To all of you who have helped to shape my life. To mom and dad who are my greatest inspiration. To a wife who has proven she will provide the essence of faith. To children who expect faith at the highest degree. To all the others who have helped shape my life. My brother, my cousin, my teammates, my leaders, my up-line, those I have coached, my teachers, my coaches, my pastors, my brothers and sisters in Christ.
I love you all,
About the Author
I’m a ole’ country boy, raised on a farm by loving parents that worked very hard their entire life. They taught us to work hard, that we could do anything we set our heads to do, and to love each other, God, and life. If you can relate to a country boy maybe this book will inspire you. If not, maybe it will be proof that if I can do it, you can do it easily.
I learned to work at a young age, fixing fence, tending cows, planting, and picking crops. I also found a good life, close to God, and nature, hunting, fishing, camping, horseback riding, and playing ball. Throughout my life I have played, and/or coached sports. I have won many championships in softball, semi-pro football, and rodeo.
I also learned about the job market. My first job off the farm was at a feed store at age 16. We unloaded box cars of feed, back then most feed came in 100 lb. sacks. From there I went to a paper mill working shift work. Then to a dairy running a milk route. A couple of years of college later, I got a sales job with a food brokerage selling to supermarkets. Then my career job (so I thought) selling toilet paper for a national company, where in 1981 received their award as #1 salesman in their #1 district. Ten years later they downsized and did away with their entire sales force (unemployment). I had, however prepared (I thought). I owned a janitorial company, a tire store, and a frozen drink company, I was set. Until the janitorial business company lost money, competition hurt my drink company, and the tire store had to be sold to pay the others debt. And now here I am networking, and loving it.
Why Dare to Succeed in Network Marketing?
Will you dare to succeed in network marketing, or multi-level marketing (M.L.M) as a career to end all you career searches? Take a look at the reasons why one should consider it.
Do you look at it for wealth?
Consider this, many new millionaires since 1978 have achieved their wealth by networking. It is being hailed as the next logical step in evolution of the free enterprise system. It has low risk, affordability, and unlimited income potential. It is at this writing responsible for $60 billion per year internationally and growing 10-20 percent annually. For a few hundred dollars you can make as much or more than your local fast food hamburger chain, and if I gave you that store it would require that you invest much time, and several thousand dollars before you would profit any dollars.
Do you look at it for health?
Besides the fact that many new health related products are introduced through network marketing, it has health claims to which are made by the industry. When you work for yourself you choose the amount of stress you come to bare, add this to the wealth produced by this industry, and it can take away stress, adding to your lifestyle freedom. Also it is a positive industry, so be positive, and live. God reflects his image, or spirit in each of us. What reflection do you believe he wants reflected through us, prosperity and success, or poverty and rejection? God’s favor allows at least 10 different benefits. Please accept them.
Do you look at it for wisdom?
Aristotle in 322 B.C. said, “We are what we repeatedly do”. Excellence then is not an act but a habit. Where will you be in one year if you continue without change? Is that where you want to be? Be wise. Choose to change if you need to. You’ve picked this book for a reason. Affirm to do now! Don’t second guess your decision in any way that alters the direction you choose through wisdom.
Do you look at it for freedom of time?
In the beginning, due to 80% of you starting as a part time business, you may question what I am about to write, but in time you will both visualize, and experience freedom of time. For the greatest success you will ever have in life fall compassionately in love with network marketing. It is the true American dream of owning your own business, where you choose who you will want to work with. It also will become so much a part of you that will find much of your enjoyment in the activities associated with your business, freeing your time, or maybe combining work time into free time. You will use your talents to effect people positively, to make changes in their lives for the better. By changing others lives, you will see your own life dreams, desires, happiness, and goals. Reach a fullness never before experienced.
Do I believe these things? Yes, with all my heart!!! I read a story once, and it said if you catch a man a fish you feed him for a day, but if you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime. I add to that story this...“Teach a man to teach others to fish, and you will feed a nation.” I want to teach as many as I can reach to live by my prayer which is that
“You and I may have health, wealth, wisdom, and time with which to enjoy it all, and whatever we dream, speak, begin, and seek boldly, we will achieve.”
Now boldly begin!!
Goal Setting - Boldly begin now!!
The world’s greatest success book teaches “What good is it brethren, if a man professes to have faith, and yet his actions do not correspond?” James 2:14. It is also said it is better to do something imperfectly, than to do nothing flawlessly.
Stop now take your organizer, if you have one, and write your goal for 90 days from now, then at the halfway point, 45 days, and then for each of the next 10 days. If you don’t have an organizer take a sheet of paper, and to the same, and on day 1 write buy an organizer to transfer this goal sheet onto.
You need an organizer for a couple of reasons, you will need to set your goals in bite size pieces, beginning out some 90 days, but you must know day by day what is required to reach your 90 day goal. Secondly I’m about to tell you how you will have more spending money this coming year because you have the tax advantages of owning your own small home office. Let’s just take one tax deduction, mileage, with this alone you will make money in the next 12 months that should exceed your cost to become involved in a home business. In your organizer you will need to write beginning and mileage each day with a business related reason to have a tax deduction. What do we do each day? We talk to people to find the ambitious one’s who want a home business; therefore if we go to the grocery store and recruit a person we have conducted business. If we go to work and recruit someone we have conducted business. You must record these events with names and mileage in your organizer. If you do this 1 item you will make spendable money this year. You will be able to tell all the nay sayers how profitable your business is. Just do some math: at this writing the allowable tax deduction for mileage is 40.5% per mile, for every $4.00 in allowable deduction a person in a 25% tax bracket will get back $1.00 in spendable money. Do the math, for every 10 miles you drive you throw away $1.00 unless you can deduct the mileage. Flow can I get your attention. Get $20.00 in ones and crack your window and throw out $1.00 for each 10 miles you drive. All you do is ask people for their contact info, record their info with your mileage. Ask them to look at your business that is now making you money. You don’t care if they say no, it’s still a benefit to you. The one’s that say yes are an added benefit.
