Charlotte Chapter – Academic Relations Scholarship Program

IIA Charlotte Chapter Scholarship Overview & Application

Scholarship Program Objectives

§  To promote the Internal Audit profession as a viable and rewarding career path for full-time undergraduate students majoring in accounting, finance, and business.

§  To create opportunities for students to learn more about the Internal Audit profession through direct interactions with local IIA Chapter members.

§  To provide a financial incentive for students to promote their personal and academic goals as they relate to the Internal Audit profession.

Advantage for Scholars

§  Become a recipient of a scholarship grant. The total dollar value of the scholarships awarded varies annually with the first place scholarship award of at least $3,000. Additional scholarships may be awarded based on quality of applicants, as well as Chapter performance.

§  Opportunity to learn about the Internal Audit profession that provides continuing career growth, attractive compensation, broad exposure to business processes throughout an organization, and contact with the Boards of Directors, executive management, and all levels of personnel.

§  Receive a complimentary one year membership with the IIA

§  Opportunities to network and develop valuable relationships with IIA Charlotte Chapter members (including potential employers) at IIA events.

§  The opportunity to post your resume at the IIA National resume database for possible summer internships or job placement.

Eligibility Requirements

§  Full-time undergraduate student at a college or university in the greater Charlotte metropolitan area.

§  Graduating no sooner than the end of the spring semester/quarter in 2015.

§  Enrolled in the spring 2015 semester/quarter in accounting, auditing, business or another course of study that is supportive of a career in Internal Auditing.

§  Cumulative minimum GPA of 2.75 or higher. Students are responsible for providing an official transcript.

§  Active involvement in extracurricular activities (e.g., work, leadership in student organizations/affiliations, community service and volunteer organizations, sports programs, ROTC, etc.).

Application Package

To be considered, student must submit the following:

§  A completed application form

§  A resume listing work experience and extracurricular activities

§  An essay expressing (1) the reason you are applying for the scholarship, (2) why you are interested in internal auditing, and (3) how you plan to take advantage of future internal audit opportunities. Your essay should be between 500 and 1000 words.

§  An official transcript illustrating the cumulative GPA

§  Letter of recommendation from an educator, academic advisor, or employer

See attached application form below.


The completed application, resume, and essay should be sent electronically to . Please do not zip files. You will receive a confirmation email within 10 business days of your electronic submission.

Please send your official transcript(s) and letter of recommendation to the following address:

Sarah Miller

Internal Audit – MAC D1053-062

301 South College Street, 6th Floor

Charlotte, NC 28202


Due Date / Activity Due
3/31/2015 / Completed application and attachments must be received by this date
4/20/2015 / Award winners notified
Date TBD (May 2015) / Formal Award of Scholarships
Date TBD (May 2015) / Results are announced on the IIA website

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:

IIA Charlotte Chapter- Academic Relations Committee


All information in this section must be completed. Attach additional sheets if necessary, using the same format as this application form. Resume and Essay must be included with this application form to be considered complete.

SECTION 1: Personal History

1. Last Name ______First Name______Middle Initial _____

2. (Current) Address Street______Apt. No.______

City ______State ______Zip Code ______

3. (Permanent) Address Street______Apt. No.______

City ______State ______Zip Code ______

4. Telephone Number ______5. E-mail address ______

6. Gender Male ______Female ______

7. IIA Membership Number (if applicable) ______

SECTION 2: Education History
8. List all College/University attendance:

College/University / City, State / Period of Attendance

9. Major: ______Emphasis:______

Cumulative GPA: ______Major GPA: ______

Anticipated Graduation Date: ______Degree: ______

10. Please list all accounting and auditing courses included in your curriculum and indicate when you took the courses or when you will be taking the courses, and grades received to date:

SECTION 3: Practical Experience

11. Name of Present or Last Employer ______

Address ______

Your Job Title ______

Supervisor’s Name: ______

From: _____/_____/_____ To: _____/_____/_____ Hours per week: ______

Duties and Responsibilities:

SECTION 4: Extracurricular Activities

12. List extracurricular involvement (e.g., leadership in student organizations/affiliations, community service and volunteer organizations, sports programs, ROTC, etc.)

Name of Activity/Club / Period of Involvement
(Dates) / Leadership Role(s)/ Responsibility

Please attach additional sheets if you need additional space, using the same format as this application form.

SECTION 5: Financial Aid

13. List all financial assistance you are currently receiving or expect to receive in the upcoming year. (Include financial assistance from your current and past employer(s), if applicable.)

Name of scholarship, grant, or other type of financial aid / Amount of financial aid (per semester) / Time period you will be/ have been receiving financial aid / Cumulative amount of financial aid that has been/ will be received

SECTION 6: Additional Application Requirements

14. Please prepare an essay expressing (1) the reason you are apply for the scholarship, (2) why you are interested in internal auditing, and (3) how you plan to take advantage of future internal audit opportunities. Your essay should be between 500 and 1000 words.

Please prepare your essay as a separate Microsoft Word document.

15. Submit a letter of recommendation from an educator, academic advisor, or employer to Sarah Miller (see below).

16. Submit an official transcript to Sarah Miller (see below).

NOTE: Please send your official transcript(s) and letter of recommendation to the following address:

Sarah Miller

Internal Audit – MAC D1053-062

301 South College Street, 6th Floor

Charlotte, NC 28202

STATEMENT - I certify that the information contained in this application is complete, accurate, and true to the best of my knowledge.

I understand that any misrepresentation of facts will be cause for revocation of the scholarship.

Signature ______Date______


___ Application Form

___ Resume

___ Essay

___ Letter of recommendation

___ Official University GPA Transcript

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