Bullhead City Elementary School District

Science Academic Vocabulary - Grade 6

1. absorption

2. analyze

3. analyze data

4. animal cells

5. apply

6. appraise

7. appropriate graphic

8. argue

9. assemble

10. atmosphere

11. balances

12. cause-and-effect chain

13. cell membrane

14. cell wall

15. choose

16. circulation

17. classifying

18. climate

19. collected data

20. communicate

21. comparing

22. composition

23. conclusion

24. conduct

25. conduction

26. construct

27. contrast

28. contributions

29. control

30. controlled investigation

31. convection

32. correlation

33. create

34. criticize

35. cultures

36. cycled

37. data

38. decade

39. decision making situations

40. defend

41. define

42. demonstrate

43. describe

44. design

45. develop

46. development

47. differentiate

48. digestion

49. discoveries

50. discriminate

51. discuss

52. display data

53. distinguish

54. distribution

55. diverse

56. double bar graph

57. dramatize

58. drought

59. duplicate

60. ecosystems

61. effects

62. electrical energy

63. elevation

64. employ

65. energy

66. environmental conditions

67. evaluate

68. examine

69. experiment

70. explain

71. flooding

72. form

73. formulate

74. function

75. generate

76. geotropism

77. graphs

78. hierarchy

79. histogram

80. hurricane

81. hydrosphere

82. hydrotropism

83. hypothesis

84. identify

85. illustrate

86. impact

87. inferring

88. influences

89. innovations

90. interactions

91. interpret

92. investigation

93. judge

94. knowledge

95. large-scale weather

96. lightning-caused fire

97. line graph

98. list

99. lithosphere

100. locate

101. location

102. locomotion

103. logical argument

104. logs

105. major

106. materials

107. measuring

108. mechanical

109. memorize

110. micrometers

111. microscopes

112. milestone

113. natural disasters

114. natural hazards

115. nonrenewable

116. nucleus

117. observing

118. ocean currents

119. ongoing process

120. operate

121. organisms

122. organizing

123. paraphrase

124. perform measurements

125. personal pronouns

126. phototropism

127. plant cell

128. predict

129. prediction

130. prevailing theories

131. probes

132. problem solving

133. procedure

134. processes

135. properties

136. qualitative information

137. quality of life

138. quantitative information

139. questioning

140. radiation

141. recall

142. recognize

143. region

144. relate

145. remember

146. renewable

147. repeat

148. report

149. representation

150. reproduce

151. resources

152. respiration

153. response

154. results

155. revolutionized

156. sandstorm

157. schedule

158. science-related careers

159. scientific

160. select

161. sequence of events

162. sketch

163. solve

164. state

165. stem and leaf plot

166. stimulus

167. structure

168. support

169. system model

170. systems

171. tables

172. technology

173. test

174. thermal

175. thermal energy

176. tool

177. tornado

178. transformed

179. translate

180. transpiration

181. trends

182. ultraviolet light

183. understand

184. use

185. value

186. variables

187. verify

188. viable methods

189. vital function

190. weather

191. write