1. Believe in yourself, your company, and the concept
“Faith is the evidence of things not yet seen. Where there is no vision the people perish.” Quotes again from the world’s greatest success book. You can do anything if you have faith, put fearful things aside, and have faith. Speak things into existence, through faith, and it works.
One day my children were playing in the yard. Seagee my third daughter and her friend Charity were watching Cody, my son, practicing hitting a ball. Cody was told often by me, “son you’re the greatest. You can do anything you set your head to do. You’re the greatest player in the world.” Today Cody is a great batter, but back then he might throw the ball in the air two times to hit it once. Anyway Seagee told Charity, “He’s going to be the world’s greatest player.” We watched as Cody tossed the ball in the air and struck at it. Strike one. Again. Strike two. Finally, strike three. Charity looked back at Seagee and said, “Doesn’t look like much of a player to me.” All of my children were taught to be like Thumper the rabbit in the Disney series that would say, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” I wondered how Seagee would react to the negative comment. Seagee hesitated and then to my surprise she said, “ It takes the world’s greatest pitcher to strike out the world’s greatest batter.”
Another story of faith is my Cinderella story. A young son and his older brother were raised to compete by a father who was chief of police, a man with a very good physique, very athletic, and much of a man. Through life the younger son who was weaker and frailer lost the competitions. The father would state that this couldn’t be a son out of his genes; he would criticize and condemn him. By age 10 the younger son would wet his pants at the sound of his fathers raised voice. As he grew up he held to faith that one day he would develop a physique of a man, and be able to fiend off the attacks of bullies. We know him as Mr. Universe, considered the world’s greatest body builder.
A 40 year old man earning $20.00 per week became the world’s richest man in a 20 year period, from the inspiration to mass produce automobiles. He was Henry Ford.
A man watched a cat claw at a canary in a cage, and he say a way to get cotton off the seed. He invented the cotton gin. He was Eli Whitney.
2. Some things you see with your eyes, faith must be seen with your heart.
Jesus walked on water, Peter duplicated his feet, until doubt arose in his heart and his eyes turned from Jesus to his own feet. You must have and hold faith in your heart, or you must build it. Matthew tells, Nothing is impossible to you...if you have faith...have mountains of faith in yourself, speak things not yet seen into existence, lay claim on them, and, and seeing (in your heart) yourself receiving them now... you will strive to attain them. If you ignore this section you miss your entire empowerment, and you just as well throw this book out.
Until your confidence is at a high level or to keep it at a high level, stay involved in all the functions your time will allow for you to attend. You need to be aware of the accomplishments of others in your business, keeping you in touch with the winning records, and successes of others. This helps to establish faith in your company, your products or services, and your concept. You may not at first comprehend what you have been given with this concept, but in time you will. You do own your own business. You can become successful with it, part time or full time doesn’t matter. Seek help from the company, your sponsor, and your upline. Seek help in all of these areas until you find the most active help, or the one you are most comfortable with, or relate to the best. Let them know you desire their help, be aggressive, and assertive, until you find your source of help. Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so squeak!
This is truly a rich man’s investment dream, and a poor man’s franchise. You need to know the wealthy want a way to increase their wealth. This is low investment, but has implications of great returns. Maybe the greatest dividend ever attained. The poor man can acquire the low investment to get started, and it can fulfill all of his dreams. I once heard it said, Sponsor the people beside the road who will hold “work for food” signs, if they want more out of life, and will work. They can raise the money and they can do it!
This concept is for anyone who wants more out of life than what they presently have, and are will to do something to attain it. The last half of that sentence eliminates some people. Remember to serve as much as your time allows. Christ told us to be the head was to serve. Help as many people as possible to get what they want out of life. Why, because if you help enough people get what they want in life, you will find that you attain what you want to.
This concept is like a bag of popcorn, when placed in a microwave. It starts a little at a time, and then takes off. You place a bag of popcorn in the microwave, set the timer for 2 minutes, and in 2 minutes you have a full bag of popcorn. However if you watch the start it begins slow, and at the halfway point, 1 minute, the bag is still flat, but in that second minute it explodes and fills rapidly. This concept is like that, so set your goals, and don’t be disappointed if at the median you are not halfway there, just finish hard! Plan your major growth over time.
3. Write down your dreams & goals and prioritize them
Make yourself a bold purpose statement, take it to heart share it with others, own it, believe it, see it with your heart (faith), and write it down. Have each of you downline do the same. If you passed away today, what legacy would you leave? What would you change if I gave you a gold card to use, and your doctor told you to get things in order you have about 1 month to live? You first item I hope would be to set the long term goal we all should set. What is that? Life after death? That is my long term goal, set in rock, the rock. From there work backwards, until you reach a daily goal, hourly goal, etc. Then write them down, and look at them daily.