Administration of Justice
Administration of Justice (6) Patrol Procedures
Section 3105 Inst building-Room #1012
Instructor Kelly Enos
Thursday: 3:50pm – 7:00pm
Email: Voice Mail: 818-364-4354
Office hours: Tuesday 7:00pm to 7:35pm Inst bldg faculty offices #20
Course covers police procedures related to patrol activities. At the end of the course, students will have gained a basic understanding and knowledge of what police officers must prepare for and what they encounter during patrol duty.
TEXTBOOK: Payton, George: Patrol Operations and Enforcement Tactics
Law and Order Magazine
Police Magazine
FBI bulletin
“The Newhall Incident”; John Anderson
“ Street Survival”; Charles Remsberg, Calibre Press
Attendance: Regular attendance is the only way to properly satisfy the course requirements. Attendance will be taken throughout the semester. More than 3 absences during the semester may result in a reduced grade or being dropped from the class. Students are expected to arrive for class on time. You are required to make up missing lectures/discussions/class notes by contacting another student in the class and getting his/her notes.
Beepers/Cell phones: beepers and cell phones WILL be turned off during class hours.
Cheating: Plagiarism, unauthorized material during an examination, changing answers after work has been graded, taking an exam for another student, forging or altering attendance sheets or other documents and copying other students papers. In academic circles, this is a SERIOUS offense and will not be tolerated. Students caught cheating will be dealt with Harshly. Refer to the college catalog.
Grading: Midterm 40%, Final 40%, Research Paper 20%. No make up exams will be given. Attendance will be factored into students final grade. The instructor reserves the right to assign additional individual papers to students. Extra credit work is available and will be discussed in class.
Course Schedule
Date Topic
2/10 Introduction to course
2/17 Ethics and Professional Law Enforcement
2/24 The History of Police Patrol
3/3 The Purpose and Duties of Police Patrol
3/10 The Types of Patrol
3/17 Preparation for Patrol
3/31 Police Communications
4/7 Observation and Perception
4/14 Mid term exam
4/21 Field Note taking
4/28 Identification of Persons
5/5 Field Interrogation
5/12 Vehicle stops
5/19 Protective Weapons and Officer Survival
5/26 Tactics by Call-General and High Risk
6/2 Final Exam