Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Gary James Jason
Addresses and Phone Numbers
· Office: Department of Philosophy
California State University, Fullerton
P.O. Box 6868
Fullerton, CA 92834-6868
· Home: 10 Via Del Tesoro
San Clemente, CA 92673
· Phone: (949) 606-5576
· FAX: (949) 388-0502
· E-mail:
· Ph.D. (1982) in Philosophy (History and Philosophy of Science program), the University of Illinois.
· M.S. (l986) in Computer Science from Kansas State University. Took additional graduate C.S. courses at University of California, Irvine (1986-7, full-time; 1988-9, part-time).
· M.A. (1976), Philosophy from the University of Illinois.
· B.S. (1971), Physics; B.A. (1971), Philosophy, both from UCLA.
· California Community College Teaching Credential in Philosophy and Religion (valid for life).
· California Community College Teaching Credential in Computer Science (valid for life).
Academic History
· Spring 2002-present: philosophy instructor at Cal State University Fullerton.
· Fall 1986-1998: Adjunct professor of philosophy at San Diego State University, Saddleback College, and Orange Coast College.
· Spring l984-Summer l986: Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas.
· 1979-1984 Lecturer in Philosophy at San Diego State University and Saddleback College.
· The years l975-l979 were spent teaching at a number of colleges in the Los Angeles area, including Loyola Marymount University, Mount St. Mary’s College, Los Angeles Valley College and Los Angeles Trade Tech College.
Academic Honors
· Outstanding Teaching Award from California State University, Fullerton—Irvine Campus (2014).
· Admitted to Upsilon Pi Epsilon (the National Computer Science Honorary Fraternity) (1987).
· Admitted to Pi Mu Epsilon (the National Mathematics Honorary Fraternity) (1969).
· Admitted to the California Scholarship Federation (1967).
Professional Memberships
· American Association for the Advancement of Science (Patron Member);
· American Association for Artificial Intelligence (Life Member);
· American Association of Philosophy Teachers (Life Member);
· American Mathematical Society (Life Member);
· American Philosophical Association (Life Member);
· American Physical Society (Life Member);
· Association for Informal Logic and Critical Thinking;
· Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (Life Member);
· Association for Psychological Science (Life Member);
· Association for Symbolic Logic;
· Association for Computing Machinery;
· Australasian Association for Philosophy;
· British Association for the Philosophy of Science;
· British Philosophical Association (Life Member);
· British Society for the History of Mathematics;
· British Society for the History of Science;
· Canadian Philosophical Association (Life Member);
· Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics;
· Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science;
· Cognitive Neuroscience Society;
· Cognitive Science Society;
· Charles S. Peirce Society (Sustaining Member);
· Hume Society;
· International Society for Business and Society
· Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers;
· History of Economics Society;
· History of Science Society;
· Human Behavior and Evolution Society;
· International Association for Computing and Philosophy (Life Member);
· International Neuro-ethics Society;
· International Society for the Psychology of Science and Technology;
· International Society for the Study of Argumentation;
· Mathematical Association of America;
· National Association of Scholars (Life Member);
· New York Academy of Science;
· Philosophy of Science Society;
· North American Society for Social Philosophy;
· Royal Institute of Philosophy;
· Skeptic Society;
· Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (Benefactor);
· Society for Business Ethics;
· Society for Exact Philosophy;
· Society for Neuro-economics;
· Society for Philosophy and Technology;
· Society for the History of Technology;
· Society for Social Studies of Science.
Courses Taught:
· Anglo-American Philosophy 1900-1950
· Business Ethics
· Classics in Western Philosophy
· Critical Thinking
· Inductive Logic
· Introduction to Ethics
· Introduction to Logic
· Introduction to Meta-logic
· Introduction to Philosophy
· Philosophy of Religion
· Philosophy of Science
· Symbolic Logic
· Theory of Knowledge
· (Currently) Senior Editor for Liberty
· (Past) Series editor for Jones and Bartlett publishers (series in Logic and Critical Thinking)
· Academic Books
1. Philosophic Thoughts: Essays on Logic and Philosophy (2013) Peter Lang Publishers (American University Studies: series V, Philosophy: Vol. 214).
