Aboriginal Diabetes Program Funding
Information for Applicants
Diabetes has a significant impact on the health of Ontarians and is placing increasing pressures on the health care system.
• An estimated 1.386 million people in Ontario have been diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, representing 9.4% of the population and $5.6 billion in estimated direct and indirect costs to the health system. By 2020, the number of diagnoses is expected to increase by 517,000 to reach 1.9 million with $7 billion in estimated costs, representing a 37% increase.[1]
• Diabetes can lead to many complications, including cardiovascular disease, vision loss/blindness, kidney disease, nerve damage, complications with pregnancy, oral disease and depression. These conditions can contribute significantly to reduced quality of life.[2]
• Aboriginal people are generally diagnosed with diabetes at a younger age than non-Aboriginal people and Aboriginal females experience higher rates of gestational diabetes than non-Aboriginal females. Complications of diabetes are also more frequently seen among the Aboriginal population than in the non-Aboriginal population. 2
The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (“the ministry”) is inviting interested First Nations, Métis and Aboriginal organizations to submit proposals for the provision of direct diabetes services related to:
• Foot and wound care; and
• Diabetes management and prevention of diabetes related complications.
This funding may be allocated for the 2014-15 (January 1, 2015-March 31, 2015) and the 2015-16 (April 1, 2015-March 31, 2016) fiscal years. The funding can service both adult and paediatric populations.
Diabetes Services in Ontario:
Announced in June 2008, the Ontario Diabetes Strategy (ODS) is intended to expand diabetes programs and improve health and health care for Ontarians impacted by diabetes. Through the ODS, the government has built on existing investments in prevention and care initiatives at each level of the health system to build capacity, improve access and improve the quality of diabetes services and care in Ontario.
General Principles for Applications:
In addition to province-wide investments, the ODS makes specific program investments for populations at higher risk for diabetes including First Nations, Métis and Aboriginal people.
The funding from this application process will support existing or new programs and services intended to:
• Build diabetes service capacity in First Nations, Métis and Aboriginal communities, particularly related to foot and wound care, diabetes management and prevention of diabetes related complications;
• Improve access to high quality, culturally appropriate diabetes services (therefore, primarily for direct service provision); and
• Improve health outcomes for First Nations, Métis and Aboriginal communities affected by diabetes and its complications.
Organizations are encouraged to collaborate in order to address community needs and may submit applications alone or in partnership with other organizations[3].
Application Process:
Note: In order for an application to be considered for selection for funding, the application must include confirmation that the organization is a valid legal entity.
1. Contact Information
Organization Information and Primary Contact: The information for the applicant organization/legal name and primary program contact.
Applicant Organization/Legal NameAddress
Postal Code
Salutation (Mr./Ms./Mrs./Miss/Dr.)
Position / Title
General Phone Number
Finance Contact: The person who is the main contact for financial information, if different from the information provided above.
Salutation (Mr./Ms./Mrs./Miss/Dr.)Name
Position / Title
Phone Number and Extension
Executive Contact: The Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director/President of the applicant organization.
Position / Title
Phone Number and Extension
Board Contact: The Board Chair (or equivalent) of the applicant organization.
Salutation (Mr./Ms./Mrs./Miss/Dr.)Name
Position / Title
Phone Number and Extension
2. Collaborating Partners (if applicable)
List the organizations that will partner with your organization. Describe their proposed role(s) and contribution(s). Please add rows if required.
Partner Organization Name / Partner Address and Contact Information / Partner Role and Contribution /3. Diabetes Services Requirements
(i) Evidence of the need for diabetes services within your community:
· Describe specific population health characteristics of your community;
· Indicate the diabetes services that are available to serve your community; and
· Where there are gaps in diabetes service provision and indicate how your community could benefit from this funding.
(ii) Evidence of the organization’s capacity to serve individuals with diabetes:
Please describe and provide two examples of how the organization has served individuals with diabetes. Please include information on the following for each example:
· Name of the initiative
· Start date/End date
· Key focus of the initiative
· Target Groups
· Deliverables
· Outcomes/Evaluation process
4. Service Description:
Please describe the programs/services/activities that the organization will deliver from January 1, 2015- March 31, 2016. An example is provided below. Applicants may use a chart or a descriptive format. Please ensure that all aspects of the program as noted below are addressed.
