R. Rao
J. Phys. Chem., 1994, 98 (37), pp 9083–9096.