MIST 5600 – Integrated Enterprise-Wide Systems Adding a new material

Name ____________________________________________________

Exercise 6

Adding a New Material

A. Define a new material

As a first step in bringing Zoom-Zoom, Inc. into the SAP system, we will first add the major product (Thunder Road Courier Motorcycles) to the system so that we can record sales out of the Philadelphia sales organization. Then we will see other changes that are necessary to be able to sell the material.

Start by entering the material in the master tables.

A1. [MMH1] Logistics ® Materials Management ® Material Master ® Material ® Create (Special) ® Trading Goods.

A2. Your new material number should be 5600-1XX where XX are the last two digits of your user ID. Industry sector should be “Retail”. Use 1400-100 as the material to copy from.

A3. Select all views, and then unselect Foreign Trade Export data, Foreign Trade Import Data, MRP1, MRP2, MRP3, MRP4, and Forecasting. Click on “continue” (green check mark).

Use the following data:

Copy From:

Plant: 3000 3000

Storage location: 0001 0001

Sales Org: 3000 3000

Dist Channel: 10 10

Warehouse Number 300 300

Storage Type: 005 005

A4. You will see the tabs for views displayed. Don’t move too fast here!!! You can examine any of the views you’ve requested, but do not select any of the views you have previously unselected, or you will be asked for data that will not be needed for this exercise. As you go through the data, think about the fields that contain data. What is the significance of the entries? For many fields you can see the possible choices by clicking on the list box field, then the down arrow.

Make the appropriate choices for this motorcycle – it should be fairly obvious given the choices.

Here are the changes to be made:

On Basic Data 1:

q the division (make it 00)

q the description (make it Thunder Road/Courier),

q the material group,

q the product hierarchy (start at the top level and work down through the levels by clicking on the “next level” button after you have highlighted your choice so far. This is not Accessories but a Motorcycle (complete)

q Assume the net and gross weight are 300 KG.

On other tabs:

q Make sure Availability check (in Sales general/plant) is set "individual requirements".

q Set the purchasing group (Purchasing view) to Stevens, K.

q The moving average price and the standard price should be 3500 (in the Accounting 1 view). Don’t goof on standard price – you may not be able to correct it!

A5. Save the new material.

A6. When asked about tax classifications, select “No tax” for Canada and “Taxable” for United States.

B. Purchasing the new material

Now bring in some inventory to the warehouse by purchasing the new material with the following process. Remember that to SAP, a purchase order means we buy material from a vendor to put in our warehouse. A sales order means a customer wants to buy material that we will take out of our warehouse and give to them.

B1. [ME21N] Logistics ® Materials Management ® Purchasing ® Purchase Order ® Create ® Vendor/Supplying Plant known.

B2. Use Vendor 3100, Purchasing Organization 3000 and Purchasing Group 021 letting the rest of the default data stay. You may need to indicate Company 3000. Fill in the material number (5600-1XX) an order quantity 50, the net price of 3500, currency is USD, and Plant 3000.

B3. Save. Record the purchase order number _____________.

B4. Exit.

You have now ordered material. Next step, when it gets delivered, is to record it as entered into your warehouse.

C. Goods Receipt

C1. [MIGO] Logistics ® Materials management ® Inventory management ® Purchasing ® Purchasing Order ® Follow-on Functions ® Goods Receipt.

C2. Make sure you are requesting a goods receipt. Enter the Purchase Order that you just added to the system.

C3. Check , (bottom of the screen.)

C4. Save. Record your material document number _______________.

C5. Now check the inventory for that part. [MMBE] Logistics ® Materials management ® Physical Inventory ® Environment ® Stock overview. You should see your just delivered materials.

D. Creating a sales order

D1. Now we must use this material in a sales order. By now the path should be familiar: [VA01] Logistics ® Sales and Distribution ® Sales ® Order ® Create. Use OR, Sales Org. 3000, Dist. Channel 10, and Div 00.

D2. On the order, use customer 12121, purchase order GHF001, and fill in the new material and the quantity of 2. Indicate the delivery should go the side door. You will want Plant 3000.

D3. Confirm your order by clicking the green check mark. Save your order and record the order number _________.

D4. Everything looks good! BUT IT ISN’T. Now go back and display this order, select the single item line, Display Item Detail (bottom left). Now click on the conditions tab. You will see that the cost of these motorcycles is $3500 as entered, but we have not put a price in, and the result is a price of zero, and a loss of $7,000 on the sale.