2. Critical Thinking: Developing an Effective World-view (2001) Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company. New printing now available through CreateSpace Publishing.
3. Introduction to Logic (1994) Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company (Preliminary edition, Clear Thinking: An Invitation to Logic published 1992 by Jones & Bartlett Publishers). New printing available through CreateSpace Publishing.
4. Student Study Guide for Introduction to Logic (1994) Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers (title now owned by Wadsworth Publishing Company).
5. The Logic of Scientific Discovery (1988) Bern: Peter Lang Publishers (American University Studies: Series V, Philosophy: Vol. 46).
· Academic Articles and Reviews
1. Article: “Selling Genocide II: The Later Films,” forthcoming in Reason Papers: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies.
2. Film review essay: “Memorializing Genocide: A Survey of Holocaust Documentaries,” forthcoming in Reason Papers: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies.
3. Review of: Eamonn Butler, Classical Liberalism: A Primer, forthcoming in Philosophia.
4. Article: “Selling Genocide I: The Earlier Films,” in Reason Papers: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies 38 (1): pp. 127-157 (2016).
5. Book review essay: “Where did German Propaganda Films Derive Their Power?” in Reason Papers: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies 38 (1): pp. 166-181 (2016).
6. Book review essay: “Total Regime, Total Propaganda,” in Liberty, July 3, 2016
7. Book review of: Gillian Brock and Michael Blake, Debating Brain Drain: May Governments Restrict Emigration? in Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, FirstView article, June 2016, pp. 1-2
8. Book review essay: “Are We All Little Eichmanns?” in Philosophia 44 (1), pp. 1-13 (2016).
9. Review of: Randal Marlin, Propaganda and the Ethics of Persuasion (2nd edition), in Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, FirstView published online December 28, 2015 pp. 1-3.
10. Film review essay: “Portraits of Egoism in Classic Cinema III: Nietzschean Portrayals,” in Reason Papers: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies, 37 (2): 150-162 (Fall 2015).
11. Film review essay: “Portraits of Egoism in Classic Cinema II: Negative Portrayals,” in Reason Papers: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies, 37 (1): 119-136 (Spring 2015).
12. Review of: Philip Booth (ed.), …and the Pursuit of Happiness: Wellbeing and the Role of Government, in Reason Papers: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies, 37 (1): 148-163 (Spring 2015).
13. Book review essay: Al Gini and Alexei Marcoux’s The Ethics of Business: A Concise Introduction, in Reason Papers: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies, 36 (1): 143-161 (July 2014).
14. Film review essay: “Portraits of Egoism in Classic Cinema I: Sympathetic Portrayals,” in Reason Papers: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies, 36 (1): 107-121 (July 2014).
15. Book review essay: “The History of Cinema and America’s Role in It,” in Reason Papers: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies, 35 (1): 170-186 (July 2013).
16. Review of: Eamonn Butler, Public Choice: A Primer, in Philosophia, 41 (3): 917-922 (2013).
17. Film review essay: “Film and Propaganda: What Nazi Cinema Has to Tell Us,” in Reason Papers: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies, 35 (1): 203-219 (July 2013).
18. Review of: Donald Livingston (ed.), Rethinking the American Union for the Twenty-First Century, in Reason Papers: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies, 34 (2): 211-214 (October 2012).
19. Review of: Nicholas Phillipson, Adam Smith: An Enlightened Life, in Philosophia, 40 (4): 919-922 (2012).
20. Article: “Does Virtue Epistemology Provide a Better Account of the Ad Hominem Argument? A Reply to Christopher Johnson,” in Philosophy, 86 (1): 95-119 (2011).
21. Article: “Conflicts of Loyalty in War Movies,” in Liberty, September 19, 2011.
22. Book review essay: “The Case for Free Trade,” books reviewed Joseph Desjardins An Introduction to Business Ethics and Daniel Griswold The Case for Free Trade, in Liberty, December 2010, pp. 33-41.
23. Review of: H. Johns and P. Ormerod, Happiness, Economics, and Public Policy, in Independent Review, 14 (3): 458-460 (Winter 2010).
24. Book review essay: “Whence this Libertarian View of Life?” book reviewed: C. Duncan and T. Machan, Libertarianism: For and Against, in Liberty, January-February 2008, pp. 54-60.
