Alton C. Crews Middle School Course Information and Management Plan

Eighth Grade Language Arts


School telephone number: (770) 982-6940

Planning Time: 10:55 – 12:12


Core Text(s): McDougal Littell The Language of Literature

Supplemental: McDougal Littell Language Network, Write Source 2000, dictionary, thesaurus,

novels, technology, and teacher-created handouts.

Course Description: Eighth grade language arts provides students with an integrated language arts learning experience that incorporates reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Students will write effectively for specific audiences through weekly writing assignments that will guide them through the writing process. They will work on content and organization of their writing as well as style, sentence structure, and mechanics. Students will learn to use specific reading skills and experience various types of literature. Students are required to have a book of their choice with them every day at school and will keep a log of books read. Students will use their listening and speaking skills to communicate effectively. Students will also be capable of retrieving information and presenting it in various formats. Research will be utilized through projects, essays, and class discussions.

Class Work:

Much of our work will, of course, occur during class. This could include assignments such as reading and responding to literature; class notes; individual, paired and small group work; writing in Writer’s Notebook; and activities that involve speaking and listening skills.


Homework reinforces concepts presented at school and is an integral component of each student’s educational experience. It provides an opportunity for students to explore and master skills more thoroughly than class time alone will allow. Additionally, it encourages the development of responsibility, self-discipline, and personal study skills. There are also many assignments that will be assigned in class and expected to be completed at home.

Assessments: Assessments will be based on the student’s mastery of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS). Evaluations will be made on the following types of assignments: formal writing assignments and essays, timed writing pieces, written responses, book projects, reading requirements, tests, vocabulary skills, portfolios, writer’s notebook, literary skills, grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Quizzes: Quizzes will be given periodically to assess student mastery of AKS covered in class.

Interim Assessments: Interim assessments will be administered during the last two days of the ninth week of each semester grading period and are cumulative assessments for the nine week period.

Comprehensive Final: Comprehensive final exams will be administered during the last two days of the last week of each semester grading period and are cumulative assessments for the semester.


Summative Assessments (tests, projects, presentations, extended writing pieces): 48%

Formative Assessments (class work, constructed writing responses, quizzes): 40%

Interim Assessments: 2%

Comprehensive Final Exam: 10%

Grading Scale:

A = 90-100

B = 80-89

C = 74-79

D = 70-73

U = 0-69

Retest Plan: To view and/or print Crews Middle School's assessment retest plan guidelines and request form, go to the Parent section of the school's website: .

Make-up Work Policy: Absent students are responsible for obtaining and completing all missed assignments in a timely manner. Students will receive assignments by checking their language arts guide sheet for the week. Students have one day to make up assignments for each day of absence. If a student is present when an assignment is given, the student is expected to have the assignment upon returning to class. Students should use an agenda book to keep up with assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to accurately and legibly record all assignments daily. This agenda book is a vital means of communication between home and school; therefore, parents are encouraged to check it nightly.

Late Work Policy: All assignments are expected to be turned in on time. Consequences may be given for work not submitted on time. After end of unit tests, students have five days to complete and turn in any missing assignments for that unit for partial credit.

Extra Help Time: Thursday morning help will be at 8:15. Additional help will be provided upon individual request.

Class Expectations: Your child is expected to come to class prepared to learn and follow class and school rules. Please discuss with your child the behaviors that take away from valuable instructional time and cause distractions for other students. Some of these are:

· Fighting

· Talking or making disruptive noises

· Throwing paper or other objects

· Talking disrespectfully to teachers or students

· Being tardy for class without an excuse

· Being unprepared for class – bring agenda book, textbook, paper, pencil, Writer’s Notebook, and notebook daily

· Not having an agenda book for a hall pass

· Chewing gum or eating in class

· Leaving the room without a pass

· Failure to adhere to Crews dress policy

· Cell phones going off in class. Cell phones must be turned off and placed in backpacks during the school day.

Consequences for Not Meeting Expectations: These are the consequences that will be followed if a student does not meet class expectations.

1st Offense: Initial Parent Contact/Teacher Warning

2nd Offense: Silent Lunch

3rd Offense: Teacher Detention

4th Offense: Saturday Detention

5th Offense: On/Off Team Isolation

6th Offense: Administrative Referral

*Discipline plan may be modified at teacher’s discretion

Parents should access the Gwinnett Portal to obtain periodic updates of their child’s grades. In addition, students will need to use teachers’ eCLASS websites. This will provide not only assignments for class work and homework, but it will also show test and quiz dates and project deadlines.

***Please note: This course information sheet is subject to change as deemed necessary by the teacher based on students’ instructional needs.