Describe the:
· Goal of the proposed diabetes programs/services/activities that your organization will carry out with this funding;
· Proposed activities that your organization will carry out with this funding in order to meet this goal;
· Catchment area or reach for the proposed programs/services/activities;
· Proposed staffing including the roles and responsibilities for each health care provider/team member;
· Anticipated targets;
· Expected outcomes.
Item / Description /Goal / To improve access to foot care services for First Nations, Métis and Aboriginal populations in order to prevent foot ulcers and amputations.
Activities / Outreach foot care services provided 4 times per month throughout the fiscal year to communities in the Greater Sudbury area. Clients will receive education regarding foot care and have their feet examined by a foot care specialist.
Catchment area / Greater Sudbury area. Communities include: …..
Staffing / 1 chiropodist/foot care nurse (RN) :
· Provide foot care education to clients.
· Conduct client foot examinations.
· Conduct referrals to health care professionals, diabetes education programs, as appropriate.
0.1 administrative assistant:
· Arrange visits with communities.
· Assist with ministry reporting requirements.
Anticipated Targets / 250 new clients and 100 existing clients in the 2015-16 fiscal year
Expected Outcomes / · Clients have increased awareness regarding how to care for their feet as demonstrated by a client survey.
· Clients have increased awareness regarding services available in their community as demonstrated by a client survey.
· Clients are satisfied with the services provided as demonstrated through client surveys.
· Decrease in the number of diabetes related amputations in the communities served.
5. Budget:
Applicants must include a detailed budget from January 1, 2015 - March 31, 2015 and April 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016 in Excel format that includes all costs using the template provided. Please only complete the highlighted sections of the budget template. The template includes human resources costs, operating expenses, and any one-time non-recurring expenses that may be incurred.
Please note that the Ontario Public Service Travel Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive will apply to successful applicants (http://www.ontario.ca/government/travel-meal-and-hospitality-expenses-directive-2010).
6. Instructions for Applicants:
(i) Applicants are encouraged to answer each of the questions clearly, completely and concisely (please do not exceed 10 pages, single spaced).
(ii) Affix any supporting or additional documentation in clearly defined appendices at the end of the application.
(iii) Applications must be received by the ministry no later than November 14, 2014.
(iv) Please direct general questions regarding the application process to by November 10, 2014. The ministry will not address questions regarding individual applications.
(v) Please send completed proposals in Word and Excel formats to or in hard copy by mail to:
Ontario Diabetes Strategy
Implementation Branch
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
1075 Bay Street, 10th Floor
Toronto ON M5S 2B1
Greater Toronto Area Telephone: (416) 212-1741
Toll-Free: 1-877-830-1808
7. Selection Criteria:
The following criteria will assist the ministry in assessing applications.
(i) Clarity in the identification of the clients and region to be served, ability to reach the target population, provision of services that will improve diabetes management in First Nations, Métis and Aboriginal communities, and the ability to evaluate outcomes of these services.
(ii) Demonstrated knowledge and experience in providing or administering diabetes and chronic disease prevention and management services.
(iii) Demonstrated organizational capacity and infrastructure to support program operations and accountability reporting.
(iv) Overall completeness of the application and evidence of the organization’s capacity and commitment to implement the proposed services.
Successful applicants will enter into a transfer payment agreement with the ministry which will contain the terms and conditions governing the funding, including a detailed description of services, budget, payment plan and reporting requirements.
Note: The ministry retains the right to change the terms of the application process, or to choose not to move forward with the selection of successful applicants at any point in the process.
By submitting applications, applicants acknowledge that this is not a procurement/tender and is instead an application for grant funding from the ministry. Determination of the successful applicants for funding, if any, shall be made at the ministry's sole and absolute discretion.
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[1] Based on 2013 Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA) estimates for Ontario.
[2] Public Health Agency of Canada (2011). Diabetes in Canada, Facts and Figures from a Public Health Perspective.
[3] If submitting in partnership with other organizations, one organization should be identified as the lead transfer payment
recipient to manage the funding if awarded.