25. Review of: R. J. McNally, Remembering Trauma, in Philosophia, 34 (4): 477-481 (2006).
26. Review of: F. C. Crews, Unauthorized Freud: Doubters Confront a Legend, in Philosophia, 33: 1-4 (2005).
27. Review of: F. Schauer, Profiles, Probabilities, and Stereotypes, in Academic Questions, 17 (2): 80-84 (Spring 2004).
28. Article: “Patent Statistics and Social Science Research,” (with Professor Greg Brunk) in Stuart Nagel, ed. Creativity: Being Usefully Innovative in Solving Diverse Problems, Huntington: Nova Science Publishers: pp. 13-26 (2000).
29. Article: "Hedging as a Fallacy of Language" in Informal Logic, 10 (3): 169-175 (1990).
30. Article: "On the Nonexistence of Computer Ethics" in Social Philosophy Today Vol. 4, pp. 197-206 (1990).
31. Article: "The Role of Error in Computer Science" in Philosophia 19 (4): 403-416 (1989).
32. Review of: R. Turner, Logics for AI, in Philosophia, 19 (1): 81-83 (1989).
33. Article: "Fallacies are Common" in Informal Logic 11 (2): 101-106 (1989).
34. Review of: P. Harmon and D. King, Expert Systems, in Technology and Culture (Jan. 1988).
35. Review of: D. Johnson and J. Snapperz (eds.), Ethical Issues in the Use of Computers, in Journal of Social Philosophy, 19 (1): 55-56 (1988).
36. Article: “Erotetic Logic as a Specification Language for Database Queries,” MS Thesis, Kansas State University (Department of Computer Science) (1987).
37. Review of: M. Schagrin, R. Dipert, and W. Rapaport, Logic: A Computer Approach, in Philosophia, 17 (4): 557-558 (1987).
38. Article: "The Nature of the Argumentum of Baculum" in Philosophia, 17 (4): 491-499 (1987).
39. Review of: H. Gardner, The Mind's New Science, in Philosophia 17 (2), 1987.
40. Review of: D. N. Walton, Logical Dialogue-Games and Fallacies, in Philosophia, Vol. l7 (1): 97-99 (1987).
41. Article: “Epistemologies and Apologies" in Dialectica, 40 (1): 45-58 (1986).
42. Article: “Are Fallacies Common? A Look at Two Debates." in Informal Logic, Vol. 8 (2): 81-92 (1986). Reprinted in: Selected Issues in Logic and Communication, Trudy Grovier (ed.) Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1988.
43. Review of: G. Wood, The Myth of Neurosis, in Chronicles of Culture (October 1986).
44. Review of: P. Kitcher, Abusing Science: The Case Against Creationism, in California Review (November 1985).
45. Review of: J. T. Johnson, Can Modern War Be Just?, in Chronicles of Culture (June 1985).
46. Review of: A. Grunbaum, The Foundations of Psychoanalysis, in California Review (June 1985).
47. Article: “Two Problems of Induction," in Dialectica, 39 (1): 53-74 (l985).
48. Article: “Science and Common Sense," in Journal for Critical Analysis, 8 (4): 117-123 (1985).
49. Article: “Using Philosophical Dilemmas to Teach Composition," in Teaching English in the Two Year College, 12 (3): 183-190 (1985).
50. Article: “Is There a Case for Ad Hominem Arguments?" in The Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 62 (2): 182-185 (l984).
51. Article: “Dialectic and Desiderata," in Journal for Value Inquiry, 18 (2): 139-144 (1984).
52. Article: “Roadblocks to Research," in Part-Time Academic Employment in the Humanities (ed. by Elizabeth Wallace): 66-68 (1984).
53. Article: “Deontologism and Dialectic," in Journal for Value Inquiry l7 (2): ll9 - l3l (l983).
54. Article: “The Impact of Warfare on the Rate of Invention" (with Professor Greg Brunk), in Scientometrics, 3 (6):437-455 (1982). Reprinted in: The Handbook of Policy Creativity, ed. By Stuart Nagel, Nova Science Publishers (2002).