D5. SAP has the ability to specify the "pricing procedure" separately for each sales area. You will see this later on when you define a new sales area. The pricing procedure used by Sales Org 3000, Dist Channel 10, Division 00 is "RVAJUS", or standard US. You can see how this process worked for this document by clicking on the button at the bottom of the screen. Following the RVAJUS procedure, SAP examines lots of different “conditions” to decide what is the price; the PR00 condition allows an organization to specify the price at the Sales Org and Dist Channel level. Open the PR00 folder to get the details: the PR00 record is missing.

D6. To put the basic pricing information out there, use the following: [VK31] Logistics ® Sales and Distribution ® Master Data ® Conditions ® Create

D7. Open the Prices folder. Execute Material Price. Click on the page icon: .

Make sure the default entries are correct (Sales Org 3000, Dist Channel 10). Create a new entry in the table: Condition Type is PR00, enter your material number, the rate of 6000, Units for the rate of USD, per 1, UoM (unit of measure) of pc (or piece).

D8. Save.

D9. Now go back and reenter a second order (it can be exactly the same as the first) and check that the pricing information is correct.


Change the sales order. Select the item; select (item conditions). Add a new condition type at the bottom (white field): PR00. Scroll up to check that the pricing information is correct. Save.

D10. How much gross profit is made on the sale? _______________. What are the taxes? ____________.

D11. Continue the process of delivering and invoicing for the sales order. First, display your order (you should know how to do this by now) and determine the availability date of the material. Highlight the item line, press the Schedule Lines for Item button, and select the Shipping button. Write down the material availability date since you need this date as a selection criterion to create a delivery.

Material Availability Date:

E. Creating an individual delivery

E1. Select Logistics ® Sales and distribution ® Shipping and Transportation ® Outbound delivery ® Create.

E2. On the Create Delivery screen, use shipping point 3000, and selection date based on your material availability date from above. Leave "from item" and "to item" blank.

E3. Select Enter. The R/3 System branches to the overview screen of the delivery document.

E4. On the Delivery Create – Overview screen, select the delivery item and select Item details.

E5. To pick the delivery: On the Delivery Create – Item Details screen, select Subsequent Functions ® Create Transfer order from the top menu. You are informed that the delivery was changed. Save your data and write down the delivery document number:

Delivery: ___________________

E6. The R/3 System displays the Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note: Initial Screen. Use the following data: Warehouse number: 300, Foreground/background: System-guided.

E7. Select to create the transfer order. Save.

E8. The R/3 System creates a transfer order for picking the corresponding delivery item. Write Down the Transfer Order Number provided at the bottom of the screen.

Transfer Order Number:

F. Posting Goods Issue

F1. Select Logistics ® Sales and Distribution ® Shipping and Transportation ® Outbound delivery ® Change ® Single document

F2. On the Change Outbound Delivery screen select . The R/3 System confirms that the delivery has been saved.

G. Billing a Sales Order

G1. Select Logistics ® Sales and distribution ® Billing.

G2. On the Billing screen, select Billing Document ® Create.

G3. If the R/3 System does not automatically propose the delivery document number, enter the shipping document number of the previously created delivery.

G4. On the Create Billing Document screen, select Execute.

G5. On the Invoice (F2) Create: Overview of the Billing Items screen, Select Save.

G6. Write down the Sales Invoice Number provided at the bottom of the screen:

Invoice number: _______

H. Displaying the Document Flow

H1. Select Logistics ® Sales and distribution ® Sales ® Order ® Display.

H2. On the Display Sales Order: Initial Screen, select Display Document flow

I. Exceeding the Available Inventory

I1. Check Inventory: [MMBE] Logistics ® Materials management ® Physical Inventory ® Environment ® Stock overview. Use the magnifying glass to see the details.

I2. Now enter a new sales order, for more than the available inventory, perhaps ask for 100 motorcycles. Does the system accept the order? Accept the proposal for less than the full amount ordered. Try to deliver it, using the same procedure as above. (Don’t forget to use the material availability date in delivering your order.) In your delivery document, note the delivery quantity. If it is less than what you ordered, try to change it to the correct number. What is going on?

What happened? ________________________________________________


When was inventory checked? _____________________________________

Spring 2003 1/6