Adult ESL & Family Literacy
“What Can You Do to Support Your Child’s Literacy Development at Home?”
· Course: English & Family Literacy Level 1 (Beginners)
· Technology Tool: Access to the Internet, PowerPoint
· Class Hours: 9 hours per week
· Activity Time Frame: one and a half hours
· Objectives:
Students will
(1) Demonstrate he ideas of how to support their child’s literacy development at home.
(2) Compile the recommended books for each grade level.
Activity # 1: Warm-up Discussion (in-class)
1. Discuss what literacy means and why it is important as a whole class.
2. Brainstorm how to support their child’s literacy development at home in groups. List 5 ideas. Report back to class.
3. Teacher puts students into groups by their child’s grade level: kindergarten, Grades 1-2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12.
4. Introduce the literacy project.
Students will
1) Research how to support their child’s literacy development at home for each grade level.
-Create a PowerPoint presentation as a group.
-Present to the class as a group.
2) Research the recommended books for each grade level using web resources.
-Include the titles in the PowerPoint presentation.
-Check out the recommended books for each grade level from the local library to present to the class.
Activity#2: Research on the Web (computer lab)-Download the Family Literacy Guide from the New York City Department of Education website
1. Sit by group.
2. Go to
3. Click “Parent”
4. Click “News and Information”
5. Scroll down the bar to look for “Family Literacy Guide.”
6. Download the Family Literacy Guide English version.
7. Print out the pages that contain the information of your child’s grade level.
Read the printouts, especially the part “What Can You Do at Home?” at home. Choose 5 things you think are the most important.
Activity#3: Discussion (in-class)
- Take turns to read the part “What Can You Do at Home?” in your group.
- Choose 5 things in your group. Understand what each idea means.
- Go to the page that has “Recommended Books.”
- Choose 10 recommended books for the grade level in your group.
- Complete the PowerPoint organization worksheet. Write the content you are going to type in on the worksheet
Bring the printouts in the computer lab.
Activity#4: Creating a PowerPoint presentation (computer lab)
1. The two students designated create 4 slides each and type text.
2. The other two students go to the Queens Library website. Check if the library has the recommended books in.
Go to the local library and check out the recommended books. Bring them in class on the presentation day.
Activity #5: Rehearse the PowerPoint Presentation (in-class)
1. Divide the slides to present into the number of the group members.
2. Practice acting out and giving examples of the idea each student will present.
3. Work on the difficult words to pronounce.
Activity #6: Presentation (in-class)
Each group presents the project to class. Each student explains one or two slides given. The recommended books checked out from the local library are displayed along with the presentation. Q & A
Activity #7: Compilation of the PowerPoint Presentations
Teacher compiles the PowerPoint presentations into a book format.
Activity #8: Evaluation and Reflection (in-class)