55. Article: “Notes toward a Formal Conversation Theory” in Grazer Philosophische Studien Vol. 10 (1980).
56. Article: “The Logic of Soul-Making,” in Metanoia XII (1): 19-22 (1980).
57. Article: “The Concept of Discovery” in Journal for Critical Analysis, 7 (4): 109-118 (1979).
· Trade Books
1. Disturbing Thoughts: Unorthodox Writings on Timely Issues (2015) CreateSpace Publishing.
2. Dangerous Thoughts: Provocative Writings on Contemporary Topics (2011) Bloomington, IN: Xlibris Books.
· Cultural, Political and General Interest Articles
1. Once Again, Spontaneous Order Beats the Dead Hand of Statism,” in Liberty, April 14, 2016.
2. “Paul Ryan and the Extreme Populist Establishment,” in Liberty, January 19, 2016.
3. “Asian Immigration and Trumpeterian Fabulism,” in Liberty, December 29, 2015.
4. “It’s Déjà vu All Over Again,” in Liberty, September 30, 2015.
5. “The Evolution of the Fracking Revolution,” in American Thinker, September 24, 2015.
6. “On Dogs, Cats and Carnal Knowledge,” in Liberty, June 15, 2015.
7. “Fracking: You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet!” in American Thinker, June 15, 2015.
8. “Disquieting Developments,” in Liberty, April 22, 2015.
9. “Good News for School Reform,” in American Thinker, April 5, 2015.
10. “Right to Work Nation,” in Liberty, March 21, 2015.
11. “Russian Money and Useful American Idiots: The Same Old Story,” in American Thinker, March 2, 2015.
12. “Seizing Reform?” in Liberty, February 15, 2015.
13. “Melancholic Milestones,” in American Thinker, December 23, 2014.
14. “Fracking Ferment and Malthusian Myths,” in Liberty, December 18, 2014.
15. “A Fifth Column Undermines the War for American Energy Independence,” in American Thinker, July 10, 2014.
16. “Unions minus Coercion equals Nothing,” in American Thinker, May 21, 2014.
17. “Don’t Mess with Texas,” in American Thinker, May 7, 2014.
18. “Universities are not Walmart,” in Liberty, April 11, 2014.
19. “What Did Obama Motors Know?” in Liberty, April 5, 2014.
20. “The UAW Smack-down,” in Liberty, March 5, 2014.
21. “Free Trade: O Reaps What He Sows,” in American Thinker, February 18, 2014.
22. “The Student Loan Debacle: A Clear Moral Hazard,” in, December 3, 2013. Reprinted in The Fiscal Times, December 5, 2013
23. “Pointless Ph.D. Proliferation,” in Pope Center for Higher Education, December 2, 2013.
24. “New Doubts about the Value of a College Degree,” in American Thinker, November 20, 2013.
25. “Young Frogs Hop to New Ponds,” in American Thinker, November 4, 2013.
26. “Geopolitical Fallout from the U.S. Energy Revolution,” in American Thinker, October 28, 2013.
27. “The ABA Feels the Heat,” in, October 23, 2013.
28. “Rent-Seeking in French and English,” in American Thinker, October 19, 2013.
29. “The Coming of the Auto-Auto,” in American Thinker, October 10, 2013.
30. “Unions Driven Crazy by Crisis,” in American Thinker, September 22, 2013.
31. “What Fracking Hath Wrought,” in American Thinker, August 18, 2013.
32. “Unions Complaining about Digging Their Own Grave,” in American Thinker, August 7, 2013.
33. “Athena 4, Gaia 0,” in Liberty, July 31, 2013.
34. “Good News about Hispanic Grads,” in Liberty, June 24, 2013.
35. “Open Access to Public MOOCs,” in American Thinker, June 8, 2013.
36. “French Follies Continue to Entertain,” in American Thinker, April 6, 2013.
37. “A Sincere Change of Heart?” in Liberty, April 2, 2013.
38. “Earth to New York Times: Wake Up,” in Pope Center for Higher Education Policy Commentaries, March 10, 2013.
39. “Yes, They are Liberal: A Major Academic Journal Looks at Bias in Psychology,” in Pope Center for Higher Education Policy Commentaries, February 14, 2013.