Administration and Probate Act 1935
In the Supreme Court of Tasmania,.
Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction.
In the Will of (full name, address, occupation/marital status of deceased) , deceased.
I/We, ….. , of (full name, address, occupation/marital status of executor/s) , make oath and say that :
1. I/we believe the paper writing now produced to and signed by me/us to contain the true and original last will and testament (with a codicil thereto or as the case may be) (delete if there is no codicil to the Will) of the said (full name, address, occupation/marital status of deceased) , deceased who died on the day of 20 , at
2. that I/we am/are the widow (if widow not applying state the relationship of the executor/s to the deceased – if not related by blood state "a stranger-in-blood") of the said deceased and the sole executor (executors) named in the said will;
3. that I/we will administer according to law all the estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the said deceased;
4. that I/we will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of the said estate, and render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law so to do; and
5. that the short form affidavit lodged herewith fully sets forth the assets and liabilities of the said estate.
Sworn by the deponent/s )
at in )
this day of ) …………………………………
20 ) Signature of person sworn
Before me, …………………………………………..
Justice of the Peace/Solicitor